Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication Sort ascending | Year | Geography | Website |
Anderegg, W. R., Klein, T., Bartlett, M., Sack, L., Pellegrini, A. F., Choat, B., & Jansen, S. (2016). Meta-analysis reveals that hydraulic traits explain cross-species patterns of drought-induced tree mortality across the globe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201525678. Categories: Climate Extremes, Drought, Forest Ecology, Climate Impacts |
2016 | National, International | Link |
Anaya, S. James and Puig, Sergio, Mitigating State Sovereignty: The Duty to Consult with Indigenous Peoples (November 28, 2016). 67 University of Toronto Law Journal ___ (Forthcoming); Arizona Legal Studies Discussion Paper No. 16-42. Available at SSRN: Categories: Internatnional Law, International Human Rights, Right of Consultation, Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Sovereignty |
2016 | National | Link |
AMS. 2017. State of the Climate in 2016. Categories: climate change, meteorology, carbon emissions, expectations, observations |
2017 | International, Global | Link |
AMS. 2016. State of the Climate in 2015. Categories: climate science, climate change, climate assessment, monitoring |
2016 | National, Global, International | Link |
Amnesty International USA. 2007. Maze of injustice: the failure to protect Indigenous women from sexual violence in the USA. (July 7, 2014). Categories: Indigenous women, sexual violence, tribe, indigenous |
2007 | United States | |
American Indian Alaska Native Climate Change Working Group, 2012: American Indian Alaska Native Climate Change Working Group 2012 Spring Meeting. URL ↩ Categories: Climate change, Alaska, Alaska Native, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Alaska, Arctic | |
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of North Carolina. 2014. The United Nations Human Rights Treaty System: U.S. OBLIGATIONS UNDER HUMAN RIGHTS TREATIES: ICCPR 2014 & UPR 2011. Categories: Human Rights, United States Government, International Law |
2014 | International, National | Link |
America's Most Endangered Rivers. 2016. Categories: Rivers, Environmental Degradation, Environmental Assessment |
National | Link | |
Alvord, C. 2011. Overview of the NIDIS Four Corners Pilot Activities: National Integrated Drought Information System, Volume 2, Issue 1. Retrieved November 18, 2011, from Categories: Drought |
2011 | Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Alabama | Link |
Alexander C., Bynum N., Johnson E., King U., Mustonen T., Neofotis P., Oettlé N., Rosenzweig C., Sakakibara C., Shadrin V., Vicarelli M., Waterhouse J. and Weeks B. (2011) Linking Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge of Climate Change. BioScience, Vol. 61 no.6, p. 477-484. Categories: Climate change, observed impacts, indigenous knowledge, assessment, temperature change, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Global | Link |
Alessa, L., Kliskey, A., Gamble, J., Fidel, M., Beaujean, G., Gosz, J. 2016. The role of Indigenous science and local knowledge in integrated observing systems: moving toward adaptive capacity indices and early warning systems. Springer 11(1): 91-102. Categories: Community-based observing networks, environmental monitoring, climate adaptation, Traditional Knowledges, Indigenous Science, Knowledge Co-Production |
2016 | National | Link |
Alessa L, Kliskey A, Busey R, Hinzman L, White D (2008) Freshwater vulnerabilities and resilience on the Seward Peninsula: integrating multiple dimensions of landscape change. Global Environ Chang 18:256–270 Categories: Arctic, Landscape change, resilience, Social–ecological systems, vulnerability, Mapping, tribe, indigenous |
2008 | Arctic | Link |
Aleiss, Angela. “U.S. Forest Service and Tulalip Tribes Partner for Huckleberry Enhancement Project.” USDA Forest Service Tribal Relations News, Categories: co-stewardship, restoration, cultural resources, traditional foods |
2018 | Washington state | Link |
Alaskan village votes to relocate over global warming. CNN. 2016. Categories: Alaska, Climate change, coastal erosion, sea level, tradition, |
2016 | Pacific Northwest, Arctic, Alaska, United States | Link |
Alaska Forum, 2012: Alaska Forum on the Environment. Alaska Forum on the Environment, 54. URL ↩ | 2012 | Alaska, Arctic | Link |
Alaska Department of Fish and Game, 2014.Yakutat Comprehensive Salmon Plan: Phase II. Developed by Yakutat Regional Planning Team. Categories: Southeast Alaska, Yakutat, NCSA, Native Allotment Act, Native Townsite Act, "local utilization” (79), subsistence, customary, traditional, fisheries, salmon, adaptation plans, vulnerability assessment |
2014 | Alaska | Link |
Alaska Department of Commerce and Community and Economic Development, 2012: Relocation Report: Newtok to Mertarvik. 58 pp., Alaska Department of Commerce and Community and Economic Development, Anchorage, AK. URL↩ Categories: relocation report, Newtok, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Alaska, Arctic | |
Akers, Donna 1999 Removing the Heart of the Choctaw People: Indian Removal from a Native Perspective. American Indian Culture and Research Journal 23(3):63–76. Categories: Historical Displacement, Choctaw, tribe, indigenous |
1999 | Book chapter | |
AK-CCAP, Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy. Climate Change Impacts on Water Availability in Alaska (presentation). 2009-15-September. (accessed 2011-16-January). Categories: Southeast Alaska, hydrology, policy, water availability, vulnerable populations, climate change, precipitation, adaptation, planning, agriculture, growing season, |
2009 | Alaska | Link |
Ahearn, A. 2015. Facing Rising Waters, A Native Tribe Takes Its Plea to Paris in Climate Talks. NPR. [audio]. Categories: Sea Level Rise, Relocation, Glacial Melting |
2015. | Northwest, Washington | Link |
Adhikari, A., & Hansen, A. J. (2018). Land use change and habitat fragmentation of wildland ecosystems of the North Central United States. Landscape and Urban Planning, 177, 196-216. doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2018.04.014 Categories: agriculture, conservation, biodiversity, ecosystem services, land use |
2018 | North Central U.S. | Link |
Abbey Kessler. 2016. Western tribes struggle to adapt as reservoirs shrivel. Greenwire: E&E News. Categories: Drought, Climate Adaptation, Disaster |
2016 | West, National | Link |
Abatzoglou, J.T. and Rupp, D.E. In press. Evaluating climate model simulations of drought for the northwestern United States. International Journal of Climatology. DOI:10.1002/joc.5046 Categories: climate change, climate science, predictions, indicators, hydrology, planning, management |
2017 | Northwest, Global | Link |
A. Park Williams John T. Abatzoglou Alexander Gershunov Janin Guzman‐Morales Daniel A. Bishop Jennifer K. Balch Dennis P. Lettenmaier. July 2019. "Observed Impacts of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Wildfire in California". Categories: climate change, wildfires, warming temperatures |
2019 | California | Link |
A. Bakun, B.A. Black, S.J. Bograd, M. García-Reyes, A.J. Miller, R.R. Rykaczewski, W.J. Sydeman. 2015. Anticipated Effects of Climate Change on Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems. Current Climate Change Reports. 1: 85-93. Categories: Upwelling, Climate Impacts, Coastal Upwelling |
2015 | Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean | Link |
A Just Resilience. Lori Peek, Director, Natural Hazards Center. August 20, 2017. Categories: climate change, Charlottesville, racism, white supremacy, social inequality, Trump Administration, white house |
2017 | National, United States | Link |
2018-04-20, Final Report- The Available Science Assessment Project (ASAP) Continued: Evaluating Adaptation Actions for Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Change in the Pacific Northwest. Categories: climate change, natural resource management, conservation, climate adaptation, coastal planning |
2018 | Northwest | Link |
2016. Research Ethics: A Source Guide to Conducting Research with Indigenous Peoples. Indigenous Geography. Categories: indigenous science, research, climate change, cultural resources, sovereignty, self-determination |
2016 | Global | Link |
2016 Chugach Regional Resources Commission Climate Change Workshop Outcomes. CRRC. 2016. Categories: Alaska, Climate change, access to resources, seasonal gathering, climate model, vulnerability, tribal planning, Indigenous sciences |
2016 | National, Alaska | Link |
2015-2016: A YEAR IN 15 STORIES. Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium. 2016. Categories: climate change, climate science, assessment, community outreach, summary, report, application, policy |
2016 | United States | Link |
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