Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year Sort ascending | Geography | Website |
Oliver-Smith, Anthony. 2009 Development and Dispossession: The Crisis of Forced Displacement and Resettlement. Santa Fe, New Mexico: School for Advanced Research Press. Categories: Climate-induced displacement, resettlement, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Southwest | |
Papiez, C., 2009: Climate Change Implications for the Quileute and Hoh Tribes of Washington: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Assessing Climatic Disruptions to Coastal Indigenous Communities. Master’s Thesis, Environmental Studies. The Evergreen State College, 119 pp. URL Categories: Climate change, Quileute and Hoh Tribes, Coastal Tribes, Northwest, Traditional Knowledge, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Northwest | Link |
Parkinson, A. J., and B. Evengård, 2009: Climate change, its impact on human health in the Arctic and the public health response to threats of emerging infectious diseases. Global Health Action, 2, doi:10.3402/gha.v2i0.2075. URL Categories: Climate change, Health, Arctic, infectious diseases |
2009 | Arctic | Link |
Pearce, Tristan D., Ford, James D., Laidler, Gita J., Smit, Barry, Duerden, Frank Duerden, Allarut, Mishak, Andrachuk, Mark, Baryluk, Steven, Dialla, Andrew, Elee, Pootoogoo, Goose, Annie, Ikummaq, Theo, Joamie, Eric, Kataoyak, Fred, Loring, Eric, Meakin, Stephanie, Scott Nickels, Scot, Shappa, Kip, Shirley, Jamal, and Johanna Wandel. 2009. Community collaboration and climate change research in the Canadian Arctic. Polar Research 28(1):10–27. Categories: Adaptation, Canadian Arctic, Climate change, community–researcher collaboration, Inuit, vulnerability, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Arctic | Link |
Pungowiyi, C., 2009: Siberian Yup'ik Elder, personal communication. | 2009 | ||
Roncoli, Carla, Crane Todd, and Ben Orlove. 2009. Fielding Climate Change in Cultural Anthropology. In Anthropology and Climate Change: From Encounters to Actions. S.A. Crate and M. Nuttall, eds. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, pp. 87–115. Categories: Climate change, global warming |
2009 | Link | |
Salazar, Ken. 2009. Interior Secretarial Order 3289, “Addressing the Impacts of Climate Change on America’s Water, Land, and other Natural and Cultural Resources.” Available at: Categories: Secretarial order |
2009 | Link | |
Sloan, K. (2009). Climate Change Issues & Needs for the Yurok Tribe. Impacts of Climate Change on Tribes in the United States, National Tribal Air Association. Attachment L. Categories: Yurok tribe, tribe, indigenous, Climate change |
2009 | ||
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community. 2009. Swinomish Climate Change Initiative Impact Assessment Technical Report. Categories: Impact Assessment, Vulnerability Assessment, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Northwest | |
McNutt, Deborah (ed). 2009. Northwest Tribes: Meeting the Challenge of Climate Change. Brief prepared for the Northwest Indian Applied Research Institute. Olympia, WA: Evergreen State College. Categories: Climate Impacts, Adaptation, Tribal Nations, Mitigation |
2009 | National, Washington, Northwest, International (Canada) | Link |
Trainor, S. F., S. F. Chapin, III, D. A. McGuire, M. Calef, N. Fresco, M. Kwart, P. Duffy, A. Lauren Lovecraft, S. T. Rupp, L. ’O. DeWilde, O. Huntington, and D. C. Natcher, 2009: Vulnerability and adaptation to climate-related fire impacts in rural and urban interior Alaska. Polar Research, 28, 100-118, doi:10.1111/j.1751-8369.2009.00101.x. Categories: Climate change fire impacts, vulnerability, Adaptation, Alaska, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Alaska, Arctic | |
AK-CCAP, Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy. Climate Change Impacts on Water Availability in Alaska (presentation). 2009-15-September. (accessed 2011-16-January). Categories: Southeast Alaska, hydrology, policy, water availability, vulnerable populations, climate change, precipitation, adaptation, planning, agriculture, growing season, |
2009 | Alaska | Link |
Turner, N.J., and H. Clifton, 2009: “It’s so different today”: Climate change and indigenous lifeways in British Columbia, Canada. Global Environmental Change 19:180–190. Categories: Climate change, indigenous peoples, traditional ecological knowledge, British Columbia, Adaptation, resilience, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Canada | Link |
Baker, L., Koski, K., Albert, D. and Cohen, N., 2009. A Conservation Action Plan for Estuarine Ecosystems of Southeastern Alaska. Categories: Southeast Alaska, Sitka, Aleutkina Bay, estuary, estuarine, fish, fisheries, shellfish, subsistence, anadromous fish, rockfish, Ketchikan, Yakutat, eelgrass, sea otter, waterfowl, migratory birds, coast, coastline, conservation, timber, mining, ocean acidification, urban development, coastal development, hydroelectric power, |
2009 | Alaska | Link |
USACE. 2009. Alaska Baseline Erosion Assessment Study Findings and Technical Report. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District. (accessed 24 June, 2015). | 2009 | Link | |
Bryant, M.D., 2009. Global climate change and potential effects on Pacific salmonids in freshwater ecosystems of southeast Alaska. Climatic Change, 95(1-2), pp.169-193. Categories: Southeast Alaska, first foods, watershed, hydrology, stream temperature, salmon, anadromous, freshwater, fisheries, management, conservation, climate change, sea level rise, spawning, precipitation, climate models, projections, regional climate model |
2009 | Alaska | Link |
WAPA, 2009: Wind and Hydropower Feasibility Study, Final Report. For Section 2606 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, as amended by Section 503(a) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. 286 pp., Western Area Power Administration, Stanley Consultants, Inc. URL Categories: Energy, Wind, hydropower |
2009 | United States | |
Tribal Climate Change Forum. 2009. | 2009 | United States, International, Pacific Northwest, Coast, Oregon, Washington, California | Link |
Oliver Timm and Henry F. Diaz, 2009: Synoptic-Statistical Approach to Regional Downscaling of IPCC Twenty-First-Century Climate Projections: Seasonal Rainfall over the Hawaiian Islands*. J. Climate, 22, 4261–4280. Categories: Climate Modeling, Hawaiian Regional Climate Model |
2009 | Hawaii, Pacific | Link |
Weaver, H. 2009. The colonial context of violence: reflections on violence in the lives of Native American women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 24: 1552-1563. Categories: colonialism, Violence, American Indian women |
2009 | ||
Whitt, L. (2009). Science, colonialism, and indigenous peoples: The cultural politics of law and knowledge. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Categories: indigenous people, tribe, legal system, Traditional Knowledge, legal ideologies, intellectual property rights, Western Science, colonialism |
2009 | International | Link |
Wildcat, D. R., 2009: Red Alert!: Saving the Planet with Indigenous Knowledge. Fulcrum Publishing, 148 pp. Categories: Climate change, Traditional Knowledge, Resiliance, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Global | |
Arctic Council. 2009. Tromsø Declaration. On the occasion of the Sixth Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council, the 29th of April, 2009, Tromsø, Norway. (accessed June 22, 2015). Categories: indigenous, tribe, arctic residents, global climate change, arctic warming |
2009 | Arctic, Coastal, Norway | Link |
Bailey, Garrick A., ed. 2008. Indians in Contemporary Society. Handbook of North American Indians. Vol. 2. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution. Categories: tribe, indigenous |
2008 | North America | Link |
Berkes, F., 2008: Sacred Ecology, 2nd Ed. Routledge, 314 pp. Categories: resource management, Traditional Knowledge, indigenous peoples, tribe, indigenous |
2008 | Global | |
Chapin, F. S., Trainor, S. F., Huntington, O., Lovecraft, A. L., Zavaleta, E., Natcher, D. C., ... & Naylor, R. L. (2008). Increasing wildfire in Alaska's boreal forest: pathways to potential solutions of a wicked problem. BioScience, 58(6), 531-540. Categories: Alaska, global change, scale, Wildfire, wicked problem, tribe, indigenous |
2008 | Alaska | |
Cordalis, D., & Suagee, D. B. (2008). The effects of climate change on American Indian and Alaska Native tribes. Natural Resources & Environment, 45-49. Categories: Climate change, American Indians, Alaska Natives, treaty rights, tribe, indigenous |
2008 | United States | Link |
Gessner, B. D. (2008). Lack of piped water and sewage services is associated with pediatric lower respiratory tract infection in Alaska. The Journal of pediatrics, 152(5), 666-670. Categories: Health, Water services, Alaska, tribe, indigenous |
2008 | Alaska, Arctic | |
Hennessy, T. W., Ritter, T., Holman, R. C., Bruden, D. L., Yorita, K. L., Bulkow, L., ... & Smith, J. (2008). The relationship between in-home water service and the risk of respiratory tract, skin, and gastrointestinal tract infections among rural Alaska natives. American Journal of Public Health, 98(11), 2072-2078. Categories: Health, Water services, Infections, Rural Alaska, tribe, indigenous |
2008 | Alaska, Arctic | Link |
Higuera, P. E., L. B. Brubaker, P. M. Anderson, T. A. Brown, A. T. Kennedy, and F. S. Hu, 2008: Frequent fires in ancient shrub tundra: Implications of paleorecords for arctic environmental change. PLoS ONE, 3, e0001744, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001744. URL ↩ Categories: Arctic, Fires, environmental change |
2008 | Alaska, Arctic | Link |
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