Vinyeta, Kirsten and Kathy Lynn. 2015. Strengthening the Federal-Tribal Relationship: A Report on Monitoring Consultation under the Northwest Forest Plan. Report Submitted as part of Northwest Forest Plan 20 Year Reports. FS/R6/PNW/2015/0005.

Vinyeta, Kirsten and Kathy Lynn. 2015. Strengthening the Federal-Tribal Relationship: A Report on Monitoring Consultation under the Northwest Forest Plan. Report Submitted as part of Northwest Forest Plan 20 Year Reports. FS/R6/PNW/2015/0005.
Year Published

2014 marks the 20th year since the institution of the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP). This 20-year monitoring report presents the findings from the third monitoring effort assessing federal-tribal relationship under the NWFP. This report relied on input from tribal staff regarding the effectiveness of current consultation practices by federal agencies regarding the NWFP, and more broadly.
