
Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.

Publication Year Geography Website
Butsic, V.; Kelly, M.; Moritz, M.A. Land Use and Wildfire: A Review of Local Interactions and Teleconnections. Land 2015, 4, 140-156.

Categories: wildfire, land use, fire management

2015 California, American West Link
Peterson, D. L., McCaffrey, S. M., Patel-Weynand, T. (Eds.). (2022). Wildland Fire Smoke in the United States. Springer Cham

Categories: fire management, smoke, resource book, social issues

2022 National Link
Nursey-Bray, M., Palmer, R., Chischilly, A.M., Rist, P., Yin, L. (2022). Tribal Capacity Building and Adaptation Planning: The United States. In: Old Ways for New Days. SpringerBriefs in Climate Studies. Springer, Cham.

Categories: tribal adaptation plan, climate change, ITEP Tribal Climate Change Program, mitigation, education

2022 National Link
"Community Master Planning and Program Development for the Isle de Jean Charles Resettlement: Phase 2 Report." PDF. 21 July 2021.

Categories: literature, hazard mitigation, community

2021 Louisiana Link
Vinyeta, Kirsten and Whyte, Kyle Powys and Lynn, Kathy, Indigenous Masculinities in a Changing Climate: Vulnerability and Resilience in the United States (June 24, 2016). Men, Masculinities and Disaster. 2016. Edited by Elaine Enarson, Bob Pease. Routledge: Chapter 12, Available at SSRN:

Categories: Climate change, Indigenous peoples, feminism, gender, vulnerability, climate justice

2016 National Link
Climate and Traditional Knowledges Workgroup (CTKW). 2014. Guidelines for Considering Traditional Knowledges in Climate Change Initiatives.

Categories: traditional knowledges, climate change initiatives, resource, informational framework

2014 National, Pacific Northwest Link
Clifford, K.R., Goolsby, J.B., Cravens, A.E., and Cooper, A.E., 2022, Rapidly assessing social characteristics of drought preparedness and decision making: A guide for practitioners: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 17-A1, 41 p.,

Categories: drought, researcher guide, social dimensions, examples

2022 National Link
The White House, December 2022. "Building a Clean Energy Economy: A Guidebook to the Inflation Reduction Act’s Investments in Clean Energy and Climate Action."

Categories: funding, inflation reduction act, IRA, energy

2022 National Link
Fleishman, E., editor. 2023. Sixth Oregon Climate Assessment. Oregon Climate Change Research Institute, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon.

Categories: climate assessment, research, Tribal climate resilience

2023 Oregon Link
Dent, L.A., Donatuto, J., Campbell, L. et al. Incorporating Indigenous voices in regional climate change adaptation: opportunities and challenges in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Climatic Change 176, 27 (2023).

Categories: adaptation, equity

2023 United States, Northwest Link
Chang, M., Kennard, H., Nelson, L., Wrubel, K., Gagnon, S., Monette, R., & Ledford, J. (2020). Makah Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Resource Assessment: A preliminary framework to utilize traditional knowledge in climate change planning. Parks Stewardship Forum, 36(1).

Categories: Traditional knowledges

2020 Northwest Link
Andrea J. Reid, Nathan Young, Scott G. Hinch, and Steven J. Cooke (2022) Learning from Indigenous knowledge holders on the state and future of wild Pacific salmon. FACETS. 7(): 718-740.

Categories: Indigenous knowledges

2022 Link
Pearson, J., Jackson, G., & McNamara, K. E. (2021). Climate-driven losses to Indigenous and local knowledge and cultural heritage. The Anthropocene Review, 0(0). 2021 Link
Kenney, C., Phibbs, S. (2021). Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: Situating Culture, Identity, and Place in Climate Change Risk Mitigation and Resilience. In: Luetz, J.M., Ayal, D. (eds) Handbook of Climate Change Management. Springer, Cham.

Categories: Disaster risk reduction, adaptation, Indigenous knowledges

2021 Global Link
Edwin Ogar, Gretta Pecl, Tero Mustonen (2020) Science Must Embrace Traditional and Indigenous Knowledge to Solve Our Biodiversity Crisis, One Earth Vol 3, 162-165,

Categories: biodiversity, indigenous knowledge

2020 Global Link
Fernández-Llamazares, Á., Lepofsky, D., Lertzman, K., Armstrong, C. G., Brondizio, E. S., Gavin, M. C., Lyver, B., Nicholas, G. P., Reo, N. J., Reyes-García, V., Turner, N. J., Yletyinen, J., Anderson, E. N., Balée, W., Cariño, J., David-Chavez, D. M., Dunn, C. P., Garnett, S. C., Kuhnlein, H., . . . Vaughan, M. B. (2023). Scientists' Warning to Humanity on Threats to Indigenous and Local Knowledge Systems. Journal of Ethnobiology.

Categories: Indigenous knowledge

2023 Global Link
Hosen, N , Nakamura, H (2020). Local Knowledge for Global Actions: The role of traditional ecological knowledge in climate change adaptation. Environment Behavour Proceedings Journal.

Categories: Indigenous knowledge, traditional ecological knowledge, climate change

2020 Global Link
Annie Doubleday, Nicole A. Errett, Kristie L. Ebi, and Jeremy J. Hess, 2020:Indicators to Guide and Monitor Climate Change Adaptation in the US Pacific Northwest American Journal of Public Health 110, 180_188,

Categories: Health, climate change

2020 Northwest Link
Blakeney, M. (2020). Local Knowledge and Climate Change Adaptation. In: Blakeney, M., Siddique, K. (eds) Local Knowledge, Intellectual Property and Agricultural Innovation. Springer, Singapore.

Categories: climate change, adaptation, Indigenous knowledge, agriculture

2020 Link
Cottrell, Clifton. (2022) Avoiding a new era in biopiracy: Including indigenous and local knowledge in nature-based solutions to climate change. Elsevier. Environmental Science & Policy. Vol 135 p. 162-168.

Categories: Climate Change, Indigenous knowledge, Adaptation, nature-based solutions

2022 Link
William I Atlas and others, Indigenous Systems of Management for Culturally and Ecologically Resilient Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) Fisheries, BioScience, Volume 71, Issue 2, February 2021, Pages 186–204,

Categories: Indigenous Knowledge, Stewarding Practices, Social-ecological systems, Governance, Fishing Practices

2021 Link
Mustonen, T.; Van Dam, B. Climate Change and Unalakleet: A Deep Analysis. Sustainability 2021, 13, 9971.

Categories: Indigenous knowledge, Alaska

2021 Alaska
Carmen D. Massey, Josie V. Vayro & Courtney W. Mason (2021) Conservation Values and Actor Networks that Shape the Adams River Salmon Run in Tsútswecw Provincial Park, British Columbia, Society & Natural Resources, 34:9, 1174-1193, DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2021.1946225

Categories: Conservation; Salmon Populaiton Decline; Salmon Run; Sustainability

Canada, British Columbia Link