
Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.

Publication Year Sort ascending Geography Website
Ross, A. 2017. Kilmer: Down the congressional rabbit hole.

Categories: climate change, Trump Administration, shellfish, fisheries, coastal relocation, Native health,community wellness, congress, representation

2017 Washington state Link
Stöckle, C.O., Higgins, S., Nelson, R., Abatzoglou, J., Huggins, D., Pan, W., Karimi, T., Antle, J., Eigenbrode, S.D. and Brooks, E. In press. Evaluating opportunities for an increased role of winter crops as adaptation to climate change in dryland cropping systems of the US Inland Pacific Northwest. Climatic Change, pp.1-15. DOI:10.1007/s10584-017-1950-z

Categories: climate change, produce, adaptation, mitigation, agriculture, sustainability, climate predictions, planning, management

2017 Pacific Northwest Link
A Just Resilience. Lori Peek, Director, Natural Hazards Center. August 20, 2017.

Categories: climate change, Charlottesville, racism, white supremacy, social inequality, Trump Administration, white house

2017 National, United States Link
Weiser, Matt. 2017. A guide to the EPA data under threat by the Trump administration. The Guardian.

Categories: trump administration, budget cuts, EPA, environmentalism, unregulated, planning, policy, legislature, white house

2017 Natioanl Link
Banerjee, N., Hirji, Z. 2017.Fighting Climate Change Can Be a Lonely Battle in Oil Country, Especially for a Kid.

Categories: climate change, fossil fuels, Louisiana, environmentalism, social justice, environmental justice, emissions regulations

2017 Louisiana, United States, National Link
The Dakota Access Pipeline, Environmental Injustice, and U.S. Colonialism. 2017. In Red Ink: An International Journal of Indigenous Literature, Arts, & Humanities.

Categories: environmental justice, social change, protest, demonstration, fossil fuel, capitalism, indigenous, sovereignty, self-determination, treaty rights

2017 Midwest, National, North Dakota Link
McKenna, Phil. 2017. Alaska's Grizzly Bears Drop Salmon for Berries as Climate Changes.

Categories: climate change, alaska, Kodiak, grizzly bear, brown bear, salmon, seasonal diet, elderberries, berries, ecology

2017 Alaska, Pacific Northwest Coast, North Pacific, Northwest Link
Capriccioso, Rob. 2017. Plea to Trump: Protect White House Council on Native American Affairs. Indian Country Media Network.

Categories: social justice, sovereignty, tribal protection, treaty, trump administration, budget cuts, planning, policy, legislation

2017 National Link
“Carbon Pricing; A Critical Perspective for Community Resistance.” Carbon Pricing; A Critical Perspective for Community Resistance,

Categories: carbon emissions, carbon pricing, climate change, indigenous, environmental justice, climate justice, fossil fuels

2017 National Link
Lee, J. 2017. There Are Climate Change Refugees in the U.S. Right Now.

Categories: climate change, refugee, relocation, natural disaster, hazard, victims, human health, community justice, social justice

2017 Untied States Link
PBS. 2017. Broken Treaties: The history of the native people of Oregon and how they went from possessing 100 percent of the state's land to nearly none of it.

Categories: treaties, legislation, policy, management, Federal recognition, traditional lands, treaty lands, sovereignty, self determination

2017 Oregon Link
Mjoseth, J. 2017. The Importance of Research Ethics to Native Communities. HHS.

Categories: TEK, intellectual property, protection, preservation, conservation, legislation, research, ethics

2017 National Link
Marsh, Rene. 2017. Trump administration dismisses climate change advisory panel.

Categories: climate change, Trump administration, white house, advisory panel, climate science, politics, legislation

2017 National, United States Link
Flatt, Courtney. 2017. Proposed EPA Cuts Could Pose Big Problems For Tribes. KUOW.

Categories: budget cuts, support, climate change, environmental hazard, trump administration, white house, legislation, planning, policy, grants

2017 National Link
Dockter, A. 2017. Native Nations Address Climate Change Challenges with Tools of Collaboration.

Categories: climate change, natural disaster, hazard, human health, community, social justice, conservation, management, policy, adaptation, mitigation

2017 National, United States Link
Wilson, Conrad. 2017. Northwest Tribes Call For End To Moving Fossil Fuels Through Gorge. PBS.

Categories: fossil fuels, oil, pollution, spill, environmental degradation, sacred places, tribes, sovereignty, self determination

2017 Oregon Link
Visser, Nick. 2017. Interior Department Scrubs Climate Change From Agency Website. Again.

Categories: climate change, Trump administration, white house, anti-science, climate change denial,

2017 National Link
AMS. 2017. State of the Climate in 2016.

Categories: climate change, meteorology, carbon emissions, expectations, observations

2017 International, Global Link
Pierre-Louis, K. 2017. If the EPA doesn't believe in science, what is it good for? Popular Science.

Categories: claimtea change, environmental protection, budget cuts, governemntal agency, funding, climate science, trump administration, white house. legislation, planning, policy

2017 National Link
Mundahl, E. 2017. Tribes’ Statement on Paris Agreement Shows Limits of Tribal Authority.

Categories: climate change, paris climate agreement, Trump Administration, sovereignty, self-determination, self-governance, limited authority, social justice, environmental justice

2017 National, United States Link
McNeeley, S.M., 2017. Sustainable Climate Change Adaptation in Indian Country. Weather, Climate, and Society, 9(3), pp.393-404.

Categories: climate change, conservation, management, legislation, societal impacts, policy, natural resources, cultural resources

2017 National Link
Fatorić, S. and Seekamp, E., 2017. Evaluating a decision analytic approach to climate change adaptation of cultural resources along the Atlantic Coast of the United States. Land Use Policy, 68, pp.254-263. 2017 Northeast, Atlantic Coast Link
Harvey, C. 2017. This climate lawsuit could change everything. No wonder the Trump administration doesn’t want it going to trial. The Washington Post.

Categories: trump administration, climate change, lawsuit, OCT, federal government, supreme court, mitigation, emissions, standards, legislation

2017 National Link
Colorado State University. "Forest resilience declines in face of wildfires, climate change." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 12 December 2017. .

Categories: forest resilience, wildfires, climate change

2017 Rocky Mountains, Colorado, Wyoming, Washington, Idaho, Montana Link
Babcock, Hope M. “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow--Is Global Climate Change Another White Man ’s Trick to Get Indian Land? The Role of Treaties in Protecting Tribes as They Adapt to Climate Change.” Michigan State Law Review, 2017, pp. 370–423.,

Categories: climate change impacts, cultural resources, sea level rise, erosion, drought, relocation, treaties, sovereignty

2017 Link
Hsiang, S., Kopp, R., Jina, A., Rising, J., Delgado, M., Mohan, S., Rasmussen, D.J., Muir-Wood, R., Wilson, P., Oppenheimer, M. and Larsen, K., 2017. Estimating economic damage from climate change in the United States. Science, 356(6345), pp.1362-1369.

Categories: climate change, weather patterns, precipitation, short-term, climate science, projections,

2017 United States Link
Champagne, Duane. 2017. Trump’s Policies Threaten Tribal Sovereignty. IndianCountry Today.

Categories: Trump Administration, BIA, federal assistance, grants, financial assistance

2017 Link
USGS. 2017. Model development for climate-driven impacts to berry resources in Alaska.

Categories: berries, conservation, management, sustainability, planning, policy, projections

2017 Alaska Link
Profita, Cassandra. 2017. Climate Change Is Making Smoky, Unhealthy Air More Common.

Categories: climate change, wildfire, asthma, heart disease, human health, risk, hazard, air quality, smoke, pollution

2017 Northwest, Pacific Northwest Link
Winters, Chris. 2017. After 90 years, salmon are returning to upper Sultan River. HeraldNET.

Categories: climate change, restoration, conservation, management, repopulation, habitat, spawning

2017 Washington, Pacific Northwest Link