
Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.

Publication Year Sort ascending Geography Website
United States, Congress, “2016 USDA Resource Guide for American Indians & Alaska Natives .” 2016 USDA Resource Guide for American Indians & Alaska Natives , 2017

Categories: resource, USDA, Tribes, Tribal entities

2017 National Link
USGS. 2017. Model development for climate-driven impacts to berry resources in Alaska.

Categories: berries, conservation, management, sustainability, planning, policy, projections

2017 Alaska Link
Profita, Cassandra. 2017. Climate Change Is Making Smoky, Unhealthy Air More Common.

Categories: climate change, wildfire, asthma, heart disease, human health, risk, hazard, air quality, smoke, pollution

2017 Northwest, Pacific Northwest Link
Winters, Chris. 2017. After 90 years, salmon are returning to upper Sultan River. HeraldNET.

Categories: climate change, restoration, conservation, management, repopulation, habitat, spawning

2017 Washington, Pacific Northwest Link
Watson, Teila. 2017. Indigenous knowledge systems can help solve the problems of climate change.

Categories: climate change, adaptation, mitigation, TEK, traditional knowledge, Indigenous rights, Indigneous science, management, conservation

2017 Australia, Global, International Link
Eilperin, J. 2017. The EPA just buried its climate change website for kids.

Categories: climate change, youth, education, social justice, Obama administration, Trump administration,

2017 National Link
Martinez, Danny. 2017. Cycle of Life (video).

Categories: climate change, salmon, adaptation, subsistence, cultural resources, mitigation, social justice, environmental justice, tribal health, Warm Springs

2017 Warm Springs, Oregon, Northwest, Pacific Northwest Link
Tengö, M., R. Hill, P. Malmer, C. M. Raymond, M. Spierenburg, F. Danielsen, T. Elmqvist, C. Folke. 2017. Weaving knowledge systems in IPBES, CBD and beyond—lessons learned for sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 26–27:17–25

Categories: climate change, TEK, traditional knowledge, knowledge transmission, management, planning, policy

2017 International Link
Landers, Rich. 2017. Columbia River sees near-record shad run; steelhead numbers are down.

Categories: salmon, fisheries, tribal health, water health, watershed, climate change

2017 Oregon, Washington, Columbia River Basin Link
Davenport, M. E.P.A. Dismisses Members of Major Scientific Review Board. New York Times.

Categories: climate change, climate change denial, denier, anti-science, corporate, EPA, agency reduction

2017 National Link
Oregon Public Health Division. 2017. Climate and Health Equity.

Categories: climate change, human helth, equity, adaptation, mitigation, planning, policy, management

2017 Oregon, Northwest, Pacific Northwest Link
Gregg, R.M. 2017. Incorporating climate change in marine use plans for British Columbia’s First Nations. Summary of a project of the Marine Plan Partnership for the North Pacific Coast.

Categories: climate change, planning, policy, adaptation, mitigation, climate science

2017 Alaska, Pacific Northwest, Canada, British Columbia Link
Page, Samantha. 2017. Tribal, environmental groups sue over methane rule delay. ThinkProgress.

Categories: Trump Administration, climate change, tribes, legislation, policy, methane, BLM, emissions, standards

2017 United States Link
Geiling, Natasha. 2017. Climate kids to get their day in court against the Trump administration.

Categories: OCT, climate change, lawsuit, federal court, legislation, policy, carbon, emissions, youth, social justice

2017 National Link

Categories: climate change, natural disaster, human health, adaptation, mitigation, planning, policy, management, decison-making

2017 Oregon, Northwest, Pacific Northwest Link
Whitehouse. 2016. Federal Drought Plan.

Categories: Drought, Planning, Climate Impacts, management, planning, policy, legislation, contingency, climate change, Obama archive

2016. National Link
Darryl Fears. 2016. Scientists say climate change is threatening the lifeblood of Canada’s native people. Washington Post.

Categories: Climate Impacts, Species Decline, Salmon

2016. Alaska, National, International (Canada) Link
Why Native American Tribes Are In McCall To Plan For Climate Change. Boise State. 2016.

Categories: climate change, traditional foods, drought, salmon, water rights, wildfires

2016. United States, Northwest Link
Herman, R.D.K. 2016. Traditional knowledge in a time of crisis: climate change, culture and communication. Springer 11(1): 163-176.

Categories: Western Science, Traditional Knowledges, Indigeneity, Knowledge Co-Production

2016 International Link
Nathan Gilles. 2016. A World Aflame. Oregon Quarterly.

Categories: Climate Impacts, Wildfire, Tribal Adaptation

2016 Northwest Link
2016. Research Ethics: A Source Guide to Conducting Research with Indigenous Peoples. Indigenous Geography.

Categories: indigenous science, research, climate change, cultural resources, sovereignty, self-determination

2016 Global Link
NOAA Sentinel Site Cooperative. n.d. Keeping Pace: A short guide to navigating sea-level rise models.

Categories: Sea-level Rise, Climate Modeling

2016 National, International Link
EPA. Climate Change and the Health of Children. Factsheet. 2016.

Categories: health risks, children, socioeconomic, climate change, biohazard, vulnerability, exposure

2016 International Link
USFWS. 2016. The Service's: Native American Policy. 510 FW 1.

Categories: Policy, Conservation, Cultural Resources, Federal-Tribal Collaboration

2016 National Link
Carolyn van Houten. The First Official Climate Refugees in the U.S. Race Against Time. 2016. National Geographic Online.

Categories: Climate Adaptation, Relocation, Climate Refugee, Isle de Jean Charles, Isle de Jean Charles band of the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Tribe

2016 Southeast, Gulf of Mexico Link
McDowell Group. 2016. Economic Impact Analysis: Southeast Alaska Transboundary Watershed. Juneau, Anchorage, Alaska: SalmonState.

Categories: Southeast Alaska, transboundary, watershed, streamflow, economic concerns, Taku River, Stikine River, Unuk River, sport fishing, tour operations, policy and management, economic development, planning

2016 Alaska Link
Federal Treaty and Trust Obligations, and Ocean Acidification. Robert T. Anderson, University of Washington School of Law, June 1, 2016. Washington Journal of Environmental Law & Policy, Vol. 6, No. 2, Pp. 474-95 (2016) University of Washington School of Law Research Paper 2016-17.

Categories: land action, tribal lands, water health, environmental protection, tribal territories, protection of rights, advocacy, trust responsibility

2016 National, International Link
LaDuke, Winona. 2016. The Rights of Nature (video). University of Oregon: EMU Ballroom.

Categories: climate achange, fossil fuel, capitalism, pieline, protest, resistance, sovereignty, self-determination, treaty rights

2016 National Link
EPA. Climate Change, Health, and Environmental Justice. Factsheet. 2016.

Categories: social justice, climate change, socioeconomic, race, citizenship, low-income, biohazard, accessibility, education

2016 International, United States Link
UBC News. 2016. Climate change could cut First Nations fisheries’ catch in half.

Categories: Salmon, Herring, Population Decline, Climate Impacts

2016 Northwest, International (Canada), British Columbia Link