Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year Sort ascending | Geography | Website |
Weiser, Matt. 2017. A guide to the EPA data under threat by the Trump administration. The Guardian. Categories: trump administration, budget cuts, EPA, environmentalism, unregulated, planning, policy, legislature, white house |
2017 | Natioanl | Link |
Fears, D. 2017. Trump promised to bring back coal jobs. That promise ‘will not be kept,’ experts say. Categories: climate change, coal, unrestricted, pollution, emissions, greenhouse gasses, energy, industry, natural gas |
2017 | National | Link |
The Dakota Access Pipeline, Environmental Injustice, and U.S. Colonialism. 2017. In Red Ink: An International Journal of Indigenous Literature, Arts, & Humanities. Categories: environmental justice, social change, protest, demonstration, fossil fuel, capitalism, indigenous, sovereignty, self-determination, treaty rights |
2017 | Midwest, National, North Dakota | Link |
Lipton, E., Meier, B. 2017. Under Trump, Coal Mining Gets New Life on U.S. Lands. The New York Times. Categories: coal, emissions, green house gases, climate change, industry, regulations, policy, planning, legislation, jobs, employment, economy, export, |
2017 | United States, National | Link |
Capriccioso, Rob. 2017. Plea to Trump: Protect White House Council on Native American Affairs. Indian Country Media Network. Categories: social justice, sovereignty, tribal protection, treaty, trump administration, budget cuts, planning, policy, legislation |
2017 | National | Link |
Popovich, N. 2017. Trump’s Executive Order Pushes the U.S. Climate Pledge Further Out of Reach. New York Times. Categories: climate change, emissions, standards, greenhouse gasses, regulations, deregulated |
2017 | National | Link |
PBS. 2017. Broken Treaties: The history of the native people of Oregon and how they went from possessing 100 percent of the state's land to nearly none of it. Categories: treaties, legislation, policy, management, Federal recognition, traditional lands, treaty lands, sovereignty, self determination |
2017 | Oregon | Link |
Littel, Jeremy. 2017. Practical Notes on Using Climate Predictions in Alaska. Department of the Interior, USGS, Alaska Climate Science Center, Anchorage, Alaska. Categories: Southeast Alaska, climate science, climate change, climate modeling, climate projections, global climate projections, downscaling, regional climate projections, precipitation, temperature, |
2017 | Alaska | Link |
Flatt, Courtney. 2017. Proposed EPA Cuts Could Pose Big Problems For Tribes. KUOW. Categories: budget cuts, support, climate change, environmental hazard, trump administration, white house, legislation, planning, policy, grants |
2017 | National | Link |
Holden, Emily, 2017. Was the Clean Power Plan Really Bad for the Economy? Categories: greenhouse gas regulations, deregulated, coal, natural gas, Clean Power Plan, Trump Administration, energy, footprint |
2017 | National | Link |
Wilson, Conrad. 2017. Northwest Tribes Call For End To Moving Fossil Fuels Through Gorge. PBS. Categories: fossil fuels, oil, pollution, spill, environmental degradation, sacred places, tribes, sovereignty, self determination |
2017 | Oregon | Link |
SBS. 2017. US won't budge on climate change despite Indigenous groups and Arctic nations' pleas. Categories: climate change, arctic, Alaska, legislation, Trump Administration, global warming |
2017 | Arctic, Alaska | Link |
Blackfeet Nation. 2017. Holistic Conservation is Not New to the Blackfeet Nation. Categories: climate change, stewardship, planning, management, adaptation, mitigation, TEK, Tradition, cultural practices |
2017 | Montana | Link |
Geiling, Natasha. 2017. Climate change is already forcing U.S. communities to abandon their homes. Think Progress. Categories: climate change, relocation, natural disaster, hazard, human health, land loss, adaptation, legislation |
2017 | National | Link |
n.a. 2017. Prof. Rebecca Tsosie: Current Issues in Intellectual Property Rights to Cultural Resources. Native American Rights Fund. Categories: United Nations, UNDRIP, Indigenous rights, intellectual property, TEK, cultural practices, traditions, legislation, policy |
2017 | International, Global, United States | Link |
Pierre-Louis, K. 2017. If the EPA doesn't believe in science, what is it good for? Popular Science. Categories: claimtea change, environmental protection, budget cuts, governemntal agency, funding, climate science, trump administration, white house. legislation, planning, policy |
2017 | National | Link |
Eilperin, J., Dennis, B. 2017. Trump moves decisively to wipe out Obama’s climate-change record. Trump moves decisively to wipe out Obama’s climate-change record Categories: EPA, coal emissions, greenhouse gas regulations, energy, clean energy, alternative, climate change, mitigation, policy |
2017 | National, Global | Link |
Light, John. 2017. Kids Suing Trump Hope the Courts Step Up on Climate Change. Bill Moyers. Categories: climate change, litigation, legislation, supreme court, trump administration, supreme court, OCT, Our Children's Trust |
2017 | National | Link |
Dhillon, C.M., 2017. Using citizen science in environmental justice: participation and decision-making in a Southern California waste facility siting conflict. Local Environment, pp.1-18. Categories: climate change, planning, policy, management, zoning, development, waste programs, community, collaboration |
2017 | National, United States | Link |
Harvey, C. 2017. This climate lawsuit could change everything. No wonder the Trump administration doesn’t want it going to trial. The Washington Post. Categories: trump administration, climate change, lawsuit, OCT, federal government, supreme court, mitigation, emissions, standards, legislation |
2017 | National | Link |
Davenport, C., Rubin, A. J. 2017Trump Signs Executive Order Unwinding Obama Climate Policies. Categories: coal emissions, greenhouse gas regulations, deregulated, Clean Power Act, Trump administration, EPA, climate change, mitigation |
2017 | National, International | Link |
Champagne, Duane. 2017. Trump’s Policies Threaten Tribal Sovereignty. IndianCountry Today. Categories: Trump Administration, BIA, federal assistance, grants, financial assistance |
2017 | Link | |
Foytlin, Cherri. 2017. Indigenous Youth Took Center Stage at the People's Climate March. Categories: climate change, social justice, racial justice, environmental justice, climate march |
2017 | National | Link |
Lee, J.H., 2017. Improving Native American Tribes’ Voice in International Climate Change Negotiations. American Indian Law Journal, 5(2), p.7. Categories: climate change, adaptation, mitigation, Indigenous people, community resilience, food security, TEK, cultural resources, tradition, cultural genocide, environmental racism |
2017 | National, United States | Link |
Winters, Chris. 2017. After 90 years, salmon are returning to upper Sultan River. HeraldNET. Categories: climate change, restoration, conservation, management, repopulation, habitat, spawning |
2017 | Washington, Pacific Northwest | Link |
Carmen, A., Borrero, R. 2017. IITC (International Indian Treaty Council) Urges US to Rescind Trump’s Recent Actions Due to Human Rights Issues. Categories: tribal rights, human health, cultural practice, spirituality, religion, sovereignty, self-determination, |
2017 | National, International, Untied States | Link |
Levy, Amir. 2017. Facing climate change on the Louisiana bayous – in pictures. The Guardian. Categories: climate change, seal level, relocation, adaptation, treaty land, reservation |
2017 | Louisiana | Link |
Lockwood, Devi. 2017. Ranchers and Tribes Unite Once Again to Fight the Keystone XL. Categories: climate change, pipeline, fossil fuels, pollution, environmental degradation, human health, water quality, legislation, capitalism |
2017 | Nebraska | Link |
WHYTE, K. 2017. Way Beyond the Lifeboat: An Indigenous Allegory of Climate Justice. Categories: climate change, TEK, oral histories, Traditional knowledge, Oral transmission on knowledge, climate justice, social justice, community health, Indigenous science |
2017 | United States, International, Global | Link |
Tengö, M., R. Hill, P. Malmer, C. M. Raymond, M. Spierenburg, F. Danielsen, T. Elmqvist, C. Folke. 2017. Weaving knowledge systems in IPBES, CBD and beyond—lessons learned for sustainability. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. 26–27:17–25 Categories: climate change, TEK, traditional knowledge, knowledge transmission, management, planning, policy |
2017 | International | Link |
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