The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project. For more information, visit: If you would like to add to or amend information included in this guide, please complete this Google Form. If you have additions or suggestions for this website, please email


Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program

Office of State and Community Energy Programs

Deadline Passed. Most Recent Deadline: January 31, 2024. Tribes can use flexible EECBG Program funding for projects and programs that cut carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency and reduce energy use. Tribal governments submit an EECBG Program Formula Application and receive their funds as a grant to utilize on an eligible activity of their choice. The funding has already been put aside, but a pre-award information sheets must be filled out and received by July 31, 2023. Final application period for Local and Tribal applicantions ends January 31, 2024. Read the final allocation of funds here.

Funding Amount
Indian Tribes, per section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act