
Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.

Publication Year Sort ascending Geography Website
Sydeman, W.J., E. Poloczanska, T.E. Reed, and S.A. Thompson. 2015. Climate change and marine vertebrates. Science 13 (350, no. 6262): 772-777, doi: 10.1126/science.aac9874

Categories: Marine Ecosystems Impacts, Marine Vertebrates, Population Dynamics, Climate Impacts

2015 Pacific Northwest, Coastal Link
Himes-Cornell, A., & Kasperski, S. (2015). Assessing climate change vulnerability in Alaska's fishing communities. Fisheries Research, 162, 1-11.

Categories: Traditional foods, Climate change, Fishing, Alaska, tribe, indigenous

2015 Alaska, Arctic Link
Carlson, A. K., Taylor, W. W., Schlee, K. M., Zorn, T. G., & Infante, D. M. 2015. Projected impacts of climate change on stream salmonids with implications for resilience‐based management. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.

Categories: Salmonid, Freshwater Ecology, Climate Modeling, Ecological Restoration, Habitat Suitability Projection

2015 Great Lakes, Midwest Link
Houck, Oliver A. 2015 The Reckoning: Oil and Gas Development in the Louisiana Coastal Zone. Tulane Environmental Law Journal 28(2):185-296.

Categories: Old and Gas Industry, Development, Coastal Louisiana

2015 Southeast Link
Hummel S. Lake FK. (2015) "Forest Site Classification for Cultural Plant Harvest by Tribal Weavers can Inform Management" Forest Ecology.

Categories: blended scientific method, forest structure, cultural plants, silviculture, basketry, traditional ecological knowledge (TEK), tribe, indigenous

2015 Northwest Link
Joling, Dan. 2016. Alaska’s Inuit Link Steady Food Supply to Environment: CBC/Radio-Canada.

Categories: Survival of Indigenous Culture, Sustainability, Subsistence Living, Traditional Methods, Cultural Preservation, Climate Resilience.

2015 Alaska, Arctic, Canada, Coastal. Link
ICTMN Staff. 2015. Bakken-Crude-Hauling Oil Train Explodes in North Dakota, Town Evacuated. Indian Country Today Media Network:

Categories: oil industry, tribe, indigenous

2015 Midwest Link
Doyle, T.W., Chivoiu, Bogdan, and Enwright, N.M., 2015, Sea-level rise modeling handbook—Resource guide for coastal land managers, engineers, and scientists: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1815, 76 p.,

Categories: Sea-level Rise, Resource Guide, Planning

2015 National, Coastal Link
ITEP. 2015. Climate Change and Human Health: What it means to tribes and how we can adapt.

Categories: disease, pathogens, food security, traditional diets, climate adaptation, community initiatives, weather patterns, heat, insects, air quality

2015 United States Link
Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Portal

Categories: indigenous, Climate change

2015 International Link
ITEP. 2015. Climate Change Mitigation and Solid Waste: Reducing greenhouse gases through municipal solid waste management.

Categories: waste management, climate mitigation, climate adaptation, emissions, greenhouse gas, solid waste, tribal health,

2015 United States Link
Review of 2014 Federal Agency Adaptation Plans 2015 National Link
Knapp C.N., Trainor S. F. 2015. Alaskan stakeholder-defined research needs in the context of climate change. Polar Geography.

Categories: Traditional Knowledge, Culture, Climate change, Worldviews, Stakeholder-defined research, tribe, indigenous

2015 Alaska, Arctic Link
Butsic, V.; Kelly, M.; Moritz, M.A. Land Use and Wildfire: A Review of Local Interactions and Teleconnections. Land 2015, 4, 140-156.

Categories: wildfire, land use, fire management

2015 California, American West Link
Kronk Warner, E. A. (2015). Everything Old is New Again: Enforcing Tribal Treaty Provisions to Protect Climate Change Threatened Resources. Available at SSRN 2652954.

Categories: Climate change, tribe, indigenous, treaty, trust resources

2015 United States Link
Northwest Climate Science Center. 2015. Annual Report.

Categories: Annual Report, Conservation, Science

2015 Northwest Link
Burger, J., Gochfeld, M., Niles, L. et al. Environ Monit Assess (2015) 187: 102. doi:10.1007/s10661-014-4233-4

Categories: Indicators, Human health, Ecological health, Endpoints, Cultural health, Subsistence, climate change, fisheries, conservation

2015 Northwest Coast Link
Laska, S., Peterson, K., Rodrigue, CL., Cosse, T., Philippe, R., Burchett, O., Krajeski RL. 2015. Layering of Natural and Human-Caused Disasters in the Context of Sea Level Rise Coastal Louisiana Communities at the Edge. In Disaster's Impact on Livelihood and Cultural Survival. 225 -238

Categories: Disasters, Sea Level Rise, Coastal Louisiana, Indusry, Resiliency, tribe, indigenous

2015 Southeast
Improving collaboration between Native Americans and climate scientists. 2015. MSU Today.

Categories: Climate Science, Research Ethics, Native Climate Science

2015 Great Lakes, East Link
Government Accountability Office. 2015. A National System Could Help Federal, State, Local, and Private Sector Decision Makers Use Climate Information.

Categories: Climate Data, Review

2015 National Link
Maldonado, JK (2015) Everyday Practices and Symbolic Forms of Resistance: Adapting to Environmental Change in Coastal Louisiana. In Hazards, Risks, and Disasters in Society: A Cross-Disciplinary Overview, Andrew Collins, ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Inc.

Categories: Climate change, Adaptation, tribe, indigenous, symbolic resistance, Coastal Louisiana

2015 Coastal Louisiana, Southeast
Whyte, Kyle. 2015. What Do Indigenous Knowledges Do for Indigenous Peoples? SSRN.

Categories: Traditional Knowledges (TKs), Indigenous Knowledge, Indigenous Governance, Science, Climate Impacts

2015 National Link
Vinyeta K, Whyte KP, Lynn K. 2015. Climate change through an intersectional lens: gendered vulnerability and resilience in indigenous communities in the United States. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-923. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.

Categories: Indigenous peoples, climate change vulnerability, resilience, gender, identity

2015 National Link
Maldonado, JK, AP Naquin, T Dardar, S Parfait-Dardar and B Bagwell (2015) Above the Rising Tide: Coastal Louisiana’s Tribal Communities Apply Local Strategies and Knowledge to Adapt to Rapid Environmental Change. In Disasters' Impact on Livelihood and Cultural Survival: Losses, Opportunities, and Mitigation. Michèle Companion, ed. Pp. 239-253. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Categories: environmental impact, knowledge exchange, tribe, indigenous

2015 Coastal Louisiana, Southeast Link

Categories: Public Health, adaptation, preparedness, air quality, climate change, extreme events

2015 National Link
President’s FY2016 Indian Affairs Budget Requests $2.9 Billion to Support Tribal Self-Determination, Strengthen Native American Communities

Categories: Budget, Self-Determination, tribe, indigenous

2015 United States Link
Whyte, Kyle. 2015. The Ethics of Traditional Knowledge Exchange in Climate Change Initiatives. Earthzine.

Categories: Ethics, Traditional Knowledges (TKs), Climate Initiatives

2015 National, International Link
Swan C, Chief Albert P Naquin and Stanley Tom. 2015. Building Respectul Solutions. Forced Migration Review: Disasters and Displacement in a Changing Climate.

Categories: Relocation, tribe, indigenous

2015 United States Link
Swan, Colleen, Chief Albert P. Naquin, and Stanley Tom. 2015 Building Respectful Solutions. Forced Migration Review: Disasters and Displacement in a Changing Climate, Issue 49.

Categories: Forced Migration, Disasters, displacement, tribe, indigenous

2015 Southeast Link
Tanner, T., Lewis, D., Wrathall, D., Bronen, R., Cradock-Henry, N., Huq, S., Lawless, C., Nawrotzki, R., Prasad, V., Rahman, Md. A., Alaniz, R., King, K., McNamara, K., Nadiruzzaman, Md., Henly- Shepard, S. and Thomalla, F. (2015) Livelihood resilience in the face of climate change, Nature Climate Change 5: 23–26. doi:10.1038/nclimate2431

Categories: Livelihood resilience, Climate change, resilience, human livelihood, agency

2015 Global Link