Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year Sort ascending | Geography | Website |
Brose, Dominic (rapporteur), Committee on the Practice of Sustainability Science; Science and Technology for Sustainability Program; Policy and Global Affairs; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Integrating Landscape Approaches and Multi-Resource Analysis into Natural Resource Management: SUMMARY OF A WORKSHOP. Categories: Natural Resource Management, Landscape-scale Analysis |
2016 | National | Link |
Arctic indigenous leaders from Alaska, Russia, and Canada to make historic London address on impacts of Arctic Ocean shipping. The Arctic Journal. 2016. Categories: arctic, climate change, fossil fuels, policy, negotiation |
2016 | Arctic, Alaska, Russia, Siberia, Canada | Link |
Anderegg, W. R., Klein, T., Bartlett, M., Sack, L., Pellegrini, A. F., Choat, B., & Jansen, S. (2016). Meta-analysis reveals that hydraulic traits explain cross-species patterns of drought-induced tree mortality across the globe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201525678. Categories: Climate Extremes, Drought, Forest Ecology, Climate Impacts |
2016 | National, International | Link |
Pacific Northwest Weighs Response to Risks Posed by Oil Trains. July 31, 2016. Categories: chinook, salmon, fisheries, salmon run, habitat restoration, population, spawning, Gorge, dam, dam removal |
2016 | Yakama territories, Washington, Oregon, Pacific Northwest | Link |
United States, Congress, Federal Highway Administration. “Climate Change and Environmental Justice: Considerations for Transportation Decision-Making.” Climate Change and Environmental Justice: Considerations for Transportation Decision-Making, 2016. Categories: highways, transportation, climate change, climate change impacts, environmental justice, equity |
2016 | National | Link |
Couch, J. 2016. Tribal Food Sovereignty: Beyond the Community Garden. FNDI. Categories: food sovereignty, food justice, economy, self-determination, sustainability, self-sufficiency |
2016 | United States, Canada | Link |
Koszan, Tiffany. Adapting to climate change on tribal land explored at upcoming summit. Nevada Today. 2016. Categories: climate change, water health, farming practices, conference |
2016 | Great Basin, American Southwest | Link |
USGCRP, 2016: The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment. Crimmins, A., J. Balbus, J.L. Gamble, C.B. Beard, J.E. Bell, D. Dodgen, R.J. Eisen, N. Fann, M.D. Hawkins, S.C. Herring, L. Jantarasami, D.M. Mills, S. Saha, M.C. Sarofim, J. Trtanj, and L. Ziska, Eds. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, 312 pp. Categories: Harmful Algal Blooms, Water Quality, Human Health, Climate Impacts, Temperature Change, Air Quality Impacts, Extreme Events, Vector-Borne Diseases, Water-related Illnesses, Food Safety, Mental Health |
2016 | National | Link |
Terence, Malcolm. Karuk Tribe Holds Its Own Climate Study Session. Two Rivers Tribune. 2016. Categories: climate assessment, climate science, indigenous knowledge, tribal lands, local government, orleans, Federal agency, |
2016 | California, Orleans, Pacific Northwest | Link |
Ban, S.S., Alidina, H.M., Okey, T.A., Gregg, R.M. and Ban, N.C., 2016. Identifying potential marine climate change refugia: A case study in Canada’s Pacific marine ecosystems. Global Ecology and Conservation, 8, pp.41-54. Categories: climate change, refugia, canada, pacific, marine, sea, coastal |
2016 | Coastal, Canada | Link |
Reuters, Thompson. 'Dangerous' move by climate-change activists cuts off pipeline flow from Canada to U.S. CBC News. 2016. Categories: necessity, climate change, fossil fuels, crude oil, tar, pipeline, corporations, activism |
2016 | United States, Canada | Link |
Swanson, M, Trainor, F. 2016. Current Coastal Change Research/Management Projects and Priority Information Needs in from Cook Inlet through Southeastern Alaska Categories: Southeast Alaska, climate change, coastal, erosion, marine, management, research |
2016 | Alaska | Link |
EPA. 2016. Climate Change Indicators in the United States (Fourth Edition). Categories: climate change, human health, social justice, coastal, forest, climate science |
2016 | National, United States | Link |
Bronen, Robin. 2016. Arctic Sirens Wail: Where Are the First Responders? Huffpost Impact. Categories: Climate Impacts, Adaptation |
2016 | National, International, Arctic, Alaska | Link |
Banegas, D. (2016). United States Department of Agriculture, "From Devastation to Resoration", Categories: sagebrush, ecosystems, wildfires, drought, cheatgrass, invasive species, seed restoration |
2016 | Link | |
The Salmon People at Risk: What Climate Change Means for the Puyallup Tribe. LRInspire. 2016. Categories: ppuyallup, salmon, fisheries, traditional foods, TEK, sovereignty, climate change, water health |
2016 | Washignton State | Link |
James D. Ford, Laura Cameron, Jennifer Rubis, Michelle Maillet, Douglas Nakashima, Ashlee Cunsolo Willox and Tristan Pearce. 2016. Including indigenous knowledge and experience in IPCC assessment reports. Nature Climate Change 6. Categories: IPCC, Climate Assessment, Policy, Science, Indigenous Peoples' Issues |
2016 | International | Link |
Anaya, S. James and Puig, Sergio, Mitigating State Sovereignty: The Duty to Consult with Indigenous Peoples (November 28, 2016). 67 University of Toronto Law Journal ___ (Forthcoming); Arizona Legal Studies Discussion Paper No. 16-42. Available at SSRN: Categories: Internatnional Law, International Human Rights, Right of Consultation, Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Sovereignty |
2016 | National | Link |
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs. 2016. DOE Office of Indian Energy Strategic Roadmap 2025: Categories: Energy Development, Energy Deployment, Energy, Infrastructure, Development. |
2016 | National | Link |
EPA. HOW WILL CLIMATE CHANGE AFFECT MY HEALTH? Factsheet. 2016. Categories: climate change, air quality, illness, disease, human health, health risks |
2016 | International | Link |
Sheperd, Sara. Conference at Haskell explores how climate change affects American Indians. Lawrence Journal-World. 2016. Categories: climate change, network, adaptation, mitigation, forum, conference |
2016 | United States | Link |
World Bank Group. 2016. High and Dry: Climate Change, Water, and the Economy. Categories: Economics, Drought, Climate Impacts, Water Resources |
2016 | International | Link |
Lynam, T. and Walker, I., 2016. Making sense of climate change: orientations to adaptation. Ecology and Society, 21(4). Categories: climate change, knowledge production, social change, philosophy, sociology, |
2016 | Global | Link |
NOAA Sentinel Site Cooperative. n.d. Keeping Pace: A short guide to navigating sea-level rise models. Categories: Sea-level Rise, Climate Modeling |
2016 | National, International | Link |
EPA. Climate Change and the Health of Children. Factsheet. 2016. Categories: health risks, children, socioeconomic, climate change, biohazard, vulnerability, exposure |
2016 | International | Link |
National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. 2016. A Review of the Landscape Conservation Coopeartives. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. Categories: Review, Landscape Conservation Cooperatives |
2016 | National | Link |
Nathan Gilles. 2016. A World Aflame. Oregon Quarterly. Categories: Climate Impacts, Wildfire, Tribal Adaptation |
2016 | Northwest | Link |
2016. Research Ethics: A Source Guide to Conducting Research with Indigenous Peoples. Indigenous Geography. Categories: indigenous science, research, climate change, cultural resources, sovereignty, self-determination |
2016 | Global | Link |
EPA. Climate Change, Health, and Environmental Justice. Factsheet. 2016. Categories: social justice, climate change, socioeconomic, race, citizenship, low-income, biohazard, accessibility, education |
2016 | International, United States | Link |
Carolyn van Houten. The First Official Climate Refugees in the U.S. Race Against Time. 2016. National Geographic Online. Categories: Climate Adaptation, Relocation, Climate Refugee, Isle de Jean Charles, Isle de Jean Charles band of the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw Tribe |
2016 | Southeast, Gulf of Mexico | Link |
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