Adaptation Plans
Tribes throughout the United States are developing and implementing tribal climate change adaptation plans and climate vulnerability assessments. Search this list for examples of tribal climate change adaptation plans, as well as other plans and planning resources that may be useful reference guides.
Title | Year Sort ascending | Description | Geography | Website |
Coeur d'Alene Tribe Climate Impact Assessment | 2023 | The purpose of this assessment is to provide a broad overview of the most current science on climate change and its anticipated impacts on the resources of the Coeur d’Alene Tribe, with a primary focus on the Coeur d’Alene Reservation. In addition to overall projected changes to temperature and precipitation patterns, the assessment also looks at specific sectors, including economy and workforce, food and agriculture, housing, environment, health and public safety, and facilities and infrastructure. The compiled information is intended to provide a foundation for community-level planning for climate planning and adaptation. Categories: impact assessment, climate change, economy, housing, natural resources, community health, land, water, infrastructure, fisheries |
Idaho, Northwest US | Link |
Adapting to a Changing Climate: Sicangu Lakota Oyate | 2022 | To build this plan, the Rosebud Sioux assessed the climate crisis and its impacts on their community by incorporating the knowledge of elders, traditional knowledge, and climate data. This knowledge was used to identify priority actions the community can take, which fell into three categories: protecting the Oyate (community) by establishing a permanent tribal department and enhancing tribal capacity to protect life and property; protecting and wisely using water by adopting and implementing new adaptation and mitigation plans; and protecting the land and living relatives by establishing a Sicangu Climate Center to hold and manage knowledge about the Oyate, their relatives, and the changing climate, and use this knowledge to support the Oyate. Categories: climate adaptation, resilience, water, mitigation, community, habitat management |
North Central U.S., South Dakota | Link |
Climate Adaptation and Action Plan, Ocean and Coastal Management Plan for the Norton Bay Watershed, Alaska | 2021, 2013 | Adaption plan for the Norton Bay Watershed is the result of a year of community team effort, bringing in an array of stakeholders and expertise, building partnerships, extensive information gathering, critical thinking, and engaged planning. Norton Bay Inter-Tribal Watershed Council, 2013. Download a PDF of the plan by clicking here.More recently in 2021, Norton Bay Watershed came out with the Ocean and Coastal Management Plan (NBWOCMP): Protecting the Watershed's Subsistence Culture & Resources. Download a PDF of the plan by clicking here. Categories: Tribal, Adaptation Plan, Ocean and Coastal Management Plan |
Alaska | Link |
Adapting to Climate Change in the Middle Kuskokwim | 2021 | A collaborative effort by the communities of Lower Kalskag, Upper Kalskag, Aniak, Chuathbaluk, Napaimute, Crooked Creek, Georgetown, Red Devil, Sleetmute, and Stony River. This document includes the collaboration from Middle Kuskokwim residents on vulnerability assessments and adaptation plans. The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) was contracted to complete this document after the completion of the Georgetown Vulnerability Assessment, which was made possible from a Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Resiliency Program Grant. To download a PDF of the plan, click here. Categories: climate assessment, climate change, adaptation, vulnerability assessment |
Alaska | Link |
Forest and Water Climate Adaptation: A Plan for the Nisqually Watershed | 2020, 2014 | The Nisqually River Basin is a vital part of the Washington landscape. Nestled between Tacoma and Olympia, it is the traditional home of the Nisqually Indian Tribe, and contains the small towns of Ashford, Elbe, Mineral, Eatonville, Yelm, Roy and McKenna. Despite close proximity to urban centers, the watershed remains in good environmental condition. Nearly 80% of the Nisqually River’s riparian areas are under permanent protection. It is also the only river in the United States to have its headwaters protected by a national park (Mount Rainier National Park) and its estuary protected by a national wildlife refuge (Nisqually National Wildlife Refuge). Community members place a strong priority on protecting valuable natural resources as shown by continued native salmon runs, 300,000 acres of forestland and high quality water. To dowload a PDF of the plan, click here.To read about and download a PDF of the 2020 third update of The Nisqually Watershed Stewardship Plan, click here. Categories: adaption, watershed, mitigation, river, basin, wildlife, stewardship |
Washington, Nisqually Watershed | Link |
Ute Mountain Climate Action Plan | 2020 | The information in this Climate Action Plan represents an important step in protecting the health and livelihoods of the community members in the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe. The Tribe collaborated with Colorado State University and recieved funding from the BIA to develop the Climate Action Plan. An Adaption Planning Working Group was formed and focused on six planning areas including health and livelihoods, water resources, water ecosystems, rangelands and forests, terrestrial and aquatic wildlife, and energy. The plan proposes specific actions and funding sources for each area. This information is located in Section 5. The Climate Action Plan work is a testament to the determination of the Tribe to work towards climate resiliency. To download a PDF of the plan, click here. Categories: Adaptation plan, Human Health and Livelihoods, Tourism, Agriculture, Food Security, Air Quality, Water Resources, Riparian and Wetland Systems, Rangelands, Forest Health, Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife, Energy, Greenhouse Gas Reduction |
Southwest, Rocky Mountains | Link |
Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe Hazard Mitigation Plan | 2020 | The Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe initiated a pilot study to assess the impacts of anticipated climate changes to both tribal infrastructure and the Sauk river ecosystem that supports fish and wildlife critical to the tribe. The Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe’s homeland encompasses a broad area including the Sauk and Cascade River watersheds in northwestern Washington. The Tribe wanted to know whether the warming climate could worsen flood and erosion risks, and whether changes could adversely impact salmon habitat. This report focuses on flood an erosion risks and how they may be impacted by climate change. The objectives of this report are to: (1) describe the hydrology and geomorphology the Sauk River near the reservation, (2) evaluate available information on potential for climate change to affect future flood flows in the Sauk River basin, (2) document historical changes in river channel and floodplain characteristics of the Sauk-Suiattle Reach, and (3) evaluate the near-term and future threats to tribal infrastructure posed by Sauk River streambank erosion and flooding. To download a PDF of the 2014 Flood and Erosion Hazard Assessment for the Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe Phase 1 Report for the Sauk River Climate Impacts Study, click here.To download a PDF of the 2020 Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, click here. Categories: Assessment, climate change, planning, infrastructure, erosion, flood, habitat, hazard mitigation |
Northwestern Washington | Link |
Climate Adaptation Plan, Climate Action Plan for the Territories of the Yakama Nation | 2019, 2016 | The Yakama Nation Tribal Council directs all of our community and natural resource programs to carefully assess the vulnerabilities and risks identified in this Climate Adaptation Plan over the next year. In many cases, these considerations will go beyond our reservation lands and necessitate an evaluation of resources throughout the territories of the Yakama Nation. We also direct our programs to prepare and present recommendations for addressing the vulnerabilities and risks—actions that will rebuild resilience and durability within these resources for generations to come. These assessments and recommendations are not intended to be comprehensive, but they represent a substantial beginning on a long path forward. Download a link to the PDF by clicking here.Additionally, the Climate Action Plan for the Territories of the Yakama Nation of 2019 is available to download as a PDF here. Categories: climate change, adaptation, planning, action |
Northwest | Link |
Shoalwater Bay Tribe Tribal Hazard Mitigation Plan | 2019, 2014 | The Disaster Mitigation Act (DMA; Public Law 106-390) is the latest federal legislation enacted to encourage and promote proactive, pre-disaster planning as a condition of receiving financial assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Act. The DMA emphasizes planning for disasters before they occur. Under the DMA, a pre-disaster hazard mitigation program and new requirements for the national post-disaster hazard mitigation grant program were established. Categories: adaption, management, mitigation |
Washington | Link |
Shinnecock Indian Nation Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Action Plan | 2019, 2013 | The Shinnecock Environmental Department and the Natural Resource Committee had begun researching climate change, and particularly the impacts on surface water and ocean acidification, because of tribal shellfish cultivation. The next large concern was the increasing shoreline erosion, which is contributing to the loss of trees. The staff began researching other climate change issues that were impacting the region as well. Climate change is included in the Shinnecock Nation’s strategic plan.To download a PDF of the most recent, 2019, Climate Vulnerability Assessment and Action Plan, click here.To download a PDF of the 2013 Shinnecock Indian Nation Climate Change Adaptation Plan, click here. Categories: climate change, adaptation, mitigation, TEK, tradition, resources, marine resources, conservation, management, planning, policy, vulnerability assessment, action plan |
New York, Northeast | Link |
Karuk Climate Adaptation Plan | 2019 | "Within Karuk Aboriginal Territory on the mid Klamath, the effects of climate change including changes in precipitation patterns, decreased snowpack increasing droughts, increasing frequency and severity of wildfires, and disease and pest outbreaks are immediate and occuring now." To download a PDF of the plan, click here. Categories: tribal adaptation plan, climate change, management, restoration, traditional knowledges |
Northern California | Link |
Samish Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Planning Framework | 2019 | The Samish Indian Nation Climate Change Resources link contains many reports and information on climate change issues. To download a PDF of the Samish Indian Nation Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment, click here. To download a PDF of the Samish Indian Nation Sea Level Rise Vulnberability Assessment, click here. Categories: climate change, vulnerability assessment, sea level rise |
Pacific Northwest | Link |
Makah National Fish Hatchery Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment | 2019 | This final report analyzes the sensitivity, exposure, impact, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability of Makah National Fish Hatchery. Some of the fish broodstock programs include Chinook salmon, coho salmon, and winter steelhead trout. The US Fish and Wildlife Service conducted these surveys to assess the vulnerability of these hatcheries in response to the changing climate. To download a PDF of the report, click here. Categories: vulnerability assessment, natural resources, climate change |
Makah | Link |
Vulnerabilities of Navajo Nation Forests to Climate Change | 2019 | "What are the vulnerabilities of our forests to climate change?"- It is crucial for the future of forest management on the Navajo Nation that this question be addressed. This report derives from a collaborative, multi-faceted effort to identify and describe the vulnerabilities of Navajo forests to climate change. By providing place-based ecological data, this report can aid in developing priorities for forest management. Through the implementation of adaptive, science-based management, the Navajo forests can become more resilient to the effects of climate change. Categories: vulnerability assessment, BIA TRP, forest management, place-based, implementation, climate change impacts |
Southwestern United States | Link |
Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska Climate Change Adaptation Plan | 2019 | Central Council of the Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska Climate Change Adaptation Plan. The Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Tlingit & Haida) is a federally recognized Indian Tribe that serves 20 villages and communities stretching over 43,000 square miles within the Alaska Panhandle. The Tlingit and Haida membership is among the largest, most isolated, and most geographically dispersed of Native or Tribal populations nationwide. The region encompasses a 525-mile strip of coastline and interior waterways, bordered by Canada on the north, south, and east, with the Gulf of Alaska on the west. To download a copy of the Adaptation Plan, click here. Categories: adaptation plan |
Alaska | Link |
National Inuit Climate Change Strategy | 2019 | "The National Inuit Climate Change Strategy identifiesthe coordinated actionsthat are necessary within five priority areas to meet our adaptation, mitigation and resilience-building needs in the face of rapid climate change, and a quickly evolving climate policy environment. The Strategy lays out practical objectives to advance Inuit-driven climate actions, and guidance on how to work with us to protect our way of life and support the sustainability of our communities in the face of our changing climate reality. Case studies illustrating the kinds of Inuit-led climate initiatives and partnerships we are seeking are highlighted throughout the Strategy." To download a PDF of the plan, click here. Categories: climate change adaptation, mitigation, resilience, sustainability, community |
Inuvialuit Settlement Region | Link |
Fond Du Lac Integrated Resource Management Plan | 2018 | The purpose of the Fond Du Lac Band's Integrated Resource Management Plan is to manage the Band's resources effectively for future generations. The Integrated Resource Management Plan will be used to address current and future management options of the Band. The Integrated Resource Management Plan has been developed by a group of people dedicated to the protection, enhancement, and management of Fond Du Lac's resources. To download a PDF of the most recent Intigrated Resource Management Plan, click here. Categories: climate change impacts, natural resources, adaptation, management |
Lake Superior, Upper midwest and Great Lakes, Minnesota | Link |
Climate Adaptation Plan for the Navajo Nation | 2018 | The Navajo Nation Department of Fish and Wildlife created the Climate Change Program to spread awareness to the Navajo people including the impacts and adaptive solutions for climate change. After a series of workshops, the Climate Adaptation Plan was drafted to summarize the most pressing natural resources concerns and vulnerabilities. More information on specific natural resource adaptation plans, reports, and strategies can be found here.To download a PDF of the plan, click here. Categories: climate change, adaptation plan, natural resources |
Southwest, Arizona, United States | Link |
Blackfeet Climate Change Adaptation Plan | 2018 | Through climate adaptation planning the Blackfeet Nation leadership is actively seeking to protect our communities and diverse ecosystems from the impacts of a rapidly changing climate. This plan is the result of the unique holistic Blackfeet Nation planning process that includes all parts of tribal government, while respectfully considering traditional values and a collective community vision for our future. Underlying the plan is the Blackfeet understanding that people and nature are one and that people can only be healthy if we ensure the health of the environment we are part of. The process and production of this climate plan has been a timely effort that is informing the Blackfeet Agricultural Resource Management Plan which is being developed concurrently. Both plans will then inform the Integrated Resource Management Plan which will be carried out over the next two years. To download a copy of the Adaptation Plan, click here. Categories: Tribal Adaptation Plan, climate change, adaptation, TEK, community health, ecosystem health |
Montana | Link |
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment: Integrating Scientific and Traditional Ecological Knowledge | 2018 | Recently the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC) Climate Change Program published Version 1 of our Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for the Ceded Territories in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan. This assessment integrates scientific knowledge from climate models and species vulnerability data with traditional ecological knowledge in an attempt to make climate change information more accessible and culturally relevant for our member tribes and partner agencies. Version 1 contains detailed pages for eleven different beings (species) identified as culturally important by tribal knowledge holders. To download a PDF of the plan, click here. Categories: climate change, vulnerability, assessment, species, traditional knowledge, tribal |
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan | Link |
Makah Tribe’s Climate Resilience, Adaptation, and Mitigation Planning | 2018 | To look at slides from the 2017 Makah Tribe’s Climate Resilience, Adaptation, and Mitigation Planning presentation, click here.To look at slides from the 2018 Makah Tribe’s Climate Adaptation & Outreach Efforts presentation, click here. Categories: adaptation, resilience, mitigation, assessment, funding, climate change |
Makah | Link |
Bear River Watershed Restoration Plan 2018 Sierra Streams Institute | 2018 | The Bear River stretches 73 miles long and is in need to stewardship and restoration planning. The Sierra Streams Institute put forth its final restoration plan in 2018. To download a PDF of the plan, click here. Categories: climate change, mitigation, adaptation, action, plan, vulnerabilities |
Rohnerville Rancheria | Link |
Resilience Dialogues- Final Synthesis Report Menominee Reservation, USA | 2017 | This report captures the key outcomes from the Menominee Reservation Resilience Dialogues process, which took place between May 15 and May 26, 2017. The resilience Dialogues partners with communities to explore their risks from climate variability and change. Using a professionally facilitated, online process to connect community leaders to a network of vetted national experts, the Resilience Dialogues helps them work together to understand risks and lay the groundwork for long-term resilience. The service connects communities with the most appropriate resources, whether from federal agencies, regional networks, or the private sector. To download a PDF of the report, click here. Categories: climate change impacts, cultural resources, forest management, adaptation, development |
Upper midwest and Great Lakes, Wisconsin | Link |
Nome Tribal Climate Adaptation Plan | 2017 | The Nome Eskimo Community (NEC), in collaboration with the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP), developed a climate adaptation plan with the Nome-based tribes. This includes tribal members of NEC, Village of Solomon, Native Village of Council, and King Island Native Community. The project goals were to familiarize tribal members with climate science and local knowledge, provide an opportunity to identify and discuss climate impacts and adaptation strategies, develop a plan, and share information with other rural Alaska and Native communities. This project was funded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Community values for the Nome-based tribes, which provided a basis for the climate adaptation strategies, centered on maintaining cultural activities, fostering community and relationships, and ensuring healthy people and ecosystems. To download a PDF of the plan, click here. Categories: climate change adaptation plan |
Alaska | Link |
Stillaguamish Tribe Natural Resources Climate Change Adaptation Plan | 2017 | This is the next major step in preparing for climate change after the completion of the 2016 Climate Vulnerability Assessment. The plan lists 190 actions that will help protect and adapt the habitat and species important to the Stillaguamish Tribe. To download a PDF of the plan, click here. Categories: climate change, adaptation plan, natural resources |
Northwest | Link |
Native Village of Georgetown Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment | 2017 | This climate change vulnerability assessment documents climate change impacts and trends that have been observed along the Kuskokwim River. It was commissioned by the Georgetown Tribal Council to help inform their efforts to re-settle the Native Village of Georgetown, and to provide a starting place for working with neighboring communities to plan for climate change. Information was collected through a variety of methods, including interviews with elders and the collection of Traditional Knowledge, mapping and graphing of environmental data, review of published literature, and interviews with local scientists and natural resource managers. This climate change vulnerability assessment was created to inform future development of the Native Village of Georgetown. Much of the information contained in this report, as well as the companion Climate Science Primer 1 specific to the area, can be used to inform efforts to prepare for climate impacts in neighboring villages and throughout the region. To download a PDF of the plan, click here. Categories: climate change vulnerability assessment, adaptation |
Alaska | Link |
Metlakatla Indian Community Climate Change Adaptation Plan | 2017 | The Metlakatla Indian Community Climate Change Adaptation Plan was composed to provide support to the Metlakatla Indian Community as they are impacted by a changing climate on the Annette Islands Reserve (AIR). Throughout this document the Metlakatla Indian Community will be referred to as “the Tribe”, this term will be used to describe the entire Metlakatla Indian Community. The Tribe acknowledges the changing climate and advocates addressing the potential effects through the integration of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and scientific evidence. This document will include the background on the AIR, local interviews on TEK, resource analysis, vulnerability assessment, and potential adaptation strategies to assist the Tribe in preparation for a changing climate. To download a PDF of the plan, click here. Categories: Tribal Adaptation Plan, climate change, TEK, vulnerability assessment, adaptation |
Alaska (Southeast) | Link |
Nooksack Indian Tribe Natural Resources Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment | 2017 | The climate of the Nooksack River watershed is changing, and is projected to continue to change throughout the 21st century. In addition to rising temperatures and exaggerated patterns of seasonal precipitation, the watershed is likely to experience greater wildfire risk, more severe winter flooding, rising sea levels, and increasing ocean acidification. These changes will have profound impacts on the watershed’s plants, animals, and ecosystems, including changes in species distributions, abundances, and productivity; shifts in the timing of life cycle events such as flowering, breeding, and migration; and changes in the distribution and composition of ecological communities. Understanding which species and habitats are expected to be vulnerable to climate change, and why, is a critical first step toward identifying strategies and actions for maintaining priority species and habitats in the face of change. The University of Washington Climate Impacts Group worked collaboratively with the Nooksack Indian Tribe’s Natural Resource Department to evaluate the climate change vulnerability of priority species and habitats for the Tribe. This report describes the approach taken to assess vulnerability and summarizes key findings from the assessment’s results. The report also includes an appendix of fact sheets describing individual assessment details for each of the species and habitat types evaluated; these fact sheets highlight each species’ key climate sensitivities as well as data gaps of importance for understanding their vulnerability. Together, the information provided in this assessment offers a rigorous foundation for future climate adaptation efforts aimed at addressing climate risks to the Nooksack Tribe’s priority species and habitats.To download a PDF of the plan, click here. Categories: tribal adaptation plan, assessment, climate change, flooding, rising sea levels, rising temperatures, ecosystems |
Washington | Link |
Upper Snake River Tribes Foundation Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment | 2017 | The Upper Snake River Watershed has been home to humans for more than 10,000 years. Many of their ancestors still reside on the landscape and are members of the Burns Paiute Tribe, Fort McDermitt PaiuteShoshone Tribe, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation, and Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation. Together, these four member tribes comprise the Upper Snake River Tribes (USRT) Foundation. 1 The climate around the Upper Snake River is changing. USRT member tribes have already noticed shifts in species and habitats driven by increasing temperatures and changing precipitation patterns. Such changes in temperature and precipitation have resulted in drying sagebrush steppe habitat, extended wildfire seasons, less winter precipitation falling as snow, earlier spring run-off, low summer river flows, higher water temperatures, reduced flow from springs/seeps, proliferation of invasive weeds, and the decreasing productivity of rangelands. To download a PDF of the plan, click here. Categories: Tribal Vulnerability Assessment, planning, adaptation, climate change, increasing temperatures, precipitation |
Upper Snake River Watershed, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada | Link |
1854 Ceded Territory Including the Bois Forte, Fond du Lac, and Grand Portage Reservations: Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Plan | 2016 | To the Ojibwe, natural resources are cultural resources. There is no separation between how the bands manage and interact with a resource and how their culture endures: one is dependent on the other. Climate change, however, is threatening the very viability of many natural resources important to the Ojibwe. Warmer winters, increasing fall precipitation, increasing extreme precipitation events, more occurrences of drought, and earlier ice out dates across the 1854 Ceded Territory already are affecting flora and fauna that are imperative to the culture, history, well-being, and life-ways of the Ojibwe people. Through this project, the Bois Forte Band, Fond du Lac Band, Grand Portage Band, and 1854 Treaty Authority partnered with Adaptation International, and the Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessment Center at the University of Michigan. The purpose of the project was to investigate how changing climate conditions already are and could continue to affect the landscape and species within the 1854 Ceded Territory and the respective reservations. In addition to assessing changes, the partners also identified climate-related vulnerabilities and identified actions that could be taken to create more climate resilient systems.To download the PDF of the plan, click here. Categories: climate change adaptation plan |
Midwest | Link |
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