The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project. For more information, visit: If you would like to add to or amend information included in this guide, please complete this Google Form. If you have additions or suggestions for this website, please email


TWS Native American Professional Development Partnership with USFS


US Forest Services Research and Development has entered into a partnership with The Wildlife Society (TWS) that includes support for Native American wildlife biology college and graduate students to both attend the national annual conference, and to gain experience working with Forest Service R&D wildlife research biologists or ecologists in a Research Assistant position for a field season. TWS is committed to developing wildlife biology expertise within Native American communities, and helping to prepare the students for successful careers. R&D is committed to partnerships with tribes and tribal colleges. USFS scientists will submit proposals detailing their interest, while Native American students will submit separate applications. USFS proposals that include a specific student will also be considered. Please contact Monica Tomosy, National Wildlife Research Program Leader and Liaison to the National
Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center USDA Forest Service Research, for more information:; 703-402-5625.

Funding Amount
Matching Funds
see description
Native American students--upper division undergraduate or graduate level