Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication Sort ascending | Year | Geography | Website |
Nickels, S., C. Furgal, M. Buell, and H. Moquin, 2005: Unikkaaqatigiit: Putting the Human Face on Climate Change: Perspectives from Inuit in Canada. 129 pp., Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Nasivvik Centre for Inuit Health and Changing Environments at Université Laval and the Ajunnginiq Centre at the National Aboriginal Health Organization, Ottawa.URL ↩ Categories: Climate change, Inuit, Canada, tribe, indigenous |
2005 | Canada, Arctic | Link |
Nicholson, B. 2017. Dakota Access review to re-examine impact on tribe. WKOW. Categories: DAPL, Dakota Access pipeline, fossil fuels, oil industry, Standing Rock Sioux, environmental justice, social justice, Native rights, treaty rights, community health, human health, self-determination, self-governance, sovereignty |
2017 | North Dakota, Illinois, United States | Link |
Newcomb, S. T., 2008: Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery. Fulcrum Publishing, 216 pp. URL ↩ Categories: U.S. federal Indian law, Indian policy, cognitive theory, Race relations, Religion, tribe, indigenous |
2008 | United States | |
New York Times. 2015. The Road to a Paris Climate Deal: What Climate Change Looks Like. Categories: Sea Level Rise, Water Quality, Snow Melt, Coral Bleaching, Bark Beetles, Ocean Acidification |
2015. | National, International | Link |
Nelson, C. (2013) The polar bear in the room: diseases of poverty in the Arctic. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 72:417-429 Categories: Arctic, poverty, circumpolar, Disease, tribe, indigenous |
2013 | Arctic | Link |
Navajo Nation Department of Water Resources, 2011: Draft Water Resource Development Strategy for the Navajo Nation. 135 pp., Navajo Nation Department of Water Resources, Fort Defiance, AZ. URL ↩ Categories: Navajo Nation, Water Resources, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Southwest | |
Native News Online Categories: government, tribal, relations |
2019 | U.S. | Link |
Native Americans Adapting to Changes in What-Grows-Where. YCC. 2016. | 2016 | National | Link |
National Wildlife Federation (2011) Facing the Storm: Indian Tribes, Climate-Induced Weather Extremes, and the Future for Indian Country. National Wildlife Federation Rocky Mountain Research Center, Boulder, Colorado, 28p. Categories: Adaptation, Climate change, Government-Tribal impacts, National Wildlife Federation, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | ||
National Tribal Air Association. [N.d.]. Analysis of the EPA's Final Clean Power Plan, NTAA Comments and Final Rule Outcomes. Categories: Air Quality, EPA, Clean Power, Fracking, Nuclear Energy, Solar Energy, Biomass, |
2015 | National | Link |
National Health Board Categories: IPCC, temperatures, climate change, oceans, coral reefs |
2019 | Oceans | Link |
National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. 2016. A Review of the Landscape Conservation Coopeartives. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. Categories: Review, Landscape Conservation Cooperatives |
2016 | National | Link |
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2017. Protecting the Health and Well-Being of Communities in a Changing Climate: Proceedings of a Workshop—in Brief. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Categories: health and medicine, public health, prevention, environment, environment health and safety, climate change |
2017 | Link | |
Nathan Gilles. 2016. A World Aflame. Oregon Quarterly. Categories: Climate Impacts, Wildfire, Tribal Adaptation |
2016 | Northwest | Link |
NASA Earth Observatory, 2012: Visualizing the 2012 Sea Ice Minimum. NASA Earth Observatory, EOS Project Science Office, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. URL ↩ Categories: sea ice, Climate change |
2012 | Web article | Link |
Nania J. and K. Cozzetto et al. 2014. Considerations for climate change and variability adaptation on the Navajo Nation. Categories: Adaptation, Drought, adaptive capacity, Risk Assessment, variability, tribe, indigenous |
2014 | Navajo Nation, Southwest | Link |
Nakashima, D.J., Galloway McLean, K., Thulstrup, H.D., Ramos Castillo, A. and Rubis, J.T. 2012. Weathering Uncertainty: Traditional Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation. Paris, UNESCO, and Darwin, UNU, 10 pp. Categories: Resiliance, vulnerability, Traditional Knowledge, Adaptation, Climate change, indigenous peoples, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Global | Link |
n.a. 2017. Standing Rock's fight against Dakota pipeline not over as tribe plans for fossil-free future. Green Left Weekly. Categories: Standing rock, pipeline, legislation, lawsuit, climate change, policy, planning, fossil fuels, pollution |
2017 | North Dakota | Link |
n.a. 2017. Prof. Rebecca Tsosie: Current Issues in Intellectual Property Rights to Cultural Resources. Native American Rights Fund. Categories: United Nations, UNDRIP, Indigenous rights, intellectual property, TEK, cultural practices, traditions, legislation, policy |
2017 | International, Global, United States | Link |
n.a. 2017. New Report Reveals Bank Policies Fail to Respond to Climate Risks. Commondreams. Categories: climate change, financial assistance, insurance, lending, loans, fossil fuels, finance, energy, greenhouse gas, coal |
2017 | United States, National | Link |
n.a. 2017. Climate change drove population decline in New World before Europeans arrived. Phys Org. Categories: climate change, climate science, ancient climate, colonization, settlement, past projections, |
2017 | North America, Minnesota, Great Plains, Midwest | Link |
n.a. 2016. Indigenous women in Peru combat climate change and boost economy. UN Women. Categories: climate change, Native women, Indigeneity, adaptation, TEK, ancestral practices, tradition, agriculture, economy, management, planning, social justice, gender equality, food justice |
2016 | Peru | Link |
n.a. 2016. Climate and Health Fact Sheets. North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies. EPA Categories: climate change, human health, environmental health, air quality, wildfire risk, water quality, environmental justice, indigenous, disability, pregnancy, |
2016 | National | Link |
Mustonen, T.; Van Dam, B. Climate Change and Unalakleet: A Deep Analysis. Sustainability 2021, 13, 9971. Categories: Indigenous knowledge, Alaska |
2021 | Alaska | |
Murphy, M. 2013. Chemical infrastructures of the St. Clair River. In: Boudia, S.; Jas, N., eds. Toxicants, Health and Regulation since 1945. London: Pickering & Chatto Publishers. Categories: Oil and gas industry, Chemical Valley, St. Clair River, Chemical Infrastructure, Contamination, Health, tribe, indigenous |
2013 | Northeast, Midwest | |
Munson, S.M., Bunting, E.L., Bradford, J.B. et al. Ecosystems (2018). Categories: drought, climate change, plant production, precipitation, ecosystem health, remote sensing |
2018 | Southwest | Link |
Mundahl, E. 2017. Tribes’ Statement on Paris Agreement Shows Limits of Tribal Authority. Categories: climate change, paris climate agreement, Trump Administration, sovereignty, self-determination, self-governance, limited authority, social justice, environmental justice |
2017 | National, United States | Link |
Mulkern, Anne C. “Taller Plants Moving into Arctic Because of Climate Change.” Scientific American, 21 Sept. 2018, Categories: climate change, sea level rise, planning, adaptation |
2018 | California | Link |
Muir, J.D., (1911) My First Summer in the Sierra. Copyright 2008,, 120 p. | 2008 | ||
Muhlfeld CC, Kovach RP, Al-Chokhachy R, et al. In press. Legacy introductions and climatic variation explain spatiotemporal patterns of invasive hybridization in a native trout. Global Change Biology 00:1–11. Categories: climate change, mitigation, adaptation, fisheries, salmon, salmonid, restoration, habitat, hybrid, threatened |
2017 | Western U.S. | Link |
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