The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project. For more information, visit: If you would like to add to or amend information included in this guide, please complete this Google Form. If you have additions or suggestions for this website, please email


Current Coastal Change Research/ Management Projects and Priority Information Needs from Cook...

Swanson, M, Trainor, F. 2016. Current Coastal Change Research/Management Projects and Priority Information Needs in from Cook Inlet through Southeastern Alaska
Year Published

Research on coastal change in the north pacific has increased rapidly in recent years, making it challenging to track existing projects, understand their cumulative insights, gauge remaining research gaps, and prioritize future work. The goals of this project were to foster better coordination about coastal change studies, help practitioners and scholars learn from one another, identify existing research gaps, make it more transparent and easily accessible to stakeholders in the region, and provide a framework for better understanding how projects interact. We identified current coastal change projects in the region by conducting an extensive internet search utilizing existing databases and online resources and sending out requests for information to stakeholders from a diverse range of university, state, federal, tribal and local institutions. Of the 93 current coastal change research and management projects we identified throughout the Alaska portion of the NPLCC located from Cook Inlet in Southcentral Alaska through Southeast Alaska, over half of these were best described as biological system projects. Overall, a large portion of projects we identified were meeting known scientific and research needs in current trends and future predictions for the region. However, our analysis suggests there is still work to be done in certain areas. This webinar will present the results of this research.
