
Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.

Publication Year Sort ascending Geography Website
LaPier, Rosalyn R. 2017. Climate change could disrupt tribes’ religious practices. High Country News.

Categories: climate change, tribes, religion, spirituality, self-determination, cultural expression, freedom, accessibility,

2017 National, United States Link
Emanuel, Ryan E. 2017. Flawed environmental justice analyses.

Categories: tribes, climate change, pipeline, pollution, emissions, fossil fuels, environmental racism, social justice, human rights

2017 United States, National Link
Reilly, M.J., Dunn, C.J., Meigs, G.W., Spies, T.A., Kennedy, R.E., Bailey, J.D. and Briggs, K., 2017. Contemporary patterns of fire extent and severity in forests of the Pacific Northwest, USA (1985–2010). Ecosphere, 8(3):e01695. DOI 10.1002/ecs2.1695

Categories: wildfire, fire, fuels, management, climate change, adaption, reduction, mitigation, planning policy, prevention

2017 Western United States. Link
Gilles, Nathan. 2017. Adaptation Partners. The Climate CIRCulator.

Categories: partnership, inter agency collaboration, multiple jurisdiction, climate change, adaptation,

2017 Pacific Northwest, Washignton State Link
Belfer, E., Ford, J.D. & Maillet, M. Climatic Change (2017) 145: 57.

Categories: climate change, media coverage, colonialism, marginalization, traditional knowledge,

2017 Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand Link
Hugo, Kristen. 2017. Native Americans brace for impact as EPA undergoes changes.

Categories: climate change, tribes, mitigation, adaptation, funding, technical support, management, infrastructure, at-risk communities, social change,

2017 National Link
Halofsky, J.E., Peterson, D.L. and Prendeville, H.R., 2017. Assessing vulnerabilities and adapting to climate change in northwestern US forests. Climatic Change, pp.1-14.

Categories: climate chagne, adaptation, inter agency collaboration, partnerships, multiple jurisdiction, transboundary, management,

2017 Pacific Northwest, Washington state Link
Hallema, D.W., Sun, G., Bladon, K.D., Norman, S.P., Caldwell, P.V., Liu, Y. and McNulty, S.G. In press. Regional Patterns of Post‐Wildfire Streamflow Response in the Western United States: The Importance of Scale‐Specific Connectivity. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11208.

Categories: wildfire, fire, fuels, suppression, prevention, climate change, management, planning, policy, mitigation, adaptation

2017 Western United States Link
“Chickasaw Nation sustainability scientist April Taylor: U.S. Indigenous Communities Building Capacity to Confront the Impact Climate Change.” Between the Lines, Squeaky Wheel Productions, 13 Dec. 2017,

Categories: sustainability, climate change impacts, tribal water rights, climate change adaptation, capacity training

2017 National Link
Fatorić, S. and Seekamp, E., 2017. Are cultural heritage and resources threatened by climate change? A systematic literature review. Climatic Change, pp.1-28.

Categories: climate change, adaptation, marine health, fisheries, coast, habitat

2017 Southeast Link
Friedman, L. 2017. Scientists Fear Trump Will Dismiss Blunt Climate Report. The New York Times.

Categories: cliamte chagne, Tru,p Administration, white house, planning, policy, legislation, adaptation, mitigation, coal, emissions, carbon, green house gases,

2017 United States, National Link
Houston, L., Capalbo, S., Seavert, C., Dalton, M., Bryla, D. and Sagili, R., 2017. In press. Specialty fruit production in the Pacific Northwest: adaptation strategies for a changing climate. Climatic Change, pp.1-13. DOI:10.1007/s10584-017-1951-y

Categories: climate change, produce, adaptation, sustainability, weather patterns, temperature, insect, disease, planning, policy

2017 Western United States. Link
Harbarger, M. 2017. Bipartisan U.S. Senate committee supports safety bill for Columbia River tribal sites. The Oregonian.

Categories: safety, hazard, legislation, policy, tribal welfare, community health, wellness, fisheries, salmon, wildfire,

2017 Oregon, Washington Link
Milman, O. 2017. US federal department is censoring use of term 'climate change', emails reveal. The Guardian.

Categories: climate change, climate denial, scoial change, trump administration, policy, legislation, protocol, white house

2017 Untied States, National Link
Stöckle, C.O., Higgins, S., Nelson, R., Abatzoglou, J., Huggins, D., Pan, W., Karimi, T., Antle, J., Eigenbrode, S.D. and Brooks, E. In press. Evaluating opportunities for an increased role of winter crops as adaptation to climate change in dryland cropping systems of the US Inland Pacific Northwest. Climatic Change, pp.1-15. DOI:10.1007/s10584-017-1950-z

Categories: climate change, produce, adaptation, mitigation, agriculture, sustainability, climate predictions, planning, management

2017 Pacific Northwest Link
Wong, E. 2017. China Poised to Take Lead on Climate After Trump’s Move to Undo Policies.

Categories: climate change, adaptation, mitigation, greenhouse gasses, emissions, standards, limits, climate leader, world power

2017 China, United States, International, Global Link
soffen, K., Lu, D., 2017. All the things Trump cuts in his budget. Washington Post.

Categories: trump administration, white house, planning, policy, management, congress, house of representatives, legislature, governmental agencies, budget cuts

2017 National
Lipton, E., Meier, B. 2017. Under Trump, Coal Mining Gets New Life on U.S. Lands. The New York Times.

Categories: coal, emissions, green house gases, climate change, industry, regulations, policy, planning, legislation, jobs, employment, economy, export,

2017 United States, National Link
The Dakota Access Pipeline, Environmental Injustice, and U.S. Colonialism. 2017. In Red Ink: An International Journal of Indigenous Literature, Arts, & Humanities.

Categories: environmental justice, social change, protest, demonstration, fossil fuel, capitalism, indigenous, sovereignty, self-determination, treaty rights

2017 Midwest, National, North Dakota Link
Fears, D. 2017. Trump promised to bring back coal jobs. That promise ‘will not be kept,’ experts say.

Categories: climate change, coal, unrestricted, pollution, emissions, greenhouse gasses, energy, industry, natural gas

2017 National Link
Weiser, Matt. 2017. A guide to the EPA data under threat by the Trump administration. The Guardian.

Categories: trump administration, budget cuts, EPA, environmentalism, unregulated, planning, policy, legislature, white house

2017 Natioanl Link
Gilles, Nathan G., Josh Foster, Meghan M. Dalton, Philip W. Mote, David E. Rupp, John Stevenson, Katherine A. Serafin, Janan Evans-Wilent, Peter Ruggiero, John T. Abatzoglou, Timothy J. Sheehan, Katherine C. Hegewisch, Denise H. Lach, Jessica Andrepont, and Kathie D. Dello. Responding to Climate Variability and Change in the Pacific Northwest United States: The Pacific Northwest Climate Impacts Research Consortium, September 2010–August 2017 Phase 1 Final Report. The Pacific Northwest Climate Impacts Research Consortium (CIRC), A NOAA RISA Team. Corvallis, Oregon: College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, 2017.

Categories: Pacific Northwest, Climate impacts, communities, modeling, analysis

2017 Pacific Northwest Link
PBS. 2017. Broken Treaties: The history of the native people of Oregon and how they went from possessing 100 percent of the state's land to nearly none of it.

Categories: treaties, legislation, policy, management, Federal recognition, traditional lands, treaty lands, sovereignty, self determination

2017 Oregon Link
Popovich, N. 2017. Trump’s Executive Order Pushes the U.S. Climate Pledge Further Out of Reach. New York Times.

Categories: climate change, emissions, standards, greenhouse gasses, regulations, deregulated

2017 National Link
Capriccioso, Rob. 2017. Plea to Trump: Protect White House Council on Native American Affairs. Indian Country Media Network.

Categories: social justice, sovereignty, tribal protection, treaty, trump administration, budget cuts, planning, policy, legislation

2017 National Link
Alexandra Paige Fischer & Tim G. Frazier (2018) Social Vulnerability to Climate Change in Temperate Forest Areas: New Measures of Exposure, Sensitivity, and Adaptive Capacity, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 108:3, 658-678, DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2017.1387046

Categories: climate change impacts, forest and plant health, community health, social vulnerability, adaptation, climate modeling

2017 Pacific Northwest Link
SBS. 2017. US won't budge on climate change despite Indigenous groups and Arctic nations' pleas.

Categories: climate change, arctic, Alaska, legislation, Trump Administration, global warming

2017 Arctic, Alaska Link
Blackfeet Nation. 2017. Holistic Conservation is Not New to the Blackfeet Nation.

Categories: climate change, stewardship, planning, management, adaptation, mitigation, TEK, Tradition, cultural practices

2017 Montana Link
Wilson, Conrad. 2017. Northwest Tribes Call For End To Moving Fossil Fuels Through Gorge. PBS.

Categories: fossil fuels, oil, pollution, spill, environmental degradation, sacred places, tribes, sovereignty, self determination

2017 Oregon Link
Holden, Emily, 2017. Was the Clean Power Plan Really Bad for the Economy?

Categories: greenhouse gas regulations, deregulated, coal, natural gas, Clean Power Plan, Trump Administration, energy, footprint

2017 National Link