The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project. For more information, visit: If you would like to add to or amend information included in this guide, please complete this Google Form. If you have additions or suggestions for this website, please email


A. Bakun, B.A. Black, S.J. Bograd, M. García-Reyes, A.J. Miller, R.R. Rykaczewski, W.J. Sydeman. 2015. Anticipated Effects of Climate Change on Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems. Current Climate Change Reports. 1: 85-93.

A. Bakun, B.A. Black, S.J. Bograd, M. García-Reyes, A.J. Miller, R.R. Rykaczewski, W.J. Sydeman. 2015. Anticipated Effects of Climate Change on Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems. Current Climate Change Reports. 1: 85-93.
Year Published

A new study published as part of the collection, Ecological Impacts of Climate Change, discussed the projected physical changes and biological responses of four coastal upwelling zones due to increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Bakun et al. (2015) used existing research to review four upwelling zones that occur on the eastern boundary of the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean basins. The review was built as a framework of predicted ecological changes that could be used to understand future measured changes to these systems.