The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project. For more information, visit: If you would like to add to or amend information included in this guide, please complete this Google Form. If you have additions or suggestions for this website, please email


Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program


Deadline Passed as of 2/23/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019.The Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program (GCDAMP) was established for the long-term preservation and management of the cultural and natural resources of the Grand Canyon in accordance with the Grand Canyon Protection Act of 1992 (GCPA) and the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (NHPA). Reclamation has determined that its operation of Glen Canyon Dam under the 2016 Record of Decision for the Glen Canyon Dam Long-Term Experimental and Management Plan is an undertaking (36 CFR 88.16y) that might result in changes to the character of downstream historic properties. To facilitate compliance, a Programmatic Agreement (PA) was entered into by Reclamation, the Western Region and Rocky Mountain Region of the National Park Service (NPS), the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the Arizona State Historic Preservation Officer, the Hopi Tribe, the Hualapai Tribe, the Navajo Nation, the Zuni Pueblo, and the Paiute Consortium. The GCDAMP, GCPA, NHPA, and PA all contain language mandating consultation with concerned Native American Tribes, for the identification, evaluation, and treatment of historic properties of significance to these Native American Tribes. The Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians’ participated in this process to identify, evaluate, monitor, and equally participate in the long-term management of all historic properties, sacred areas, and locations of traditional Paiute cultural use that are within the area affected by the operations of Glen Canyon Dam. The Tribe's participation in the GCDAMP is essential to ensuring that the tribal values are represented at the various program functions and to ensure effective government-to-government consultation on federal undertakings that may affect resources important to the Tribe. Funding Opportunity #: BOR-UC-18-N007

Funding Amount
Up to $625,000
Matching Funds
Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
Contact Information
Deborah Chorlton
Grants Management Specialist
Phone: 801-524-3734