Adaptation Plans
Tribes throughout the United States are developing and implementing tribal climate change adaptation plans and climate vulnerability assessments. Search this list for examples of tribal climate change adaptation plans, as well as other plans and planning resources that may be useful reference guides.
Title | Year Sort ascending | Description | Geography | Website |
Karuk Eco-Cultural Resources Management Plan | 2010 | The Department of Natural Resources Eco-Cultural Resources Management Plan (ECRMP) is intended to guide future management of natural resources within the Karuk Aboriginal Territory and beyond. The ECRMP is an integrated resource management plan (IRMP) developed under the authority of the National Indian Forest Resources Management Act. Though this Act limits the implementation of IRMP’s to Tribal Trust lands, the authority provided in 43 USC Chapter 35 Federal Land Policy and Management provides for the “Coordination of plans for National Forest System lands with Indian land use planning and management programs for the purposes of development and revision”.This should allow for coordination of the ECRMP with the Klamath and Six Rivers National Forests Land and Resource Management Plan revisions that will be occurring soon. With this coordination we should be able to once again manage the Aboriginal Territory in a manner consistent with our cultural and natural heritage. The Department of Natural Resources welcomes comments from the Tribal Membership and Descendants to help ensure that the final plan will provide lasting benefits for generations to come. We will be developing the draft provided below in consideration of the comments received to provide a final draft for council review, NEPA compliance, and approvals.To download a PDF of the plan, click here. Categories: cultural resource management, natural resources |
Northwest | Link |
Climate Change in Point Hope, Alaska: Strategies for Community Health | 2010 | Today with the added pressure of climate change, Point Hope continues its struggle with increased urgency; against erosion and against other new emerging challenges to the community, the culture, and to public health. Assessment of climate change related health effects in Point Hope, Alaska. Point Hope is an Inupiat community of approximately 700 residents, located in Northwestern Alaska on the Chukchi Sea. Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, 2010. Categories: Tribal Health, climate change, strategies, adaptation |
Alaska | Link |
Swinomish Climate Change Initiative: Impact Assessment Technical Report | 2009 | Impact assessment report for the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community in northwest Washington. To download a PDF of the report, click here. Categories: Tribal, Adaptation Plan |
Northwest, Washington | Link |
City of Kwethluk, Alaska: Local Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan | 2009 | Plan for these natural hazards : flooding, erosion, severe weather, and earthquake. Includes information to assist the city government and residents with planning to avoid potential future disaster losses. To download the City of Kwethluk, Alaska Local Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan, click here. Categories: Tribal, Adaptation Plan, Hazard Mitigation Plan |
Alaska | Link |
Dibaginjigaadeg Anishinaabe Ezhitwaad: A Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu | Tribal Adaptation Menu Team. 2019. Dibaginjigaadeg Anishinaabe Ezhitwaad: A Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu. Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, Odanah, Wisconsin. 54 p Climate change has impacted and will continue to impact indigenous peoples, their lifeways and culture, and the natural world upon which they rely, in unpredictable and potentially devastating ways. Many climate adaptation planning tools fail to address the unique needs, values and cultures of indigenous communities. This Tribal Climate Adaptation Menu, which was developed by a diverse group of collaborators representing tribal, academic, intertribal and government entities in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, provides a framework to integrate indigenous and traditional knowledge, culture, language and history into Categories: climate change, adaptation, planning |
Great Lakes Region | Link | |
Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) Climate Adaptation Plan | The Climate Adaptation Plan (CAP) was reviewed by the CTUIR Board of Trustees (BOT) and a vote to formally adopted this document into CTUIR department and program work plans with Resolution 22-103, passed on December 19th, 2022. Links and resources related to the CAP include:Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Indian Reservation Climate Adaptation Plan:… Climate Adaptation - YouTube CTUIR Webinar series archive: CTUIR - Climate Adaptation Plan Webinar Archive:… Categories: Climate Adaptation Plan, Umatilla, Oregon |
Northwest | Link | |
Fort Belknap Indian Community Climate Change Adaptation Plan | Fort Belknap Indian Community is home to the Gros Ventre and Assiniboine Tribes (the Aaniiih and Nakoda Nations). The Gros Ventre call themselves “AH-AH-NE-NIN” meaning the White Clay People, and Categories: tribal adaptation plan, climate change |
Montana | Link | |
Climate Change Adaptation Plan Wampanoag Tribe Of Gay Head (Aquinnah ) | This plan was developed by the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) (“WTGHA” or “the Tribe”) to document the current conditions of tribal lands that have been impacted by the changing climate, and to identify alternatives and resources to help address these concerns. Given the Tribe’s location on the island of Martha’s Vineyard (Massachusetts), WTGHA is well aware of the effects that ocean storm surge can have on its lands. Tribal lands are as valued as the waters to the Wampanoag people. From the lands come food, medicine, and other useful materials. The threats of shoreline erosion, sea level rise, and saltwater intrusion are concerns clearly expressed by tribal members. Along the shoreline, sea level rise and beach erosion have contributed to a noticeable loss in sand dunes that are home to beach plum, rose hips, beach pea and other valuable plants. The Wampanoag people have lived on the island for innumerable generations and mass relocation is not a realistic option; the people are inherently tied to the land. The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) is planning for adaptation, in an effort to be proactive rather than reactive. The future is unknown, but planning can mitigate the extent of |
Northeast | Link | |
Mi’kmaq Nation Thirteen Moons Climate Change Adaptation Plan | The Mi’kmaq Nation is the most northeasterly Federally recognized Tribe in the United States with a service area of all of Aroostook County in northern Maine. Aroostook County is the second largest county in the United States with a land area of 6,672 square miles – making it larger than the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined. Three and a half million acres of Aroostook County are forested with most of that area actively managed for the timber resources. The County is a natural resources rich area with significant impacts on the economy of the region from the natural resources. |
Northeast | Link | |
Campo Climate Adaptation Action Plan | For over 10,000 years the Kumeyaay people have adapted and thrived in an environment that ranges from the coastal shores to the inland desert. Over the centuries, Kumeyaay responded to climate change by adapting to the changing conditions. New plant and animal resources replaced those that died out or were diminished. We now live in a time when the pace of climate change is accelerating while human activity is causing widespread atmospheric change. The correlation is apparent and compelling. Temperatures are increasing, glaciers are melting, snowpack has diminished, spring is arriving sooner and habitats are shifting. We have seen an increasing risk of drought, flooding, wildfires and disease. Preparing for climate change is something that must be undertaken on a case-by-case basis. There is no standard template that works for all communities. Preparedness needs to be tailored to the circumstances of different communities. It is therefore necessary that all aspects of tribal decision making take an active role in preparing for climate change. The people living in the community are the best ones to determine what is in their best interest. The purpose of this Plan is to help the decision makers from the General Council to the elected officials and departments heads as they prepare for our changing environment. This document was prepared with the assistance of research from government and non- governmental organizations, scientific consultants, technical experts, technicians and managers familiar with the local community. In addition, outreach activities sought input from elders and feedback from individual tribal members. This document is a plan. As such, it is not the final word on anything. It is, and should be, subject to question, addition, deletion and modification in response to the realization of changing conditions. It should be formally reviewed at least annually to ensure that it is still relevant to the community. |
Link | ||
Tribal Climate Adaptation Guidebook | The Oregon Climate Change Research Institute, along with Adaptation International, created the Tribal Climate Adaptation Guidebook, which provides a framework for climate change adaptation planning in the context of existing tribal priorities. The Guidebook builds on the on-going climate-related work in tribal communities, directly considers the unique issues facing Indigenous communities, and identifies opportunities and guidance for incorporating Traditional Knowledges based on the Climate and Traditional Knowledges Workgroup’s Guidelines for Considering Traditional Knowledges (TKs) in Climate Change Initiatives. The Tribal Climate Adaptation Guidebook is designed to be useful for tribes at any stage of adaptation planning and with varying degrees of funding and staff capacity. The Guidebook is designed so that tribes can work through any applicable section and skip sections that are not applicable. The development of the guidebook was overseen by a group of advisors who supported the writing staff by refining the goals and objectives for the Guidebook and by providing regular reviews throughout the development process. The project was funded by a grant from the North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative and received supplemental funding from the Pacific Northwest Climate Impacts Research Consortium and the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute. Categories: adaptation, planning, resource, climate change |
National, Northwest | Link |
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