Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year Sort ascending | Geography | Website |
Saez, Catherine. On Eve Of WIPO Traditional Knowledge Negotiations, Nations Swap Experiences. IPW. 2016. Categories: traditional knowledge, intellectual property, protection, retention, collaboration, TEK, knowledge sovereignty |
2016 | International, Global | Link |
WRSC. 2016. Western Region 2016 Accomplishment Report. Categories: wildfire, fire, management, climate change, prevention, adaptation, mitigation, planning, policy |
2016 | Western United States | Link |
United States, Congress, Federal Highway Administration. “Climate Change and Environmental Justice: Considerations for Transportation Decision-Making.” Climate Change and Environmental Justice: Considerations for Transportation Decision-Making, 2016. Categories: highways, transportation, climate change, climate change impacts, environmental justice, equity |
2016 | National | Link |
Vose, J.M.; Clark, J.S.; Luce, C.H.; Patel-Weynand, T., eds. 2016. Effects of drought on forests and rangelands in the United States: a comprehensive science synthesis. Gen. Tech. Rep. WO-93b. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington Office. 289 p. Categories: Drought, Management, Climate Science, Forest, Rangelands, Science Synthesis |
2016 | United States | Link |
Kastalia Medrano. 2016. Can Native American Oyster Practices Rejuvenate the Chesapeake Bay? Pacific Standard. Categories: shellfish, commercial fishing, industry, productivity, oyster, native species, restoration |
2016 | Chesapeake Bay, North East, Atlantic, East Coast | Link |
Little, Jeremy S., 2016, Climate Models, Climate Projections, and Uncertainty: A Primer for Southeast Alaska. Alaska Climate Science Center and US Geological Survey. Categories: Southeast Alaska, climate models, climate projections, uncertainty, downscaling, local projections, global projections, climate science, geomorphology, coastline, sea level rise, |
2016 | Alaska | Link |
Changing Times, Changing Stories: Climate Change Perspectives Vary Notably Among Generations in Subarctic Alaska. USGS. 2016. Categories: traditional knowledge, experiential learning, contemporary, modern, youth, elders |
2016 | Alaska | Link |
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2016. Qualitative Assessment: Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change on Endangered Species Act Recovery Actions for the South Fork Nooksack River, WA. EPA/600/R-16/153. Western Ecology Division, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, Corvallis, OR. Categories: climate change, adaptation, mitigation, restoration, habitat, stream quality, water health, planning, policy, |
2016 | Washington state, Nooksack | Link |
Five Tribes Benefit from Hands-On Training in Solar Operations and Maintenance. OIE. 2016. Categories: climate change, renewable energy, solar power, infrastructure, reduce, carbon, emissions |
2016 | Midwest, East Coast | Link |
Mistry, J. Berardi, A. Bridging indigenous and scientific knowledge. Science 2016: Vol. 352, Issue 6291, pp. 1274-1275 DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf1160 Categories: emissions, deforestation, climate mitigation, adaptation, sustainability, community programs, indigenous knowledge, oral traditions, shared social memory, ecosystem degradation, community initiatives, traditional knowledge, local |
2016 | National, International, United States | Link |
Little, Jeremy S., 2016, Downscaled climate projections for southeast Alaska and considerations for use in modeling, management, and planning. Alaska Climate Science Center and US Geological Survey. Categories: Southeast Alaska, coastal, marine, downscaling, climate projections, historical climate, hydrology, snow, |
2016 | Alaska | Link |
Native Americans Adapting to Changes in What-Grows-Where. YCC. 2016. | 2016 | National | Link |
Michael A. Crimmins, Daniel B. Ferguson, Jeremy L. Weiss, Holly Faulstich. n.d. Hopi Climate Report – An Overview to Support Drought Monitoring & Management. Categories: Climate Adaptation, Drought Monitoring, Assessment |
2016 | Southwest | Link |
Chief, K., Meadow, A. and Whyte, K., 2016. Engaging Southwestern Tribes in Sustainable Water Resources Topics and Management. Water, 8(8), p.350. Categories: water resources, management, climate change, mitigation, adaptation, water rights, mining claims |
2016 | Nationa, Southwest | Link |
Johnson, J., Howitt, R., Cajete, G., Berkes, F., Louis, R., Kliskey, A. 2016. Weaving Indigenous sustainability sciences to diversify our methods. Springer 11(1): 1-11. Categories: Traditional Knowledges, Sustainability Sciences, Research Protocols, Collaboration |
2016 | International | Link |
Rhoades, Hannibal. World Conservation Congress Approves Historic Measure To Protect Indigenous Sacred Lands. IC Magazine. 2016. Categories: native rights, tribal conservation, protection, sovereignty, invasive |
2016 | United States, International | Link |
Kornfeld, Itzchak E., 2016. The Impact of Climate Change on American and Canadian Indigenous Peoples and Their Water Resources: A Climate Justice Perspective (August 31, 2016). Available at SSRN: Categories: climate change, Canada, social justice, climate justice, adaptation, mitigation, planning, policy |
2016 | Canada, United States | Link |
Chris Frans, Erkan Istanbulluoglu, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, Garry Clarke, Theodore J. Bohn and Matt Stumbaugh. 2016. Implications of decadal to century scale glacio-hydrological change for water resources of the Hood River Basin, OR U.S.A. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10872 Categories: Climate Change, Glacial Melting, Hood River, Hydrology, Watersheds, Climate Impacts |
2016 | West, Northwest | Link |
George G. Waldbusser, Matthew W. Gray, Burke Hales, Chris J. Langdon, Brian A. Haley, Iria Gimenez, Stephanie R. Smith, Elizabeth L. Brunner, Greg Hutchinson. Slow shell building, a possible trait for resistance to the effects of acute ocean acidification. Limnology and Oceanography, 2016; DOI: 10.1002/lno.10348 Categories: Native oysters, climate adaptation, habitat restoration, population restoration, resilient, case study, climate change, acidification |
2016 | Pacific Northwest, Pacific Coast, British Columbia, Vancouver, Washignton, Oregon, California | Link |
Sequim Gazette. 2016. Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe builds logjams for salmon habitat. Categories: salmon, migration, habitat, restoration, climate change, spawning, fishing, cultural resources |
2016 | Washington, Pacific Northwest | Link |
Whyte, K., Brewer, J., Johnson, J. 2016. Weaving Indigenous science, protocols and sustainability science. Springer 11(1): 25-32. Categories: Sustainability Sciences, Indigenous Protocols, Collaboration |
2016 | National | Link |
Photo Diary: A Week in Rural Alaska Where Climate Change Is Threatening a Village, Its School and Way of Life. The 74 Magazine. 2016. Categories: climate change, relocation, erosion, infrastructure, school |
2016 | Alaska, Arctic, Bering Sea | Link |
Banegas, D. (2016). United States Department of Agriculture, "From Devastation to Resoration", Categories: sagebrush, ecosystems, wildfires, drought, cheatgrass, invasive species, seed restoration |
2016 | Link | |
Pitz, Charles. 2016. Predicted Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources of Washington State. Washington State Department of Ecology. Publication No. 16-03-006 Categories: Groundwater Resources, Climate Impacts, Hydrology, Climate Assessment, Sea-level Rise |
2016 | Northwest, Coastal | Link |
Study finds native Olympia oysters more resilient to ocean acidification. OSU. 2016. Categories: Native oysters, fisheries, commercial fishing, case study, resilient, resistant, |
2016 | National, Pacific Northwest, Canada, Oregon, Washignton, California, Pacific Coast | Link |
Kealiikanakaoleohaililani, K., Giardina, C. 2016. Embracing the sacred: an indigenous framework for tomorrow’s sustainability science. Springer 11(1): 57-67. Categories: Sustainability Sciences, Traditional Knowledges, Resource Management, Sacred |
2016 | National | Link |
Zielinski, Sarah. 2016. How Will Native Americans in the Southwest Adapt to Serious Impacts of Climate Change?: Categories: Climate Resilience, Tribes, Indigenous Survival, Climate Vulnerability, Inundation, Permafrost, Erosion, Relocation. |
2016 | Southwest, United States, Louisiana. | Link |
Flaccus, Gillian. Tribe trucks totem pole 7,700 km across U.S. and Canada in fossil fuels protest. National Post. 2016. Categories: cliamte change, demonstration, protest, solidarity, social justice, native networks |
2016 | Washington state, National | Link |
Categories: Southeast Alaska, streamflow, hydrology, adaptation, fisheries, management |
2016 | Alaska | Link |
Co-producing Science and Tools for Drought Preparedness with the Wind River Reservation's Tribal Water Managers. DOI. 2016. Categories: tribal water management, drought, climate science, Water rights, water health, climate adaptation |
2016 | Midwest, Wyoming, Montana, Eastern Oregon | Link |
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