Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication Sort ascending | Year | Geography | Website |
ITEP. 2015. Climate Change Mitigation and Solid Waste: Reducing greenhouse gases through municipal solid waste management. Categories: waste management, climate mitigation, climate adaptation, emissions, greenhouse gas, solid waste, tribal health, |
2015 | United States | Link |
ITEP. 2015. Climate Change and Human Health: What it means to tribes and how we can adapt. Categories: disease, pathogens, food security, traditional diets, climate adaptation, community initiatives, weather patterns, heat, insects, air quality |
2015 | United States | Link |
ITEP. 2014. Climate Change and Water Resources: What it means to tribes and how we can adapt. Categories: climate adaptation. climate mitigation, water health, infrastructure, sea level, acidification, drought, flood, water access, fact sheet |
2014 | United States | Link |
ITEP. 2013. Climate Change and Forestry: What it means to tribes and how we can adapt. Categories: parasites, invasive species, wildfire, precipitation, forest assessments, climate adaptation, fact sheet |
2013 | United States | Link |
ITEP. 2013. Climate Change and Fisheries: What it means to tribes and how we can adapt. Categories: fishery, water health, climate adaptation, resource management, fact sheet |
2013 | United States | Link |
ITEP. 2013. Climate Change and Black Carbon: What it means for Tribes and what you can do. | 2013 | United States, National, Global, Arctic | Link |
ITEP. 2012. Climate Change and Wildfire: What it means to tribes and how we can adapt. Categories: wildfire risk, temperature, flood susceptibility, reduction, fire management, mitigation, adaptation, invasive insects |
2012 | United States | Link |
ITEP. 2012. Climate Change and Invasive Species: What it means to tribes and how we can adapt. Categories: Climate adaptation, invasive species, climate mitigation, prevention, |
2012 | United States | Link |
ITEP. 2012. Climate Change and Drought: What it means to tribes and how we can adapt. Categories: drought, water, irrigation, agriculture, cultural resources, climate adaptation, livestock, crops, |
2012 | United States | Link |
ITEP, 2011: Tribal Profiles. Alaska - Athabascan Region. Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals.↩ Categories: Alaska, Athabascan Region, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Alaska, Arctic | |
ITEP, 2010: Inupiaq Tribal Profile. Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, Northern Arizona University.↩ Categories: Alaska, Inupiaq, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Arctic, Alaska | Link |
ISTOCK Categories: drought, natural disasters, food planning, storage, TEK, technology |
2019 | California, National | Link |
Isabelle Groc. 2016. Some Whales Like Global Warming Just Fine. National Geographic. Categories: Whales, Climate Impacts, Temperature Change |
2016 | National, International | Link |
IPCC, 2014: Climate Change 2014: Synthesis Report. Contribution of Working Groups I, II and III to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Core Writing Team, R.K. Pachauri and L.A. Meyer (eds.)]. IPCC, Geneva, Switzerland, 151 pp. Categories: Climate change, Assessment Report |
2014 | International | Link |
IPCC, 2007: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. S. Solomon, D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor, and H.L. Miller, Eds. Cambridge University Press, 996 pp. URL Categories: Climate change, Science |
2007 | International | |
Inuit Circumpolar Council-Alaska (ICC-AK). 2015. Alaskan Inuit Food Security Conceptual Framework: How to Assess the Arctic from an Inuit Perspective. Technical Report. Categories: Food Security, Climate Impacts, Planning, Indigenous Knowledge, Traditional Knowledges |
2015 | International, Alaska, Polar | Link |
Inuit Circumpolar Council-Alaska (ICC-AK). 2015. Alaskan Inuit Food Security Conceptual Framework: How to Assess the Arctic from an Inuit Perspective -- Summary and Recommendations Report. Report created as part of 2015 Alaskan Inuit Food Security Conceptual Framework Technical Report. Categories: Food Security, Climate Impacts, Planning, Indigenous Knowledge, Traditional Knowledges |
2015 | International, Alaska, Polar | Link |
Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC). 2014. The sea ice never stops. Circumpolar Inuit reflections on sea ice use and shipping in Inuit Nunaat. Ottawa: Inuit Circumpolar Council – Canada. Categories: ICC, SDWG, inuit circumpolar council, arctic council, sea ice, shipping, indigenous, tribe |
2014 | Arctic | Link |
Inuit Circumpolar Conference (ICC). 2001. Statement by Violet Ford of the ICC. From consultation to partnership: Engaging Inuit on Climate Change. Silarjualiriniq: Inuit in Gloabal Issues 7:2–4. Categories: tribe, indigenous, Climate change |
2001 | Alaska, Arctic | Link |
Intercontinental Cry Categories: coastal, resiliency, House Bill 729, ecological, shorelines |
2019 | National | Link |
Inspiring Resilience: Indigenous Disaster Resilience. in HazNet: The Magazine of the Canadian Risks and Hazards Network. 2016. Categories: climate change, model, adaptation, mitigation, risk, health, planning, policy, current events, news |
2016 | Canada, United States | Link |
Ingram KT, Dow K, Carter L, 2012: Southeast Region Technical Report to the National Climate Assessment. Categories: Adaptation, extreme weather, climate impacts, Climate Modeling, climate variability, Coastal, Drought, Education, electric intrusion, Sea Level Rise, silviculture, social vulnerability, Southeast, storm surge, tropical, Mitigation |
2012 | Southeast | Link |
Indigenous Peoples’ Major Group for Sustainable Development (2019). Inclusion, Equality, and Empowerment to Achieve Sustainable Development: Realities of Indigenous Peoples [Thematic Report]. Retrieved from Categories: indigenous peoples, United Nations, IPCC, land management, sovereignty, human rights, indigenous rights |
2019 | International | Link |
Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Portal Categories: indigenous, Climate change |
2015 | International | Link |
Indian Health Services (2007) Public Law 86-121 Annual Report for 2007. Sanitation Facilities Construction Program, Public Health Service, 50p. Available at . Categories: tribe, indigenous |
2007 | Link | |
Indian Health Service [IHS] (2012) The Sanitation Facilities Construction Program of the Indian Health Service Public Law 86-121 Annual Report for 2010. Rockville, MD. Categories: Sanitation, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | United States | |
Indian Health Service (HIS). Disparities. Categories: tribe, indigenous, Health |
Indian Country Today Categories: wildfires, mitigation, Apache, BIA |
2019 | U.S. | Link |
Improving collaboration between Native Americans and climate scientists. 2015. MSU Today. Categories: Climate Science, Research Ethics, Native Climate Science |
2015 | Great Lakes, East | Link |
ICTMN Staff. 2015. Bakken-Crude-Hauling Oil Train Explodes in North Dakota, Town Evacuated. Indian Country Today Media Network: Categories: oil industry, tribe, indigenous |
2015 | Midwest | Link |
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