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Alaska Native Villages and Rural Communities Water Grant Program

Environmental Protection Agency

No listed deadline. Significant human health and water quality problems exist in Alaska Native Villages (ANV) and other rural communities in Alaska due to lack of sanitation. To address these issues, Congress in 1996 authorized EPA to create the Alaska Native Villages and Rural Communities Grant Program, which is codified in 33 U.S.C. § 1263a.

The program assists these communities with the construction of new or improved wastewater and drinking water systems. Communities can also use the funding for training and technical assistance in system operations and maintenance.

EPA provides funds to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to address the needs of rural and native Alaska communities. The DEC, in turn, administers these funds through its Village Safe Water (VSW) program. The VSW program’s goal is "to improve public health and compliance with environmental laws by upgrading the level of sanitation facilities in rural [Alaskan] communities through financial and technical assistance."

Funding Amount
Matching Funds
Yes, 25%
Alaska Tribes
Contact Information
State of Alaska Village Safe Water Program: Marty Brewer – Phone: (907) 269-7613
EPA Region 10 Alaska Operations Office: Dennis Wagner (
Phone: (907) 271-3651, Fax: (907) 271-3424