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Earth Science Applications in Equity & Environmental Justice


Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: March 18, 2022. The NASA Earth Science Division is soliciting proposals to advance progress on equity and environmental justice domestically through the application of Earth science, geospatial, and socioeconomic information. ROSES-2021 Amendment 52 releases a new opportunity in ROSES: A.49 Earth Science Applications: Equity and Environmental Justice (EEJ). With this program element, NASA is especially interested in proposals from or partnered with non-federal domestic organizations, community-based non-profit institutions, Tribal governments, local governments, and academic institutions active in addressing EEJ issues that would benefit from the insights offered by NASA Earth science information. This solicitation includes three elements: 1) Landscape analyses, 2) Community-based feasibility projects, and 3) Data integration projects that combine Earth science information and socioeconomic datasets. Two pre-proposal teleconferences are planned, the first to be held on January 7, 2022, and second on February 17, 2022, on a no-advance-reservation, first-to-dial-in basis. Learn more and apply here.

Funding Amount
Landscape Analyses: $100K; Feasibility Studies: $150K; Data Integration Projects: $250K
Contact Information
Nancy D. Searby,