The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project (TCCP). The TCCP is part of the L.I.G.H.T. Foundation (LF), is an independent, Indigenous-led, conservation 501(c)(3) nonprofit established on the Colville Indian Reservation in the traditional territory of the Nespelem Tribe in present-day north central Washington State. LF supports the restoration and cultivation of native Plant and Pollinator Relatives and the culturally respectful conservation of habitats and ecosystems which are climate resilient and adaptive. For more information about LF, visit: For more information about the Tribal Climate Change Project, visit: If you would like to add information to this guide, please email


Tribal Colleges Research Grants Program


Deadline Passed 11/01/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. This program was designed to assist 1994 Land-Grant Institutions (Tribal Colleges) in building institutional research capacity through applied projects that address student educational needs and meet community, reservation or regional challenges. 

Funding Amount
Matching Funds
Not required
Applications may be submitted by any Tribal College or University designated as a 1994 Institution under the Educational Land-Grant Status Act of 1994, as amended. Collaboration with 1862 or 1890 Land Grant Institutions is a requirement. Eligible institutions may propose projects in any discipline of the food and agricultural sciences.
Contact Information
NIFA Help Desk
Phone: 202-401-5048