
Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.

Publication Year Sort ascending Geography Website
Whyte, Kyle, Indigeneity and US Settler Colonialism (April 25, 2016). Forthcoming in Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race, Edited by Naomi Zack, Oxford University Press. Available at SSRN:

Categories: Indigeneity, Indigenous Identity, Philosophy

2016 National, International Link
EPA. Climate Change and the Health of Pregnant Women. Factsheet. 2016.

Categories: socioeconomics, climate change, pregnancy, pregnant, mother, women, health risks, education, biohazard

2016 United States, International Link
Beavers, Rebecca, Babson, Amanda, Shupp, Courtney. Coastal Adaptation Strategies Handbook. CAKE. 2016.

Categories: climate change, coast, marine, pacific, adaptation, aquaculture, fisheries

2016 United States Link
John M. Rybczyk, Alan F. Hamlet, Carol MacIlroy, Larry Wasserman. 2016. Introduction to the Skagit Issue—From Glaciers to Estuary: Assessing Climate Change Impacts on the Skagit River Basin. Northwest Science.

Categories: Skagit River Basin, Climate Impacts, Assessment, Scientific Data, Salmonids

2016 Northwest, Skagit River Basin Link
Toward Climate Resilience: A Framework and Principles for Science-Based Adaptation. UCS. 2016.

Categories: climate change, adaptation, mitigation, climate science assessment

2016 United States Link
Ahearn, A. 2015. Facing Rising Waters, A Native Tribe Takes Its Plea to Paris in Climate Talks. NPR. [audio].

Categories: Sea Level Rise, Relocation, Glacial Melting

2015. Northwest, Washington Link
New York Times. 2015. The Road to a Paris Climate Deal: What Climate Change Looks Like.

Categories: Sea Level Rise, Water Quality, Snow Melt, Coral Bleaching, Bark Beetles, Ocean Acidification

2015. National, International Link
Thomas W. Doyle, Bogdan Chivoiu, and Nicholas M. Enwright . 2015. Sea-level rise modeling handbook: Resource guide for coastal land managers, engineers, and scientists. Report submitted to USGS.

Categories: Sea-level Rise, Climate Modeling, Guide, Ecosystems Impacts

2015. Gulf of Mexico, Southeast Link
Saperstein, A. 2015. Climate Change, Migration, and the Puget Sound Region: What We Know and How We Could Learn More. Report prepared for the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group. The Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Washington, Seattle.

Categories: Human Migration, Climate Impacts, Research

2015 Pacific Northwest, Washington, Puget Sound Link
Inuit Circumpolar Council-Alaska (ICC-AK). 2015. Alaskan Inuit Food Security Conceptual Framework: How to Assess the Arctic from an Inuit Perspective -- Summary and Recommendations Report. Report created as part of 2015 Alaskan Inuit Food Security Conceptual Framework Technical Report.

Categories: Food Security, Climate Impacts, Planning, Indigenous Knowledge, Traditional Knowledges

2015 International, Alaska, Polar Link
Sydeman, W.J., E. Poloczanska, T.E. Reed, and S.A. Thompson. 2015. Climate change and marine vertebrates. Science 13 (350, no. 6262): 772-777, doi: 10.1126/science.aac9874

Categories: Marine Ecosystems Impacts, Marine Vertebrates, Population Dynamics, Climate Impacts

2015 Pacific Northwest, Coastal Link
Inuit Circumpolar Council-Alaska (ICC-AK). 2015. Alaskan Inuit Food Security Conceptual Framework: How to Assess the Arctic from an Inuit Perspective. Technical Report.

Categories: Food Security, Climate Impacts, Planning, Indigenous Knowledge, Traditional Knowledges

2015 International, Alaska, Polar Link
Maldonado, JK, TMB Bennett, K Chief, P Cochran, K Cozzetto, B Gough, MH Redsteer, N Maynard, K Lynn, G Voggesser. 2015. Engagement With Indigenous Peoples and Honoring Traditional Knowledge Systems. Climatic Change.

Categories: sustained assessment, TK, tribe, indigenous

2015 Global Link
Marino, Elizabeth. 2015. Fierce Climate, Sacred Ground: An Ethnography of Climate Change. University of Alaska Press.

Categories: vulnerability, Adaptation, Relocation, tribe, indigenous

2015 Alaska, Arctic Link
D. Patrick Kilduff, Emanuele Di Lorenzo, Louis W. Botsford, and Steven L. H. Teo, Changing central Pacific El Niños reduce stability of North American salmon survival rates, PNAS 2015 112 (35) 10962-10966; published ahead of print August 3, 2015, doi:10.1073/pnas.1503190112

Categories: climate change, climate adaptation, salmon, Coho, Chinook, population, restoration

2015 National Link
Vickery, Jamie and Lori Hunter. 2015. Native Americans: Where in Environmental Justice Research? Society and Natural Resources Journal.

Categories: Climate justice, American Indians, tribe, indigenous

2015 Global Link
Tribal Energy System Vulnerabilities to Climate Change and Extreme Weather. DOE. 2015.

Categories: energy, socioeconomic, climate change, accessibility, energy planning

2015 National Link
Armitage, P and Kilburn, S. 2015. Conduct of Traditional Knowledge Research—A Reference Guide. Whitehorse [YT]: Wildlife Management Advisory Council (North Slope).

Categories: Traditional Knowledge, Research, traditional knowledge research, indigenous people, tribe, best practices

2015 Canada Link
Tulalip, Swinomish Preserve Forest and Salmon Habitat With Two Significant Initiatives. Indian Country Toady. 2015.

Categories: Conservation, coastal habitat, wetlands, habitat restoration, climate adaptation

2015 Northwest, Pacific Northwest, Puget Sound, Washington, West coasr Link
Riley, Angela and Carpenter, Kristen A., Owning Red: A Theory of Indian (Cultural) Appropriation (September 3, 2015). Texas Law Review, Vol. 94, p. 859, 2016. Available at SSRN:

Categories: Intellectual property, dispossession, cultural appropriation, intangible property, freedom of speech, cultural property claims, extralegal, sacred sites, property law, legal

2015 National, United States Link
Stewart. Earl, M. 2015. Tongass Land and Resource Management Plan Amendment: Draft Environmental Impact Statement. USDA Forest Service, Alaska Region, Tongass National Forest

Categories: Southeast Alaska, Hoonah, Kake, economy, shellfish, salmon, commercial, subsistence, Haida, Hydaburg, Kasaan, Sealaska, subsistence ("socioeconomic setting”), Ketchikan, adaptation plans, reports

2015 Alaska Link
Brewer, Joseph and Kronk Warner, Elizabeth Ann, Guarding Against Exploitation: Protecting Indigenous Knowledge in the Age of Climate Change (February 20, 2015). Available at SSRN: or

Categories: Traditional Knowledge, indigenous knowledge, Climate change, intellectual property, tribes, Native Americans, American Indians, indigenous people, Indians

2015 United States Link
Bronen, R. (2014b). Choice and necessity: relocations in the Arctic and South Pacific. Forced Migration Review: 45.

Categories: Relocations, indigenous people, tribe, Arctic, South Pacific, Relocation, Adaptation

2015 Arctic, South Pacific Link
Review of 2014 Federal Agency Adaptation Plans 2015 National Link
Bronen, R. Huffington. 2015. The Arctic Is Speaking Truths About Climate Change. Is Anyone Listening?

Categories: Climate-induced displacement, Arctic, tribe, indigenous

2015 Alaska, Arctic Link
Gruenig B, Lynn K, Voggesser G, Whyte P. 2015. Tribal climate change principles: responding to federal policies and actions to address climate change.

Categories: Climate change, indigenous, policy, tribe

2015 United States Link
Northwest Climate Science Center. 2015. Annual Report.

Categories: Annual Report, Conservation, Science

2015 Northwest Link
Himes-Cornell, A., & Kasperski, S. (2015). Assessing climate change vulnerability in Alaska's fishing communities. Fisheries Research, 162, 1-11.

Categories: Traditional foods, Climate change, Fishing, Alaska, tribe, indigenous

2015 Alaska, Arctic Link
Carlson, A. K., Taylor, W. W., Schlee, K. M., Zorn, T. G., & Infante, D. M. 2015. Projected impacts of climate change on stream salmonids with implications for resilience‐based management. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.

Categories: Salmonid, Freshwater Ecology, Climate Modeling, Ecological Restoration, Habitat Suitability Projection

2015 Great Lakes, Midwest Link
Government Accountability Office. 2015. A National System Could Help Federal, State, Local, and Private Sector Decision Makers Use Climate Information.

Categories: Climate Data, Review

2015 National Link