The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project (TCCP). The TCCP is part of the L.I.G.H.T. Foundation (LF), is an independent, Indigenous-led, conservation 501(c)(3) nonprofit established on the Colville Indian Reservation in the traditional territory of the Nespelem Tribe in present-day north central Washington State. LF supports the restoration and cultivation of native Plant and Pollinator Relatives and the culturally respectful conservation of habitats and ecosystems which are climate resilient and adaptive. For more information about LF, visit: For more information about the Tribal Climate Change Project, visit: If you would like to add information to this guide, please email


Vulnerability of Subsistence Systems Due to Social and Environmental Change: A Case Study in the Yukon-Kuckowim Delta, Alaska

Herman-Mercer, Nicole M, et al. “Vulnerability of Subsistence Systems Due to Social and Environmental Change: A Case Study in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska .” Arctic Journal of the Arctic Insitute of North America, vol. 72, 10 Sept. 2019,
Year Published
USGS, Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center

"Arctic Indigenous communities have been classified as highly vulnerable to climate change impacts. The remoteness of Arctic communities, their dependence upon local species and habitats, and the historical marginalization of Indigenous peoples enhances this characterization of vulnerability. However, vulnerability is a result of diverse historical, social, economic, political, cultural, institutional, natural resource, and environmental conditions and processes and is not easily reduced to a single metric."
