
Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.

Publication Year Sort ascending Geography Website
Rising sea levels are forcing an indigenous tribe from home and could be an example of the future.

Categories: Biloxi, Choctaw, Florida, Native land, climate change, sea level, sea rise, island

2016 Southeast, Bayou, Florida Link
Chief, K., Meadow, A. and Whyte, K., 2016. Engaging Southwestern Tribes in Sustainable Water Resources Topics and Management. Water, 8(8), p.350.

Categories: water resources, management, climate change, mitigation, adaptation, water rights, mining claims

2016 Nationa, Southwest Link
James H. Thorne, Ryan M. Boynton, Andrew J. Holguin, Joseph A.E. Stewart and Jacquelyn Bjorkman. 2016. A Climate Change Vulnerabillity Assessment of California's Terrestrial Vegetation. Information Center for the Environment: UC Davis. Report Prepared for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Categories: Assessment, Vegetation, Climate Impacts, Climate Modeling, California

2016 California, Northwest, Southwest, West Link
Rhoades, Hannibal. World Conservation Congress Approves Historic Measure To Protect Indigenous Sacred Lands. IC Magazine. 2016.

Categories: native rights, tribal conservation, protection, sovereignty, invasive

2016 United States, International Link
Kornfeld, Itzchak E., 2016. The Impact of Climate Change on American and Canadian Indigenous Peoples and Their Water Resources: A Climate Justice Perspective (August 31, 2016). Available at SSRN:

Categories: climate change, Canada, social justice, climate justice, adaptation, mitigation, planning, policy

2016 Canada, United States Link
Dockry, M., Hall, K., Van Lopik, W., Caldwell, C. 2016. Sustainable development education, practice, and research: an indigenous model of sustainable development at the College of Menominee Nation, Keshena, WI, USA. Springer 11(1): 127-138.

Categories: Sustainable Development, Menominee Nation Sustainable Development Institute SDI Model, Community Planning, Participatory Research

2016 National Link
Stephen B. Weisberg, Nina Bednaršek, Richard A. Feely, Francis Chan, Alexandria B. Boehm, Martha Sutula, Jennifer L. Ruesink, Burke Hales, John L. Largier, Jan A. Newton. 2016. Water quality criteria for an acidifying ocean: Challenges and opportunities for improvement. Ocean & Coastal Management. vol. 126 p. 31-41. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.03.010

Categories: Ocean Acidification, Hypoxia, Climate Impacts, Climate Monitoring

2016 West, Coastal Link
Craig P. Paukert, Abigail J. Lynch, James E. Whitney. Effects of Climate Change on North American Inland Fishes: Introduction to the Special Issue. DOI. 2016.

Categories: fisheries, climate change, fish management, water management

2016 National Link
Sequim Gazette. 2016. Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe builds logjams for salmon habitat.

Categories: salmon, migration, habitat, restoration, climate change, spawning, fishing, cultural resources

2016 Washington, Pacific Northwest Link
Abbey Kessler. 2016. Western tribes struggle to adapt as reservoirs shrivel. Greenwire: E&E News.

Categories: Drought, Climate Adaptation, Disaster

2016 West, National Link
Photo Diary: A Week in Rural Alaska Where Climate Change Is Threatening a Village, Its School and Way of Life. The 74 Magazine. 2016.

Categories: climate change, relocation, erosion, infrastructure, school

2016 Alaska, Arctic, Bering Sea Link
Zanotti, L., Palomino-Schalscha, M.. 2016. Taking different ways of knowing seriously: cross-cultural work as translations and multiplicity. Springer 11(1): 139-152.

Categories: Traditional Knowledges, Indigenous Science, Decolonizing Research, Ethics

2016 National, International Link
Matt Richtel and Fernanda Santosapril. 2016. Wildfires, Once Confined to a Season, Burn Earlier and Longer. New York Times.

Categories: Wildfire, Climate Change

2016 National Link
AMS. 2016. State of the Climate in 2015.

Categories: climate science, climate change, climate assessment, monitoring

2016 National, Global, International Link
Flaccus, Gillian. Tribe trucks totem pole 7,700 km across U.S. and Canada in fossil fuels protest. National Post. 2016.

Categories: cliamte change, demonstration, protest, solidarity, social justice, native networks

2016 Washington state, National Link

Categories: Southeast Alaska, streamflow, hydrology, adaptation, fisheries, management

2016 Alaska Link
Herman, R.D.K. 2016. Traditional knowledge in a time of crisis: climate change, culture and communication. Springer 11(1): 163-176.

Categories: Western Science, Traditional Knowledges, Indigeneity, Knowledge Co-Production

2016 International Link
M. D. Flannigan, B. M. Wotton, G. A. Marshall, W. J. de Groot, J. Johnston, N. Jurko, A. S. Cantin. 2016. Fuel moisture sensitivity to temperature and precipitation: climate change implications. Climate Change, Volume 134, Issue 1, pp 59-71. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-015-1521-0

Categories: Climate impacts, Wildfire

2016 International (Canada) Link
Banegas, D. 2016. Between Two Worlds: Frank Lake heals the land using modern science and traditional ecological knowledge. USGS.

Categories: climate change, wildfire, tek, traditional ecological knowledge, management, technical knowledge, Indigenous climate science, cultural resources, human health

2016 Northern California, Pacific Northwest, Western United States Link
n.a. 2016. Indigenous women in Peru combat climate change and boost economy. UN Women.

Categories: climate change, Native women, Indigeneity, adaptation, TEK, ancestral practices, tradition, agriculture, economy, management, planning, social justice, gender equality, food justice

2016 Peru Link
Stein, Jill Dr. Standing Rock Sioux on the front lines of the climate emergency. Capitol Hill Publishing Corp. 2016.

Categories: climate change, corporations, fossil fuel extraction, emissions, protest,

2016 North Dakota, United States Link
USFWS. 2016. The Service's: Native American Policy. 510 FW 1.

Categories: Policy, Conservation, Cultural Resources, Federal-Tribal Collaboration

2016 National Link
J.E. Halofsky and D L. Peterson. 2016. Climate Change Vulnerabilities and Adaptation Options for Forest Vegetation Management in the Northwestern USA. Atmosphere, 7(3), 46; doi:10.3390/atmos7030046

Categories: Forest Ecology, Climate Vulnerability Assessment, National Park and Forest Management

2016 Northwest Link
Press, T. A. (2016, July 10). Columbia River fishing plan could alter limits for salmon, steelhead. Retrieved July 26, 2016, from

Categories: salmon, fisheries, marine health, steelhead, Tribal governments, Pacific Northwest Tribes

2016 Pacific Northwest, Washington, Oregon, National Link
Swanson, M, Trainor, F. 2016. Current Coastal Change Research/Management Projects and Priority Information Needs in from Cook Inlet through Southeastern Alaska

Categories: climate change, coastal, erosion, marine, management, resource,

2016 National, Coastal Link
2015-2016: A YEAR IN 15 STORIES. Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium. 2016.

Categories: climate change, climate science, assessment, community outreach, summary, report, application, policy

2016 United States Link
UBC News. 2016. Climate change could cut First Nations fisheries’ catch in half.

Categories: Salmon, Herring, Population Decline, Climate Impacts

2016 Northwest, International (Canada), British Columbia Link
Seidl, R., Spies, T. A., Peterson, D. L., Stephens, S. L., Hicke, J. A. (2016), REVIEW: Searching for resilience: addressing the impacts of changing disturbance regimes on forest ecosystem services. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53: 120–129. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12511

Categories: Forest Ecosystem Services, Forest Disturbance Management, Ecosystem Resilience

2016 National Link
n.a. 2016. Climate and Health Fact Sheets. North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies. EPA

Categories: climate change, human health, environmental health, air quality, wildfire risk, water quality, environmental justice, indigenous, disability, pregnancy,

2016 National Link
Dolan, Maura. Species may be listed as threatened based on climate change projections, court says . LA Times. 2016.

Categories: arctic, climate change, oil, vulnerability assessment, endagered

2016 Arctic, Alaska Link