Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year Sort ascending | Geography | Website |
Royster, J. V. (2012). Climate Change and Tribal Water Rights: Removing Barriers to Adaptation Strategies. Tul. Envtl. LJ, 26, 197. Categories: Climate change, water rights, tribal water rights, reserved water rights, Indian water rights, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | United States | |
Farbotko, Carol, and Heather Lazrus 2012 The First Climate Refugees? Contesting Global Narratives of Climate Change in Tuvalu. Global Environmental Change 22:382–390. Categories: Climate-induced displacement, Climate refugees, Migration, Adaptation, Everyday practice, Tuvalu, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Global | Link |
Schaefer, K., Lantuit, H., Romanovsky, V., & Schuur, E. (2012). Policy implications of warming permafrost. Categories: Public policy, permafrost |
2012 | Alaska, Arctic | |
Kirsty Galloway McLean. Land Use, Climate Change Adaptation, and Indigenous Peoples. 2012. Categories: current events, climate change, education, adaptation, TEK, TK |
2012 | National | Link |
Ferris, E., 2012. Protection and Planned Relocations in the Context of Climate Change. UN High Commission of Refugees, Division of International Protection, Geneva, Switzerland. Categories: Development-induced displacement, Climate change, resettlement, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | International | Link |
Sejersen, Frank. 2012. Mobility, climate change, and social dynamics in the Arctic: The creation of new horizons of expectation and the role of community. In Climate Change and Human Mobility: Global Challenges to the Social Sciences. Kirsten Hastrup and Karen Fog Olwig, eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 190–213. Categories: Climate change, Migration |
2012 | Global, Arctic | Link |
Fienup-Riordan, Anna, and Alice Rearden. 2012. Ellavut / Our Yup'ik World and Weathe. Continuity and Change on the Bering Sea Coast.Seattle: University of Washington Press. Categories: Traditional Knowledge, cultural transmission, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Alaska, Arctic | Link |
Shearer, C., 2012: The political ecology of climate adaptation assistance: Alaska Natives, displacement, and relocation. Journal of Political Ecology, 19, 174-183. URL ↩ Categories: Climate change, Alaska Natives, Adaptation, displacement, Relocation, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Alaska, Arctic | |
The Nature Conservancy. 2012. Klawock River, Salmon Passage and Habitat Restoration Project Final Report. Prepared for NOAA Restoration Center. The Working Forest Group. 2013. Consolidated young growth forest land base analysis for all land ownership in Southeast Alaska and recommendations for federal land managers. Prepared at the request of: USDA Forest Service, Alaska Region. Categories: Southeast Alaska, Klawock Community Association, Klawock Heenya Corporation, watershed, hydrology |
2012 | Alaska | Link |
First Stewards, 2012: First Stewards: Coastal Peoples Address Climate Change. Categories: Coastal Tribes, Climate change, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Northwest | Link |
Grossman, Z., A. Parker, and B. Frank, 2012: Asserting Native Resilience: Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations Face the Climate Crisis. Oregon State University Press, 240 pp.↩ Categories: Climate change, Pacific Rim, indigenous peoples, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Pacific Rim | |
Souza, K., and J. Tanimoto, 2012: PRiMO IKE Hui Technical Input for the National Climate Assessment – Tribal Chapter. PRiMO IKE Hui Meeting – January 2012, Hawai‘i. 5 pp., U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, D.C. URL ↩ Categories: Climate change, American Indians, Technical inputs, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Northwest | |
Hat, Sr., A. White, 2012: Sicangu Lakota Elder, personal communication.↩ | 2012 | ||
ITEP. 2012. Climate Change and Drought: What it means to tribes and how we can adapt. Categories: drought, water, irrigation, agriculture, cultural resources, climate adaptation, livestock, crops, |
2012 | United States | Link |
Thackeray L (2012) 2012 Montana wildfires burn most acreage since 1910. Billings Gazette. 11/1/2012. Billings, MT Categories: Wildfire |
2012 | Northwest | Link |
Hat, Sr., A. White, and Papalii Failautusi Avegalio, 2012: personal communication.↩ | 2012 | ||
Tribal Water Working Group (University of New Mexico), 2012: Water in Indian Country: Categories: Climate change, water rights, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | ||
Huntington, H. P., E. Goodstein, and E. Euskirchen, 2012: Towards a tipping point in responding to change: Rising costs, fewer options for arctic and global societies. AMBIO, 41, 66-74, doi:10.1007/s13280-011-0226-5.↩ Categories: Climate change costs |
2012 | Arctic | |
Walker, R., 2012: Haida Gwaii Quake brings home the importance of Quileute relocation legislation. Indian Country Today Media URL ↩ Categories: Relocation, Quileute, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Northwest | Link |
Indian Health Service [IHS] (2012) The Sanitation Facilities Construction Program of the Indian Health Service Public Law 86-121 Annual Report for 2010. Rockville, MD. Categories: Sanitation, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | United States | |
ITEP. 2012. Climate Change and Invasive Species: What it means to tribes and how we can adapt. Categories: Climate adaptation, invasive species, climate mitigation, prevention, |
2012 | United States | Link |
Wang, M., and J. E. Overland, 2012: A sea ice free summer Arctic within 30 years: An update from CMIP5 models.Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L18501, doi:10.1029/2012GL052868. URL ↩ Categories: sea ice, Arctic |
2012 | Arctic | |
Ingram KT, Dow K, Carter L, 2012: Southeast Region Technical Report to the National Climate Assessment. Categories: Adaptation, extreme weather, climate impacts, Climate Modeling, climate variability, Coastal, Drought, Education, electric intrusion, Sea Level Rise, silviculture, social vulnerability, Southeast, storm surge, tropical, Mitigation |
2012 | Southeast | Link |
WATER IN INDIAN COUNTRY: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES A REPORT PREPARED BY THE TRIBAL WATER WORKING GROUP Categories: water quality, water quantity, ecosystems, Fisheries, Climate change, tribal water rights, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Southwest, United States | Link |
Laska, Shirley. 2012. Dimensions of Resiliency: Essential, Exceptional, and Scale. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure 6(3): 246-276. Categories: Katrina, essential vulnerability, multiple hazards, infrastructure and social linkages, exceptional recovery, scale |
2012 | Southeast | Link |
Willox, A. C. 2012. "Climate Change as the Work of Mourning." Ethics & the Environment 17(2): 137-164. Categories: mourning, vulnerability |
2012 | Link | |
Lazrus, Heather. 2012. Sea Change: Island Communities and Climate Change. Annual Review of Anthropology 41: 285-301. Categories: vulnerability, resilience, Adaptation, Migration, justice, sea of islands, Climate-induced displacement, Island communities, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Global | Link |
ITEP. 2012. Climate Change and Wildfire: What it means to tribes and how we can adapt. Categories: wildfire risk, temperature, flood susceptibility, reduction, fire management, mitigation, adaptation, invasive insects |
2012 | United States | Link |
Yazzie, D. H., Chee, C., Darden, S. A., Gleason, I., Denetdale, J. N. (2012) The Impact Of The Navajo-Hopi Land Settlement Act Of 1974 P.L. 93-531 et al. Public Hearing Report: July 2012. Categories: Navajo-Hopi Land Settlement Act, Forced relocation, Impacts of forced relocation, human rights |
2012 | Southwest | |
MacDougall, A. H., C. A. Avis, and A. J. Weaver, 2012: Significant contribution to climate warming from the permafrost carbon feedback. Nature Geoscience, 5, 719-721, doi:10.1038/ngeo1573.↩ Categories: Biogeochemistry Climate science Cryospheric science |
2012 |
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