Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year | Geography | Website |
Arnakak, Jaypeetee. 2002. Incorporation of Inuit Qaujimanituqangit, or Inuit traditional knowledge, into the Government of Nunavut. The Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development 3(1):Knowledge Categories: Traditional Knowledge, Inuit traditional knowledge, Qaujimanituqangit (IQ), Sustainable Development, tribe, indigenous |
2002 | Canada, Arctic | Link |
Rosa-Anquino, P. (2018, November 21). To share or not to share? Tribes risk exploitation when sharing climate change solutions. Grist. Retrieved November 21, 2018, from Categories: traditional knowledge, knowledge sharing, IPCC, adaptation, planning, exploitation |
2018 | National | Link |
Armitage, P and Kilburn, S. 2015. Conduct of Traditional Knowledge Research—A Reference Guide. Whitehorse [YT]: Wildlife Management Advisory Council (North Slope). Categories: Traditional Knowledge, Research, traditional knowledge research, indigenous people, tribe, best practices |
2015 | Canada | Link |
Gearheard, S., M. Pocernich, R. Stewart, J. Sanguya, and H. P. Huntington, 2010: Linking Inuit knowledge and meteorological station observations to understand changing wind patterns at Clyde River, Nunavut. Climatic Change, 100, 267-294, doi:10.1007/s10584-009-9587-1.↩ Categories: Traditional Knowledge, Science, wind patterns, Clyde Rive, Nunavut, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Canada, Arctic | |
Eira, I. M., Oskal, A., Hanssen-Bauer, I., & Mathiesen, S. D. (2018). Snow cover and the loss of traditional indigenous knowledge. Nature Climate Change. Categories: traditional knowledge, snow cover, sustainability, management, adaptation |
2018 | Circumpolar North | Link |
Schiffman, R. (2018, August 20). Lessons Learned from Centuries of Indigenous Forest Management. Retrieved August 27, 2018, from Categories: traditional knowledge, TEK, agriculture, forestry, management, forest health |
2018 | Link | |
Robbins, J. (2018, August 26). Native Knowledge: What Ecologists Are Learning from Indigenous People. Retrieved August 27, 2018, from Categories: traditional knowledge, TEK, ecology, wildfires, forestry, management, agriculture |
2018 | Alaska, Australia | Link |
Hanses, Terri. “Breaking a Sacred Trust: On the Exploitation of Traditional Knowledge.” Pacific Standard, 20 Sept. 2018, Categories: traditional knowledge, TEK, restoration, knowledge protection |
2018 | Washington | Link |
Cameron, E. S. (2012). Securing Indigenous politics: A critique of the vulnerability and adaptation approach to the human dimensions of climate change in the Canadian Arctic. Global Environmental Change, 22(1), 103-114. Categories: Traditional Knowledge, vulnerability, Adaptation, Inuit, indigenous, Climate change, Governmentality, colonialism, Resource extraction, shipping, Mining, Legibility, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Arctic | |
Chang, M., Kennard, H., Nelson, L., Wrubel, K., Gagnon, S., Monette, R., & Ledford, J. (2020). Makah Traditional Knowledge and Cultural Resource Assessment: A preliminary framework to utilize traditional knowledge in climate change planning. Parks Stewardship Forum, 36(1). Categories: Traditional knowledges |
2020 | Northwest | Link |
Norgaard, K. 2014. Karuk Traditional Ecological Knowledge and the Need for Knowledge Sovereignty: Social Cultural and economic Impacts of Denied Access to Traditional Management. Prepared for Karuk Tribe Department of Natural Resources. Categories: Traditional Knowledges (TKs), Climate Impacts, Knowledge Sovereignty, Self-Determination, Self-Governance, Climate Impacts, Natural Resource Management, Collaboration, Co-Management, Prescribed Burns |
2014 | Pacific Northwest, California, Northwest | |
Whyte, Kyle. 2015. What Do Indigenous Knowledges Do for Indigenous Peoples? SSRN. Categories: Traditional Knowledges (TKs), Indigenous Knowledge, Indigenous Governance, Science, Climate Impacts |
2015 | National | Link |
Norgaard, K. 2014.Retaining Knowledge Sovereignty: Expanding the Application of Tribal Traditional Knowledge on Forest Lands in the Face of Climate Change. Prepared for the Karuk Tribe Department of Natural Resources. Categories: Traditional Knowledges (TKs), Knowledge Sovereignty, Natural Resource Management, Climate Impacts |
2014 | Northwest, California | |
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2014) "Report on the meeting on available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, needs of local and indigenous communities and the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for adaptation" Categories: traditional knowledges, Adaptation, gender, tribe, indigenous |
2014 | Global | Link |
Climate and Traditional Knowledges Workgroup (CTKW). 2014. Guidelines for Considering Traditional Knowledges in Climate Change Initiatives. Categories: traditional knowledges, climate change initiatives, resource, informational framework |
2014 | National, Pacific Northwest | Link |
Vinyeta, Kirsten; Lynn, Kathy. 2013. Exploring the role of traditional ecological knowledge in climate change initiatives. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-879. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 37 p. Categories: traditional knowledges, climate change, tribe, Indigenous |
2013 | United States | Link |
Parrotta, John A.; Agnoletti, Mauro. 2012. Traditional forest-related knowledge and climate change. pp. 491-533 (Chapter 13) in: Parrotta, John A. and Trosper, Ronald L., editors. Traditional Forest-Related Knowledge: Sustaining Communities, Ecosystems and Biocultural Diversity. World Forest Series vol. 12. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands. Categories: traditional knowledges, Forests, Climate change, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Link | |
Zanotti, L., Palomino-Schalscha, M.. 2016. Taking different ways of knowing seriously: cross-cultural work as translations and multiplicity. Springer 11(1): 139-152. Categories: Traditional Knowledges, Indigenous Science, Decolonizing Research, Ethics |
2016 | National, International | Link |
Chiefs in Ontario. 2010. Respecting Our Ancestors, Ensuring Our Future: Traditional Knowledge Primer for First Nations. Categories: Traditional Knowledges, Policy |
2010 | International | Link |
Weatherdon, J.; Ota, Y.; Jones, M.; Close, D.; Cheung, W.2016. Projected Scenarios for Coastal First Nations’ Fisheries Catch Potential under Climate Change: Management Challenges and Opportunities. PLoS ONE. 11: e0145285. Categories: Traditional Knowledges, Site-Specific Mitigation and Adaptation, Joint-Management, Salmon, Species Decline, Species Range Shift |
2016 | Northwest, International (Canada), British Columbia | Link |
Johnson, J., Howitt, R., Cajete, G., Berkes, F., Louis, R., Kliskey, A. 2016. Weaving Indigenous sustainability sciences to diversify our methods. Springer 11(1): 1-11. Categories: Traditional Knowledges, Sustainability Sciences, Research Protocols, Collaboration |
2016 | International | Link |
Cochran, P., O. H. Huntington, C. Pungowiyi, S. Tom, S. F. Chapin, III, H. P. Huntington, N. G. Maynard, and S. F. Trainor, 2013: Indigenous frameworks for observing and responding to climate change in Alaska. Climatic Change, 120, 557-567, doi:10.1007/s10584-013-0735-2.↩ Categories: traditional knowledges, tribe, indigenous |
2013 | Alaska | Link |
Berkes, F., 1993: Traditional ecological knowledge in perspective. Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Concepts and Cases, J.T. Inglis, Ed., Canadian Museum of Nature/International Development Research Centre, International Program on Traditional Ecological Knowledge International Development Research Centre, 1-9.↩ Categories: traditional knowledges, tribe, indigenous |
1993 | International | Link |
LaPier, Rosalyn R. “Why Native Americans Struggle to Protect Their Sacred Places.” The Conversation, 14 Aug. 2018, Categories: traditional lands, cultural resources, national monuments, Native American religion, Bears Ears National monument |
2018 | Bears Ears National Monument | Link |
Stucki, D. S. (2018, April 4). Evaluating the Effects of Traditional Harvest and Climate on Common Camas (Camassia quamash) in Weippe Prairie, Idaho. Retrieved May 2, 2018, from Categories: traditional resources, camas, land management, climate change impacts, harvest practices, monitoring, restoration |
2018 | Idaho | Link |
Horsey, David. “Canadian Oil Pipeline Is a Threat to Puget Sound's Ecosystem.” The Seattle Times, The Seattle Times Company, 1 June 2018, Categories: Trans Mountain Pipeline, oil, sea life, San Juan Islands, Puget Sound |
2018 | Puget Sound, San Juan Islands, Canada | Link |
Deloria, Jr., V., and R. J. DeMallie, 1999: Documents of American Indian Diplomacy: Treaties, Agreements, and Conventions, 1775-1979. University of Oklahoma Press.↩ Categories: Treaties, American Indians, Treaty making, Law, History, tribe, indigenous |
1999 | United States | |
PBS. 2017. Broken Treaties: The history of the native people of Oregon and how they went from possessing 100 percent of the state's land to nearly none of it. Categories: treaties, legislation, policy, management, Federal recognition, traditional lands, treaty lands, sovereignty, self determination |
2017 | Oregon | Link |
Nursey-Bray, M., Palmer, R., Chischilly, A.M., Rist, P., Yin, L. (2022). Tribal Capacity Building and Adaptation Planning: The United States. In: Old Ways for New Days. SpringerBriefs in Climate Studies. Springer, Cham. Categories: tribal adaptation plan, climate change, ITEP Tribal Climate Change Program, mitigation, education |
2022 | National | Link |
DOE, 2011: Tribal Energy Program: Financial Assistance and Project Management. 49 pp., U.S. Department of Energy. URL ↩ Categories: Tribal energy program, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | United States |
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