Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication Sort descending | Year | Geography | Website |
Shonkoff, S.B., Morello-Frosch, R., Pastor, M., and Sadd, J. (2011) The Climate Gap: environmental health and equity implications of climate change and mitigation politics in California- A Review of the Literature: Climatic Change, DOI 10.1007/s10584-011-0310-7, 19p. Categories: Climate Gap, Environmental Health, California |
2011 | California | |
Sigler, M. F., R. J. Foy, J. W. Short, M. Dalton, L. B. Eisner, T. P. Hurst, J. F. Morado, and R. P. Stone. 2008. Forecast fish, shellfish and coral population responses to ocean acidification in the north Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea: An ocean acidification research plan for the Alaska Fisheries Science Center. AFSC Processed Rep. 2008-07, 35 p. Alaska Fish. Sci. Cent., NOAA, Natl. Mar. Fish. Serv., 17109 Point Lena Loop Road, Juneau AK 99801. Categories: Southeast Alaska, shellfish, coastal change, Holkham bay, ocean acidification, king crab, Pacific Cod, fisheries, coral, plankton, marine mammal, seabird, |
2008 | Alaska | Link |
Sila Alangotok. 2001. Inuit Observations on Climate Change. Winnipeg, International Institute of Sustainable Development. Categories: tribe, indigenous, Inuit knowledge |
2001 | Arctic | Link |
Site of Science. 2017. We Are the Ocean: An Indigenous Response to Climate Change. Categories: climate change, pollution, debris, plastics, adaptation, mitigation, natural processes, climate science, community, art, traditions, museum |
2017 | International, Global | Link |
Sloan, K. (2009). Climate Change Issues & Needs for the Yurok Tribe. Impacts of Climate Change on Tribes in the United States, National Tribal Air Association. Attachment L. Categories: Yurok tribe, tribe, indigenous, Climate change |
2009 | ||
Smit, Barry, and Johanna Wandel. 2006. Adaptation, Adaptive Capacity, and Vulnerability. Global Environmental Change 16: 282–292. Categories: Adaptation, adaptive capacity, vulnerability, Applications, Community, Participatory, Bottom-up, Implementation, Mainstreaming |
2006 | Link | |
Smith, J.B., Schneider, S.H., Oppenheimer, M., Yohe, G.W., Hare, W., Mastrandrea, M., Patwardhan, A., Burton, I., Corfee-Morlot, J., Magadza, C.H.D., Fussel, H.M., Pittock, A.B., Rahman, A., Suarez, A. and van Ypersele, J.P. (2008). Assessing dangerous climate change through an update of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) ‘‘reasons for concern.’’ Publication of the National Academy of Science, Vol. 106, No. 11, p. 4133-4137. | 2008 | ||
Smith, L. M., Wade, C. M., Case, J. L., Harwell, L. C., Straub, K. R., & Summers, J. K. (2014). Evaluating the Transferability of a US Human Well-Being Index (HWBI) Framework to Native American Populations. Social Indicators Research, 1-26. Categories: wellbeing, index, tribe, indigenous |
2014 | United States | |
Smith, Linda Tuhiwai 2004 Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. London: Zed Books Ltd. Categories: Research Methods, decolonization, indigenous methodologies, tribe, indigenous |
2004 | Global | |
Smith, Y. N. Cathay. Oral Tradition and the Kennewick Man. Yale Law Journal Forum. 2016. Categories: archaeology, anthropology, NAGPRA, sovereignty, repatriation, social climate change, aDNA |
2016 | Washignton, Pacific Northwest Coast | Link |
Snider, L. (2018, November 15). Half of World's Annual Precipitation Falls in Just 12 Days, New Study Finds. NCAR & UCAR News. Retrieved November 20, 2018, from Categories: annual precipitation, climate change, weather data, flooding, extreme weather events |
2018 | Global | Link |
soffen, K., Lu, D., 2017. All the things Trump cuts in his budget. Washington Post. Categories: trump administration, white house, planning, policy, management, congress, house of representatives, legislature, governmental agencies, budget cuts |
2017 | National | |
Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center, "Unique Method for Stakeholder Input Informs Co-Produced Model of Sudden Oak Death Transmission". June 6, 2019. Categories: infectious forest disease, stakeholder input, modeling, sudden oak death, timber industry |
2019 | Link | |
Southern Methodist University, and UA Communications. “Native Bison Hunters Amplified Climate Impacts on Prairie Fires.” UA News, 24 July 2018, Categories: prescribed burns, fire management |
2018 | Prairie | Link |
Souza, K., and J. Tanimoto, 2012: PRiMO IKE Hui Technical Input for the National Climate Assessment – Tribal Chapter. PRiMO IKE Hui Meeting – January 2012, Hawai‘i. 5 pp., U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, D.C. URL ↩ Categories: Climate change, American Indians, Technical inputs, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Northwest | |
Sowerwine, J., Mucioki, M., Sarna-Wojcicki, D. et al. Food Sec. (2019). Categories: food security, tribal food security, community health, culture, native foods, eco-cultural restoration |
2019 | Klamath River Basin, Southern Oregon, Northern California | Link |
Sparling, E., P. Byer, P. Cobb and H. Auld. (2017). Best Practices for Consideration of the Effects of Climate Change in Project-Level Environmental Assessments. Ontario Centre for Climate Impacts and Adaptation Resources (OCCIAR) and Risk Sciences International (RSI). Categories: climate change, climate change impacts, environmental assessment, planning, adaptation |
2017 | Link | |
Spies, Thomas A.; Stine, Peter A.; Gravenmier, Rebecca; Long, Jonathan W.; Reilly, Matthew J.; Mazza, Rhonda, tech. coords. 2018. Synthesis of science to inform land management within the Northwest Forest Plan area: executive summary. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-970. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 186 p Categories: Northwest Forest Plan, science, management, restoration, northern spotted owl, marbled murrelet, climate change, socioeconomic, environmental justice, U.S. Forest Service |
2018 | National | Link |
State of California, Governor's Office of Research and Planning. (2018). California's Fourth National Climate Assessment; Statewide Summary. Categories: climate change, adaptation, vulnerability assessment, energy, water resources, management, forests, wildfires, agriculture, public health |
2018 | California | Link |
Stein, Jill Dr. Standing Rock Sioux on the front lines of the climate emergency. Capitol Hill Publishing Corp. 2016. Categories: climate change, corporations, fossil fuel extraction, emissions, protest, |
2016 | North Dakota, United States | Link |
Stein, Michael Isaac. “How to Save a Town From Rising Waters.” CityLab, The Atlantic Monthly Group, 24 Jan. 2018, Categories: climate change effects, relocation, planning |
2018 | Coastal Louisiana | Link |
Stephen B. Weisberg, Nina Bednaršek, Richard A. Feely, Francis Chan, Alexandria B. Boehm, Martha Sutula, Jennifer L. Ruesink, Burke Hales, John L. Largier, Jan A. Newton. 2016. Water quality criteria for an acidifying ocean: Challenges and opportunities for improvement. Ocean & Coastal Management. vol. 126 p. 31-41. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.03.010 Categories: Ocean Acidification, Hypoxia, Climate Impacts, Climate Monitoring |
2016 | West, Coastal | Link |
Stephen Pyne. 2017. Recreating forests of the past isn't enough to fix our wildfire problem. Categories: wildfire, managed fire, prescribed burn, management, prevention, ecosystem, beneficial, fuels, fire science, ecology, resilience |
2017 | United States, National | Link |
Stephen S. Ban, Hussein M. Alidina, Thomas A. Okey, Rachel M. Gregg, and Natalie C. Ban. Identifying potential marine climate change refugia: A case study in Canada’s Pacific marine ecosystems. CAKE. 2016. Categories: climate change, refugia, adaptation, mitigation, ocean, marine, aquaculture, climate science |
2016 | United States | Link |
Stewart. Earl, M. 2015. Tongass Land and Resource Management Plan Amendment: Draft Environmental Impact Statement. USDA Forest Service, Alaska Region, Tongass National Forest Categories: Southeast Alaska, Hoonah, Kake, economy, shellfish, salmon, commercial, subsistence, Haida, Hydaburg, Kasaan, Sealaska, subsistence ("socioeconomic setting”), Ketchikan, adaptation plans, reports |
2015 | Alaska | Link |
Stöckle, C.O., Higgins, S., Nelson, R., Abatzoglou, J., Huggins, D., Pan, W., Karimi, T., Antle, J., Eigenbrode, S.D. and Brooks, E. In press. Evaluating opportunities for an increased role of winter crops as adaptation to climate change in dryland cropping systems of the US Inland Pacific Northwest. Climatic Change, pp.1-15. DOI:10.1007/s10584-017-1950-z Categories: climate change, produce, adaptation, mitigation, agriculture, sustainability, climate predictions, planning, management |
2017 | Pacific Northwest | Link |
Stoffle, Richard W., and Michael J. Evans. 1990 Holistic Conservation and Cultural Triage: American Indian Perspectives on Cultural Resources. Human Organization 49(2):91-99. Categories: N.E.P.A, Native Americans, Cultural Resources, holistic conservation, cultural triage, tribe, indigenous |
1990 | United States | Link |
Strauss, B. H., Kulp, S. and Levermann, A. 2015. Mapping Choices: Carbon, Climate, and Rising Seas, Our Global Legacy. Climate Central Research Report. pp. 1-38. Categories: Sea level rise, populations at risk |
2015 | International, Global | Link |
Strom, B. A. (2005) Pre-fire Treatment Effects and Post-Fire Forest Dynamics on the Rodeo-Chediski Burn Area, Arizona. M.S. Thesis, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff AZ, 131p. Categories: Rodeo-Chediski Fire, White Mountain Apache Tribal lands (WMAT), fuel reduction treatments, prescribed burning, tribe, indigenous |
2005 | ||
Stuckenberger, Nicole A., ed. 2007. Thin Ice. Inuit Traditions within a Changing Environment. Exhibit Catalog. Hanover and London: University Press of New England. Categories: tribe, indigenous |
2007 |
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