Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication Sort descending | Year | Geography | Website |
Bednarski, J. 2010. Klawock Lake Subsistence Sockeye Salmon Project 2009 Annual and Final Report. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Juneau, Alaska. LOOK FOR MOST RECENT, REF SINCE 2004 Categories: Southeast Alaska, fisheries, watershed, habitat, salmon, restoration, subsistence, commercial, sockeye, Tlingit, Klawock, hatchery |
2010 | Alaska | Link |
Begay, Jade, and Ayşe Gürsöz. “Why Defending Indigenous Rights Is Integral to Fighting Climate Change.” Independent Media Institute and Rainforest Action Network, 5 Sept. 2018, Categories: pollution, front-line communities, climate change impacts, community health, environmental justice |
2018 | National | Link |
Being Prepared for Climate Change: A Workbook for Developing Risk-Based Adaptation Plans. EPA. 2014. Categories: climate change, mitigation, adaptation, climate planning, climate science, water, EPA |
2014 | National | Link |
Belfer, E., Ford, J.D. & Maillet, M. Climatic Change (2017) 145: 57. Categories: climate change, media coverage, colonialism, marginalization, traditional knowledge, |
2017 | Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand | Link |
Bell-Sheeter, A. 2004. First Nations Food Sovereignty Assessment Tool. NAFSI. Categories: sovereignty, food justice, natural, cultural resources, sustainability, self-sufficiency, economy |
2004 | United States, Canada | Link |
Bellon, Tina. “U.S. Government, but Not Trump, Can Be Sued over Climate: Judge.” Reuters, 15 Oct. 2018, Categories: climate change, fossil fuels, our children's trust |
2018 | Oregon, National | Link |
Bender, S., E. Burke, D. Chahim, L. Eshbach, L. L. Gordon, F. Kaplan, K. McCusker, H. Palevsky, M. Rowell, D. Battisti, J. Barcelos, J. Marlow, and S. Stzern, 2011: Initial Assessment of Lead Agency Candidates to Support Alaska Native Villages Requiring Relocation to Survive Climate Harms. 82 pp., University of Washington Climate Justice Seminar Spring 2011, Three Degrees Project, Seattle, WA. URL ↩ Categories: Climate change, Relocation, tribe, Alaska Native, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Alaska, Arctic | Link |
Bennett, J. W., 1963: Two memoranda on social organization and adaptive selection in a Northern Plains region.Plains Anthropologist, 8, 238-248.↩ Categories: cultural ecology |
1963 | Great Plains | |
Bennett, J. W., 1976: Anticipation, adaptation, and the concept of culture in anthropology. Science, 192, 847-853, doi:10.1126/science.192.4242.847.↩ Categories: Cultural anthropology, Human adaptation |
1976 | Global | |
Bennett, J. W., 1976: The Ecological Transition: Cultural Anthropology and Human Adaptation. Pergamon press, 378 pp.↩ Categories: Cultural anthropology, Human adaptation |
1976 | Global | |
Bennett, J. W., 1996: Human Ecology as Human Behavior: Essays in Environmental and Development Anthropology. Transaction Publishers, 378 pp.↩ | 1996 | ||
Bennett, N. J., Kadfak, A. & Dearden, P. (2014). The Future We Want: Taking Action in Ban Talae Nok for the Community, the Environment and Climate Change. Victoria, BC: Marine Protected Areas Research Group, University of Victoria. 22 p. Categories: Climate change, indigenous peoples, Ban Talae Nok, tribe, indigenous |
2014 | Global | Link |
Bennett, T. M. B., N. G. Maynard, P. Cochran, R. Gough, K. Lynn, J. Maldonado, G. Voggesser, S. Wotkyns, and K. Cozzetto, 2014: Ch. 12: Indigenous Peoples, Lands, and Resources. Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment, J. M. Melillo, Terese (T.C.) Richmond, and G. W. Yohe, Eds., U.S. Global Change Research Program, 297- 317. doi:10.7930/J09G5JR1. Categories: Climate change, indigenous, Adaptation, tribe, forests resources, Fires, and traditional Food, Water Resources, sea ice, Permafrost Thaw, Relocation |
2014 | United States | Link |
Berkes, F., 1993: Traditional ecological knowledge in perspective. Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Concepts and Cases, J.T. Inglis, Ed., Canadian Museum of Nature/International Development Research Centre, International Program on Traditional Ecological Knowledge International Development Research Centre, 1-9.↩ Categories: traditional knowledges, tribe, indigenous |
1993 | International | Link |
Berkes, F., 2008: Sacred Ecology, 2nd Ed. Routledge, 314 pp. Categories: resource management, Traditional Knowledge, indigenous peoples, tribe, indigenous |
2008 | Global | |
Berkes, Fikret. 2002. Epilogue: Making Sense of Arctic Environmental Change? In The Earth is Faster Now: Indigenous Observations of Arctic Environmental Change. Krupnik, Igor, and Dyanna Jolly, eds. Fairbanks: ARCUS, pp. 334–349. Categories: Climate change, Health, Inuit, Traditional Knowledge, tribe, indigenous |
2002 | Arctic, Alaska | Link |
Bethel, Matthew B., Lynn F. Brien, Emily J. Danielson, Shirley B. Laska, John P. Troutman, William M. Boshart, Marco J. Giardino, and Maurice A. Phillips. 2011. Blending Geospatial Technology and Traditional Ecological Knowledge to Enhance Restoration Decision-Support Processes in Coastal Louisiana. CHART Publications. Paper 23:555 -571 Categories: Restoration, GIS, remote sensing, traditional ecological knowledge, Coastal Louisiana, land loss, marsh health, community vulnerability, Grand Bayou, ecosystem users, Coastal Management, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Southeast | Link |
Bielawski, E. 1997. Aboriginal participation in global change research in the Northwest Territories of Canada. In Global Change and Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems. W.C. Oechel, T. Callaghan, T. Gilmanov, J.I. Holten, B. Maxwell, U. Molau, and B. Sveinbhornsson, eds. New York: Springer, pp. 475–483. Categories: tribe, indigenous, Traditional Knowledge |
1997 | Canada | Link |
Bisbal, G. A., & Jones, C. E. (2019). Responses of Native American cultural heritage to changes in environmental setting. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 15(4), 359–367. Categories: cultural heritage, identity, environmental changes, relationships, vulnerability, resilience |
2019 | National | Link |
Bjørst, Lill R. 2010. The tip of the iceberg: Ice as the non-human actor in the climate change debate. Études/Inuit/Studies 34(1): 134–150. Categories: environmental change, Inuit, framing, framing of climate change, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Arctic, Global | Link |
Blackburn, Marion. 2012. Return to the Trail of Tears. Archaeology 65(2):53-64. Categories: Historical Displacement, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | United States | |
Blackfeet Nation. 2017. Holistic Conservation is Not New to the Blackfeet Nation. Categories: climate change, stewardship, planning, management, adaptation, mitigation, TEK, Tradition, cultural practices |
2017 | Montana | Link |
Blakeney, M. (2020). Local Knowledge and Climate Change Adaptation. In: Blakeney, M., Siddique, K. (eds) Local Knowledge, Intellectual Property and Agricultural Innovation. Springer, Singapore. Categories: climate change, adaptation, Indigenous knowledge, agriculture |
2020 | Link | |
Blasch K, Hundt S, Wurster P, Sando R, Berthelote A (2018) Streamflow contributions from tribal lands to major river basins of the United States. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0203872. Categories: stream flow, water, water resources, water management, natural resources, tribal lands |
2018 | Pacific Northwest, Great Lakes, Missouri, Arkansas, California | Link |
Blomberg Categories: keystone, pipeline, NEPA, EIA, fossil fuels |
2019 | U.S. | Link |
Blumm, M.C., 2016. Indian Treaty Fishing Rights and the Environment: Affirming the Right to Habitat Protection and Restoration. 92 Washington Law Review 1. Categories: climate change, environmental protection, fisheries, settler colonialism, habitat restoration, human health, community action, social justice, youth justice, policy |
2016 | United States, Pacific Northwest, Washington state, Oregon, California | Link |
Booth S, Zeller D, 2005: Mercury, food webs, and marine mammals: implications of diet and climate change for human health. Environmental Health Perspectives 113 (5):521 Categories: Climate change, Ecopath, Ecosim, Ecotracer, mercury, pollutant, trophic modeling |
2005 | Global | Link |
Boyd-Barrett, Claudia. “Already Vulnerable Populations Face Greater Risks From Climate Change, Report Finds.” California Health Report, California Health Report, 6 Sept. 2018, Categories: climate change, climate change impacts, tribal communities, extreme wildfires, extreme weather conditions, coastal flooding, community health |
2018 | California | Link |
Brewen, J., Hayes, J. (2019). United States Department of Agriculture, "New Science Framework Provides Basis for Conservation and Restoration of Sagebrush". Categories: conservation, restoration, sagebrush, science, resilience, land management |
2019 | Link | |
Brewer, Joseph and Kronk Warner, Elizabeth Ann, Guarding Against Exploitation: Protecting Indigenous Knowledge in the Age of Climate Change (February 20, 2015). Available at SSRN: or Categories: Traditional Knowledge, indigenous knowledge, Climate change, intellectual property, tribes, Native Americans, American Indians, indigenous people, Indians |
2015 | United States | Link |
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