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Oregon Sea Grant: Program Development Grants

Grant Deadline
Oregon Sea Grant

Oregon Sea Grant offers modest grants for project opportunities or special circumstances when resources are available. These funds generally are not intended to supplement an existing project, but to provide seed money for exploratory or high-risk efforts, or to respond to urgent needs or unforeseen opportunities that require a timely effort. 

Proposals may be submitted by faculty of any public or private institution of higher education in Oregon. The project’s lead Principal Investigator (PI) must be deemed eligible by their institution to receive extramural funding. While non-academic researchers may be included among the co-principal investigators (co-PIs), awards will be made only through colleges and universities.

We encourage the involvement of collaborators and researchers who are not Oregon university faculty (collaborators may be with industry, state/regional/federal agencies, tribes, NGOs, and/or other research or academic institutions). Direct salary support for individuals from state and federal agencies, tribal, and for-profit and foreign organizations is not allowed; however, non-federal contributions can be counted as matching or in-kind support for the project. Project participants who are employees of Sea Grant may be part of a project team or serve as the lead Principal Investigator.