The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project. For more information, visit: If you would like to add to or amend information included in this guide, please complete this Google Form. If you have additions or suggestions for this website, please email



The Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide is intended to provide up-to-date information on grants, programs and plans that may assist tribes in addressing climate change through a broad range of sectors. We will update this guide regularly, so please check back often. If you have questions or updates for this guide, email: Please note that for entries that are accepting applications continuously, the grant deadline column will list "12/31/2024" as the grant deadline. This ensures that those grants will appear immediately after those grants with a set deadline.

Title Organization Grant Deadline Description Funding Amount Geography Website
Bureau of Land Management Headquarters (HQ) Wildlife Program DOI, BLM

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: April 3, 2023. The Bureau of Land Management Headquarters (HQ) Wildlife Program is focused on ensuring self-sustaining populations and a natural abundance and diversity of wildlife on public lands for the enjoyment and use of present and future generations. The program is responsible for managing habitats for wildlife species that depend on public lands for all or part of their life cycle. Program activities address habitat maintenance, restoration, and species conservation in cooperation with federal, state, Tribal governments, private landowners, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The HQ Wildlife Program works with partners and cooperating agencies/governments to align efforts to manage priority habitats and species, identify and implement strategies that promote building resiliency to climate change and environmental stressors, including drought; wild land fire; unusual weather events; and insects/disease.

Categories: wildlife, habitat restoration, hazard mitigation, climate resiliency, drought, wildfire, conservation, IRA

$25,000 - $1,500,000 National Link
Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act DOI, FWS

Deadline for 2018 passed 1/8/2018. Deadline for 2019 unknown. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service requests interested entities to submit restoration, research and Regional project proposals for the restoration of Great Lakes fish and wildlife resources. The purpose of the Act is to provide assistance to States, Indian Tribes, and other interested entities to encourage cooperative conservation, restoration and management of the fish and wildlife resources and their habitats in the Great Lakes Basin.

Categories: Wildlife, Water, Research, Natural Resources, Conservation, Coastal

$2,300-$1,200,000 Great Lakes, Midwest, Northeast Link
Women and Minorities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Fields Program (WAMS) USDA

Deadline Passed 2/24/2020. Deadline Unknown for 2021. The purpose of this program is to support research, education/teaching, and extension projects that increase participation by women and underrepresented minorities from rural areas in STEM. NIFA intends this program to address educational needs within broadly defined areas of food, agriculture, natural resources, and human (FANH) sciences. WAMS-funded projects improve the economic health and viability of rural communities by developing research and extension initiatives that focus on new and emerging employment opportunities in STEM occupations.

Categories: women, minorities, STEM, rural, food security, sustainability, agriculture, natural resources, education, economic health

Up to $400,000 National Link
Wood Innovations Funding Opportunity USDA Forest Service

Deadline Passed. Most recent deadline: March 23, 2023. The Wood Innovations Grant Program, launched in 2015, stimulates, expands, and supports U.S. wood products markets and wood energy markets to support the long-term management of National Forest System and other forest lands. National focus areas include mass timber, renewable wood energy, and technological development that supports hazardous fuel reduction and sustainable forest management Read the funding announcement here.

Categories: wood energy, wood products, hazardous fuels reduction, forest health, forest management, economic health, environmental health

The maximum for each award is $300,000. National Link
Climate Ready Workforce for Coastal and Great Lakes States, Tribes, and Territories Initiative NOAA Climate Program Office, Sea Grant

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: November 30, 2023. Full Proposals due: February 13, 2024. Sea Grant and the NOAA Climate Program Office, with support from the NOAA Office for Coastal Management, seek to establish programs aimed at placing people across the country into good jobs that advance climate resilience and assisting employers in developing a 21st century workforce that is climate literate, informed by climate resilience, and skilled at addressing consequent challenges. NOAA will assist communities in coastal and Great Lakes states and territories so they may form partnerships that train workers and place them into jobs that enhance climate resilience. NOAA envisions making between 10-20 awards under this competition, at amounts ranging from $500,000-$10 million each. NOAA expects projects to range in duration from 24 months to 48 months, beginning no earlier than August 1, 2024. Resources from NOAA’s Climate Program Office, Office for Coastal Management, and National Sea Grant Office and its partners will be available to provide technical assistance to applicants and recipients to support these innovative efforts.

Categories: workforce development, community, technical assistance, clean jobs

$500,000-$10 million Coastal Link
FY18 Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training (EWJDT) Grants Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Deadline Passes December 15, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits proposals from eligible entities, including nonprofit organizations, to deliver Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training programs that recruit, train, and place local, unemployed and under-employed residents with the skills needed to secure full-time employment in the environmental field. Please note that eligible entities who received an EWDJT grant in Fiscal Year 2017 (FY17) are not eligible to apply for funding in FY18. While Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grants require training in brownfield assessment and/or cleanup, these grants also require that Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) training be provided to all individuals being trained. EPA encourages applicants to develop their curricula based on local labor market assessments and employers’ hiring needs, while also delivering comprehensive training that results in graduates securing multiple certifications.

Categories: workforce development, job training, environmental, hazardous and solid waste management, water quality improvement, chemical safety, pesticide management

The total funding available under this competitive opportunity is approximately $3,000,000, subject to availability of funds, quality of proposals received, and other applicable considerations for FY18. National Link
Tribal Training and Outreach Support for the American Indian Air Quality Training Program EPA, AIAQTP, R&IEL

Grant deadline unknown for 2016. This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications from eligible entities to provide tribal training, technical and outreach support for the American Indian Air Quality Training Program. The American Indian Air Quality Training Program (AIAQTP) provides workshop training, internships and technical support to tribal governments seeking to investigate, develop and establish air quality management programs for lands under their jurisdiction and provides opportunity for American Indian students to pursue environmental careers in the field of air quality management. The Tribal Air Monitoring Support Center is a component of the AIAQTP, and is a partnership effort between the selected grant recipient and EPA’s Office of Air and Radiation, hosted by the Radiation and Indoor Environments National (R&IEL) laboratory in Las Vegas, to provide a full spectrum of technical support to tribes undertaking air quality monitoring and related activities.

Categories: workshop training, technical support, internships, Air Quality

Up to $1,600,000 National, Las Vegas Link
Engaging Colorado Front Range Youth and Local Communities at Rocky Mountain National Park through Conservation Projects DOI, NPS

Deadline Passed 05/30/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019.  FOA#: P18AS00074. The principal purpose of the resulting agreements is to educate youth, promote community engagement, and cultivate the next generation of conservation professionals to promote a stewardship legacy at Rocky Mountain National Park. The project will provide opportunities for under-represented youth to learn about the environment by spending time working on conservation projects such as trail rehabilitation, historic rock wall repairs, conducting invasive plant removal, designing visitor wayside exhibits and trailhead information kiosks in the National Parks. The National Park Service will promote the public purpose of the agreement by engaging young adults in community-based work and offering internships and training, all of which provide exposure to the importance of parks and the conservation of our public lands. In the process, participants will add value to NPS by helping our staff and partners cultivate strong relationships with the youth and emerging adult demographics as project participants in our community-based projects. This agreement serves a public purpose by promoting and stimulating education, job training, development of responsible citizenship, productive community involvement, and furthering the understanding, appreciation, and conservation of our National natural and cultural resources. The projects awarded under this cooperative agreement will motivate youth and young adults to be involved with the natural, cultural and historical resource protection of their communities and would restore trust with the local communities.

Categories: youth, engagement, conservation, stewardship, education, community

$10,000-$350,000 Colorado Link
Yukon River Salmon Research and Management Assistance FY 2019 FWS

Deadline Passed 01/04/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) receives funds for implementation of the Yukon River Salmon Agreement with Canada which was reached in March 2001. The Yukon River Salmon Agreement of 2000 authorizes funds for implementation of the Agreement including funds for cooperative research and management projects on the Alaska portion of the Yukon River. The Service administers these funds through financial assistance on a competitive basis for projects/studies/events that advance the scientific community's and public's understanding of the biology and management of Chinook and chum salmon in the Yukon River of Alaska. This funding opportunity is a request for conceptual project proposals of one year in length addressing the needs of the priority Categories and Factors listed in the full announcement. Applicants are strongly encouraged to develop projects that incorporate local capacity with members of Yukon River communities in which they may be working. Coordinating projects with state and federal regulatory agencies is also recommended, but not mandatory.

Categories: Yukon River, salmon, research, management

$2,000-$120,000 Alaska, Yukon River Link