
Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.

Publication Year Geography Website
Mack, M. C., S. M. Bret-Harte, T. N. Hollingsworth, R. R. Jandt, E. A. G. Schuur, G. R. Shaver, and D. L. Verbyla, 2011:Carbon loss from an unprecedented Arctic tundra wildfire. Nature, 475, 489-492, doi:10.1038/nature10283. URL ↩

Categories: Climate science Earth science Ecology Environmental science

2011 Arctic Link
Kathy Lynn. Fostering Tribal Engagement in Climate Science Centers and Landscape Conservation Cooperatives. 2012.

Categories: Climate Science Center, Landscape Conservation Cooperatives, tribal engagement, climate initiatives

2012 National, United States Link
Zielinski, Sarah. 2016. How Will Native Americans in the Southwest Adapt to Serious Impacts of Climate Change?:

Categories: Climate Resilience, Tribes, Indigenous Survival, Climate Vulnerability, Inundation, Permafrost, Erosion, Relocation.

2016 Southwest, United States, Louisiana. Link
Gombay-McGill, Katherine. 2016. Climate and Politics Could Test Arctic People: Futurity.

Categories: Climate Resilience, Climate Vulnerability, Environmental Science, Social Stability, Future Generations.

2016 Alaska, Arctic, Canada. Link
Hallum, Mark. 2016. Climate Change May Have Big Impact on American Indian Tribes Out West: The Inquisitr News

Categories: Climate Resilience, Climate Change Vulnerability, Drought & Agriculture.

2016 Western United States. Link
Oliver Timm and Henry F. Diaz, 2009: Synoptic-Statistical Approach to Regional Downscaling of IPCC Twenty-First-Century Climate Projections: Seasonal Rainfall over the Hawaiian Islands*. J. Climate, 22, 4261–4280.

Categories: Climate Modeling, Hawaiian Regional Climate Model

2009 Hawaii, Pacific Link
Chunxi Zhang, Yuqing Wang, Axel Lauer, and Kevin Hamilton, 2012: Configuration and Evaluation of the WRF Model for the Study of Hawaiian Regional Climate. Mon. Wea. Rev., 140, 3259–3277.

Categories: Climate Modeling, Hawaiian Climate Projections

2012 Hawaii, Pacific Link
Whyte, K.P 2014. “A Concern About Shifting Interactions between Indigenous and Nonindigenous Parties in U.S. Climate Adaptation Contexts.” Interdisciplinary Environmental Review 15 (2/3): 114-133.

Categories: Climate justice, Environmental Justice, treaty rights, indigenous peoples, tribal jurisdiction, Climate Change Adaptation, indigenous resilience, indigenous sustainability, tribe, indigenous

2014 US, Canada Link
Vickery, Jamie and Lori Hunter. 2015. Native Americans: Where in Environmental Justice Research? Society and Natural Resources Journal.

Categories: Climate justice, American Indians, tribe, indigenous

2015 Global Link
Nathan Gilles. 2016. A World Aflame. Oregon Quarterly.

Categories: Climate Impacts, Wildfire, Tribal Adaptation

2016 Northwest Link
M. D. Flannigan, B. M. Wotton, G. A. Marshall, W. J. de Groot, J. Johnston, N. Jurko, A. S. Cantin. 2016. Fuel moisture sensitivity to temperature and precipitation: climate change implications. Climate Change, Volume 134, Issue 1, pp 59-71. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-015-1521-0

Categories: Climate impacts, Wildfire

2016 International (Canada) Link
Darryl Fears. 2016. Scientists say climate change is threatening the lifeblood of Canada’s native people. Washington Post.

Categories: Climate Impacts, Species Decline, Salmon

2016. Alaska, National, International (Canada) Link
Zhiliang Zhu and A. David McGuire (eds). 2016. Baseline and Projected Future Carbon Storage and Greenhouse-Gas Fluxes in Ecosystems of Alaska

Categories: Climate Impacts, Methane, Climate Mitigation, Wildfire, Permafrost Thaw, Climate Assessment

2016 Alaska, Northwest Link
K.R. Jones, J.E.M. Watson, H.P. Possingham, C.J. Klein. 2016. Incorporating climate change into spatial conservation prioritisation: A review. Biological Conservation, Volume 194, 121–130. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2015.12.008

Categories: Climate Impacts, Conservation, Climate Modeling, Ecological Restoration

2016 National, International Link
The Washington-British Columbia Transboundary Climate-Connectivity Project. University of Washington. 2016.

Categories: climate impacts, climate models, climate adaptation, mitigation, case study, climate model

2016 Washington state, British Colombia, National, International Link
McNutt, Deborah (ed). 2009. Northwest Tribes: Meeting the Challenge of Climate Change. Brief prepared for the Northwest Indian Applied Research Institute. Olympia, WA: Evergreen State College.

Categories: Climate Impacts, Adaptation, Tribal Nations, Mitigation

2009 National, Washington, Northwest, International (Canada) Link
Bronen, Robin. 2016. Arctic Sirens Wail: Where Are the First Responders? Huffpost Impact.

Categories: Climate Impacts, Adaptation

2016 National, International, Arctic, Alaska Link
United Nations. n.d. Backgrounder: Climate change and indigenous peoples.

Categories: Climate Impacts on Indigenous Peoples, Policy, Adaptation, Mitigation

2007 International Link
Shonkoff, S.B., Morello-Frosch, R., Pastor, M., and Sadd, J. (2011) The Climate Gap: environmental health and equity implications of climate change and mitigation politics in California- A Review of the Literature: Climatic Change, DOI 10.1007/s10584-011-0310-7, 19p.

Categories: Climate Gap, Environmental Health, California

2011 California
Anderegg, W. R., Klein, T., Bartlett, M., Sack, L., Pellegrini, A. F., Choat, B., & Jansen, S. (2016). Meta-analysis reveals that hydraulic traits explain cross-species patterns of drought-induced tree mortality across the globe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201525678.

Categories: Climate Extremes, Drought, Forest Ecology, Climate Impacts

2016 National, International Link
Government Accountability Office. 2015. A National System Could Help Federal, State, Local, and Private Sector Decision Makers Use Climate Information.

Categories: Climate Data, Review

2015 National Link
Whyte, K. P. (2018). Indigenous science (fiction) for the Anthropocene: Ancestral dystopias and fantasies of climate change crises. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 1(1–2), 224–242.

Categories: climate crises, indigenous peoples, indigenous perspectives, Anthropocene, Holocene, colonial violence

2018 Link
McNeeley, S.M., Even, T.L., Gioia, J.B., Knapp, C.N. and Beeton, T.A., 2017. Expanding Vulnerability Assessment for Public Lands: The Social Complement to Ecological Approaches. Climate Risk Management.

Categories: Climate change; Public lands; Land-based livelihoods; Social vulnerability; Vulnerability assessment; Adaptation

2017 National Link
Eilperin, J. 2017. The EPA just buried its climate change website for kids.

Categories: climate change, youth, education, social justice, Obama administration, Trump administration,

2017 National Link
A. Park Williams John T. Abatzoglou Alexander Gershunov Janin Guzman‐Morales Daniel A. Bishop Jennifer K. Balch Dennis P. Lettenmaier. July 2019. "Observed Impacts of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Wildfire in California".

Categories: climate change, wildfires, warming temperatures

2019 California Link
Banegas, D. 2016. Between Two Worlds: Frank Lake heals the land using modern science and traditional ecological knowledge. USGS.

Categories: climate change, wildfire, tek, traditional ecological knowledge, management, technical knowledge, Indigenous climate science, cultural resources, human health

2016 Northern California, Pacific Northwest, Western United States Link
Sankey, J. B., Kreitler, J., Hawbaker, T. J., McVay, J. L., Miller, M. E., Mueller, E. R., . . . Sankey, T. T. (2017). Climate, wildfire, and erosion ensemble foretells more sediment in western USA watersheds. Geophysical Research Letters. Retrieved October 30, 2018, from

Categories: climate change, wildfire, erosion, water quality, water supply, watershed health, sedimentation

2017 United States Link
Profita, Cassandra. 2017. Climate Change Is Making Smoky, Unhealthy Air More Common.

Categories: climate change, wildfire, asthma, heart disease, human health, risk, hazard, air quality, smoke, pollution

2017 Northwest, Pacific Northwest Link
Melvin, A.M., Murray, J., Boehlert, B. et al. Climatic Change (2017) 141: 783. doi:10.1007/s10584-017-1923-2

Categories: climate change, wildfire, adaptation, mitigation, water quality, biodiversity, expense, cost, alaska

2017 Alaska, United States Link
Hsiang, S., Kopp, R., Jina, A., Rising, J., Delgado, M., Mohan, S., Rasmussen, D.J., Muir-Wood, R., Wilson, P., Oppenheimer, M. and Larsen, K., 2017. Estimating economic damage from climate change in the United States. Science, 356(6345), pp.1362-1369.

Categories: climate change, weather patterns, precipitation, short-term, climate science, projections,

2017 United States Link