Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year Sort ascending | Geography | Website |
Mack, M. C., S. M. Bret-Harte, T. N. Hollingsworth, R. R. Jandt, E. A. G. Schuur, G. R. Shaver, and D. L. Verbyla, 2011:Carbon loss from an unprecedented Arctic tundra wildfire. Nature, 475, 489-492, doi:10.1038/nature10283. URL ↩ Categories: Climate science Earth science Ecology Environmental science |
2011 | Arctic | Link |
Donaghue, E., MacKendrick, K. & Lynn, K. (2011). Social Vulnerability and Climate Change: Synthesis of Literature . Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-838. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Categories: Literature Synthesis, Social Vulnerability, Equity, Climate Justice |
2011 | National | Link |
Mahoney, M. (2011) This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land: An Historical Narrative of an Intergenerational Controversy over Public Use Management of the San Francisco Peaks. M.S. Thesis, Arizona State University, 103p. Categories: Sustainability, Modern History, Environmental Studies, Intergenerational equity, Land use policy, Law, Native American studies, Particapatory mechanisms, Reclaimed wastewater, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Southwest | Link |
McNeeley SM, Shulski MD (2011) Anatomy of a closing window: vulnerability to changing seasonality in Interior Alaska. Global Environ Chang 21:464–473 Categories: Climate change, vulnerability, Sensitivity, Adaptation, Multiple stressors, Indigenous observations and understanding of climate, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Alaska, Arctic | |
Alexander C., Bynum N., Johnson E., King U., Mustonen T., Neofotis P., Oettlé N., Rosenzweig C., Sakakibara C., Shadrin V., Vicarelli M., Waterhouse J. and Weeks B. (2011) Linking Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge of Climate Change. BioScience, Vol. 61 no.6, p. 477-484. Categories: Climate change, observed impacts, indigenous knowledge, assessment, temperature change, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Global | Link |
Miller, David W. 2011 The Taking of American Indian Lands in the Southeast: A History of Territorial Cessions and Forced Relocations, 1607-1840. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company Inc. Categories: Historical relocations, Southeast, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Southeast | |
Alvord, C. 2011. Overview of the NIDIS Four Corners Pilot Activities: National Integrated Drought Information System, Volume 2, Issue 1. Retrieved November 18, 2011, from Categories: Drought |
2011 | Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin, Alabama | Link |
National Wildlife Federation (2011) Facing the Storm: Indian Tribes, Climate-Induced Weather Extremes, and the Future for Indian Country. National Wildlife Federation Rocky Mountain Research Center, Boulder, Colorado, 28p. Categories: Adaptation, Climate change, Government-Tribal impacts, National Wildlife Federation, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | ||
Aporta, Claudio, Taylor, Fraser D.R., and Gita J. Laidler. 2011. Geographies of Inuit sea ice use: Introduction. The Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe Canadien 55(1):1–5. Categories: Sea ice reduction, Inuit communities, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Canada, Arctic | Link |
Navajo Nation Department of Water Resources, 2011: Draft Water Resource Development Strategy for the Navajo Nation. 135 pp., Navajo Nation Department of Water Resources, Fort Defiance, AZ. URL ↩ Categories: Navajo Nation, Water Resources, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Southwest | |
Armitage, Derek, Berkes, Fikret, Dale, Aaron, Kocho-Schellenberg, Erik, and Eva Patton. 2011. Co-management and co-production of knowledge: Learning to adapt in Canada’s Arctic. Global Environmental Change 21:995–1004. Categories: Adaptation, Adaptive governance, Knowledge co-production, Knowledge integration, resilience, Social learning, Traditional Knowledge, vulnerability, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Canada, Arctic, Global | Link |
NTGBC, 2011: National Tribal Green Building Codes Summit Statement. 2 pp., Tribal Green Building Codes Workgroup. URL ↩ Categories: Sustainability, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | United States | |
Barker, Joanne. 2011. Native Acts: Law, Recognition, and Cultural Authenticity. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. Categories: Federal Recognition, cultural authenticity, Native oppression, decolonization and self-determination, Native movements and cultural revitalization, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | United States | Link |
Olp S (2011) Crow flooding: More than 200 Crow Reservation homes damaged, destroyed from flooding. Billings Gazette. June 15, 2011. Billings, MT Categories: tribe, indigenous |
2011 | ||
Bender, S., E. Burke, D. Chahim, L. Eshbach, L. L. Gordon, F. Kaplan, K. McCusker, H. Palevsky, M. Rowell, D. Battisti, J. Barcelos, J. Marlow, and S. Stzern, 2011: Initial Assessment of Lead Agency Candidates to Support Alaska Native Villages Requiring Relocation to Survive Climate Harms. 82 pp., University of Washington Climate Justice Seminar Spring 2011, Three Degrees Project, Seattle, WA. URL ↩ Categories: Climate change, Relocation, tribe, Alaska Native, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Alaska, Arctic | Link |
Peterson, Kristina Joy. 2011 Transforming Researchers and Practitioners: The Unanticipated Consequences (Significance) of Participatory Action Research (PAR). Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Urban Studies, University of New Orleans. Categories: Participatory Action Research (PAR), post-disaster recovery project, Southeast, The Grand Bayou Participatory Action Research (PAR) project, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Southeast | Link |
Culotta, Kenneth; Fallon, Denis and Southalan, John. 2011. Indigenous People and Resources Development - A Rapidly Changing Legal Landscape. Oil, Gas & Energy Law 4. Categories: Energy Development, Indigenous Peoples |
2011 | National, International | Link |
Bethel, Matthew B., Lynn F. Brien, Emily J. Danielson, Shirley B. Laska, John P. Troutman, William M. Boshart, Marco J. Giardino, and Maurice A. Phillips. 2011. Blending Geospatial Technology and Traditional Ecological Knowledge to Enhance Restoration Decision-Support Processes in Coastal Louisiana. CHART Publications. Paper 23:555 -571 Categories: Restoration, GIS, remote sensing, traditional ecological knowledge, Coastal Louisiana, land loss, marsh health, community vulnerability, Grand Bayou, ecosystem users, Coastal Management, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Southeast | Link |
Quileute Newsletter, 2011: Key committee approves Cantwell bill to move Quileute Tribe out of tsunami zone. The Talking Raven: A Quileute Newsletter. URL ↩ Categories: Quileute, Relocationtribe, indigenous |
2011 | Northwest | |
Bronen, R., 2011: Climate-induced community relocations: Creating an adaptive governance framework based in human rights doctrine. New York University Review Law & Social Change, 35, 357-408. URL ↩ Categories: Climate change, coastal retreat, climigration, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Global | Link |
Redsteer, M. H., 2011: Increasing Vulnerability to Drought and Climate Change on the Navajo Nation, Southwestern United States. Current Conditions & Accounts Of Changes During The Last 100 Years. 31 pp., U.S. Geological Survey. 0928. URL ↩ Categories: Climate change, Drought, Navajo Nation, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | ||
Brubaker MY, Bell JN, Berner JE, Warren JA (2011) Climate change health assessment: A novel approach for Alaska Native communities. Int J Circumpol Heal 70: 266-273. Categories: community-scale assessment, observation-based data, climate health impacts, Adaptation, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Alaska, Arctic | Link |
Redsteer, M. H., K. B. Kelley, H. Francis, and D. Block, 2011: Disaster Risk Assessment Case Study: Recent Drought on the Navajo Nation, Southwestern United States. Contributing Paper for the Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction. 19 pp., United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction and U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. URL↩ Categories: Disaster Risk Assessment, Four Corners, Navajo Nation, Drought, Southwest, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Southwest | |
Brubaker, M. Y., J. N. Bell, J. E. Berner, and J. A. Warren, 2011: Climate change health assessment: A novel approach for Alaska Native communities. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 70, doi:10.3402/ijch.v70i3.17820.↩ Categories: indigenous, Arctic, Climate change, Alaska Natives, health assessment, tribe |
2011 | Alaska. Arctic | Link |
Feifel, K. (2010). Stream Temperature Monitoring Network for Cook Inlet Salmon Streams [Case study on a project of Cook Inletkeeper]. Product of EcoAdapt's State of Adaptation Program. Retrieved from CAKE: (Last updated March 2010) Categories: water temperature, stream monitoring, Cook Inlet Watershed, salmon, planning, adaptation |
2010, updated in 2019 | Cook Inlet, Alaska | Link |
Sanchez-Cortes, M.S. and Chavero, E.L. (2010) Indigenous Perception of Changes in Climate Variability and its Relationship with Agriculture in a Zoque Community, Chiapas, Mexico. Climatic Change, DOI 10.1007/s1584-010-9972-9. Categories: perceptions climate knowledge changes in climate variability chichón Volcano Zoque indigenous, tribe |
2010 | International | Link |
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, 2010: Swinomish Climate Change Initiative Climate Adaptation Action Plan. 144 pp., Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Office of Planning and Community Development, La Conner, WA. URL ↩ Categories: Swinomish, Adaptation Plan, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Northwest | Link |
Sydell, L., 2010: FCC Eyes Broadband for Indian Reservations. NPR News. URL ↩ Categories: Reservations, Telecommunications, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | United States | Link |
Weinhold, Bob. “HEALTH DISPARITIES: Climate Change and Health: A Native American Perspective.” Environmental Health Perspectives 118.2 (2010): A64–A65. Print. Categories: tribal health, community, climate change, dislocation, food shortage |
2010 | National | Link |
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) 2010. Fact Sheet: Women, Disasters, and Hurricane Katrina. Categories: Violence against women, Disasters, Hurricane Katrina |
2010 | Southeast |
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