Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year Sort ascending | Geography | Website |
Ford, James D., Bolton, Kenyon, Shirley, Jamal, Pearce, Tristan, Tremblay, Martin, and Michael Westlake. 2010. Mapping human dimensions of climate change research in the Canadian Arctic. AMBIO 41:808–822. Categories: Arctic Regions, Canada, Climate change, Inuits, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Arctic | Link |
Clark, R., A. Ott, M. Rabe, D. Vincent-Lang, and D. Woodby. 2010. The effects of a changing climate on key habitats in Alaska. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Special Publication No. 10-14, Anchorage. Categories: Southeast Alaska, climate change, planning, policy, monitoring, climate projections, climate modeling, Sitka, salmon, shellfish, crab, herring, forest, coastal, subsistence, fishing, hunting, fisheries |
2010 | Alaska | Link |
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, 2010: Swinomish Climate Change Initiative Climate Adaptation Action Plan. 144 pp., Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Office of Planning and Community Development, La Conner, WA. URL ↩ Categories: Swinomish, Adaptation Plan, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Northwest | Link |
Ford, James D., Pearce, Tristan, Duerden, Frank, Furgal, Chris, and Barry Smit. 2010. Climate change policy responses for Canada’s Inuit population: The Importance of and opportunities for adaptation. Global Environmental Change 20:177–191. Categories: Inuit, Climate change, vulnerability, Adaptation, Canada, indigenous peoples, Aboriginal peoples, Climate policy, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Arctic, Canada | Link |
Sydell, L., 2010: FCC Eyes Broadband for Indian Reservations. NPR News. URL ↩ Categories: Reservations, Telecommunications, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | United States | Link |
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) 2010. Fact Sheet: Women, Disasters, and Hurricane Katrina. Categories: Violence against women, Disasters, Hurricane Katrina |
2010 | Southeast | |
Gearheard, S., M. Pocernich, R. Stewart, J. Sanguya, and H. P. Huntington, 2010: Linking Inuit knowledge and meteorological station observations to understand changing wind patterns at Clyde River, Nunavut. Climatic Change, 100, 267-294, doi:10.1007/s10584-009-9587-1.↩ Categories: Traditional Knowledge, Science, wind patterns, Clyde Rive, Nunavut, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Canada, Arctic | |
Upagiaqtavut. Setting the Course. Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation in Nunavut. 2010. Iqaluit: Government of Nunavut. Categories: tribe, indigenous |
2010 | ||
Gofman, Victoria. 2010. Community-based monitoring handbook: Lessons from the Arctic. CAFF CBMP Report 21. Akureyri, Iceland: CAFF International Secretariat. Categories: community-based monitoring, Arctic |
2010 | International | |
Verbrugge, L., 2010: Traditional Foods in Alaska: Potential Threats from Contaminants and Climate Change. State of Alaska Division of Public Health. URL ↩ Categories: traditional food, Climate change, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Alaska, Arctic | |
Wisniewski, Josh. 2010. Knowing about Sigu: Kigiqtaamiut hunting as an experiential pedagogy. ). In SIKU: Knowing Our Ice. Documenting Inuit Sea Ice Knowledge and Use. Igor Krupnik, Claudio Aporta, Shari Gearheard, Gita J. Laidler, and Lene Kielsen Holm, eds. Dorderecht: Springer, pp. 275–294. Categories: tribe, indigenous |
2010 | ||
Weinhold, Bob. “HEALTH DISPARITIES: Climate Change and Health: A Native American Perspective.” Environmental Health Perspectives 118.2 (2010): A64–A65. Print. Categories: tribal health, community, climate change, dislocation, food shortage |
2010 | National | Link |
Bednarski, J. 2010. Klawock Lake Subsistence Sockeye Salmon Project 2009 Annual and Final Report. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries, Juneau, Alaska. LOOK FOR MOST RECENT, REF SINCE 2004 Categories: Southeast Alaska, fisheries, watershed, habitat, salmon, restoration, subsistence, commercial, sockeye, Tlingit, Klawock, hatchery |
2010 | Alaska | Link |
AK-CCAP, Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy. Climate Change Impacts on Water Availability in Alaska (presentation). 2009-15-September. (accessed 2011-16-January). Categories: Southeast Alaska, hydrology, policy, water availability, vulnerable populations, climate change, precipitation, adaptation, planning, agriculture, growing season, |
2009 | Alaska | Link |
Freudenberg, William R., Robert Gramling, Shirley Laska, and Kai T. Erikson 2009 Catastrophe in the Making: The Engineering of Katrina and the Disasters of Tomorrow. Washington, DC: Island Press. | 2009 | ||
Baker, L., Koski, K., Albert, D. and Cohen, N., 2009. A Conservation Action Plan for Estuarine Ecosystems of Southeastern Alaska. Categories: Southeast Alaska, Sitka, Aleutkina Bay, estuary, estuarine, fish, fisheries, shellfish, subsistence, anadromous fish, rockfish, Ketchikan, Yakutat, eelgrass, sea otter, waterfowl, migratory birds, coast, coastline, conservation, timber, mining, ocean acidification, urban development, coastal development, hydroelectric power, |
2009 | Alaska | Link |
GAO, 2009: Alaska Native Villages: Limited Progress Has Been Made on Relocating Villages Threatened By Flooding and Erosion. Government Accountability Office Report GAO-09-551. 53 pp., U.S. Government Accountability Office. URL ↩ Categories: Alaska Native, Relocation, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Arctic, Alaska | |
Bryant, M.D., 2009. Global climate change and potential effects on Pacific salmonids in freshwater ecosystems of southeast Alaska. Climatic Change, 95(1-2), pp.169-193. Categories: Southeast Alaska, first foods, watershed, hydrology, stream temperature, salmon, anadromous, freshwater, fisheries, management, conservation, climate change, sea level rise, spawning, precipitation, climate models, projections, regional climate model |
2009 | Alaska | Link |
Karl, T. R., J. T. Melillo, and T. C. Peterson, 2009: Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States. T.R. Karl, J.T. Melillo, and T.C. Peterson, Eds. Cambridge University Press, 189 pp. URL ↩ Categories: Climate change, Water Resources, Energy, Transportation, Agriculture, ecosystems, Human Health, Society |
2009 | United States | |
Laidler, G. J., J. D. Ford, W. A. Gough, T. Ikummaq, A. S. Gagnon, S. Kowal, K. Qrunnut, and C. Irngaut, 2009: Travelling and hunting in a changing Arctic: Assessing Inuit vulnerability to sea ice change in Igloolik, Nunavut. Climatic Change, 94, 363-397, doi:10.1007/s10584-008-9512-z.↩ Categories: vulnerability, sea ice change, Traditional Knowledge, Arctic, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Canada, Arctic | Link |
Tribal Climate Change Forum. 2009. | 2009 | United States, International, Pacific Northwest, Coast, Oregon, Washington, California | Link |
Lenarz MS, Nelson ME, Schrage MW, Edwards AJ. (2009): Temperature Mediated Moose Survival in Northeastern Minnesota. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 73: 503–510. Categories: Alces alces, Climate change, critical temperature threshold, distribution, Minnesota, moose, mortality, survival, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Northwest | Link |
Oliver Timm and Henry F. Diaz, 2009: Synoptic-Statistical Approach to Regional Downscaling of IPCC Twenty-First-Century Climate Projections: Seasonal Rainfall over the Hawaiian Islands*. J. Climate, 22, 4261–4280. Categories: Climate Modeling, Hawaiian Regional Climate Model |
2009 | Hawaii, Pacific | Link |
McClintock, S. E., 2009: Ch. 17: Coastal and riverine erosion challenges: Alaskan villages’ sustainability. Climate Change And Arctic Sustainable Development: Scientific, Social, Cultural And Educational Challenges,, UNESCO, 120. Categories: Alaska, Erosion, Sustainability, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Arctic, Alaska | Link |
McLean, Kirsty Galloway, Ameyali Ramos-Castillo, Tony Gross, Sam Johnston, Marjo Vierros, and Rahera Noa 2009. Report of the Indigenous Peoples’ Global Summit on Climate Change. April 20-24. Anchorage, Alaska. United Nations University—Traditional Knowledge Initiative, Darwin, Australia. Categories: Traditional Knowledge, Global Summit, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Global | |
Oliver-Smith, Anthony. 2009 Development and Dispossession: The Crisis of Forced Displacement and Resettlement. Santa Fe, New Mexico: School for Advanced Research Press. Categories: Climate-induced displacement, resettlement, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Southwest | |
Papiez, C., 2009: Climate Change Implications for the Quileute and Hoh Tribes of Washington: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Assessing Climatic Disruptions to Coastal Indigenous Communities. Master’s Thesis, Environmental Studies. The Evergreen State College, 119 pp. URL Categories: Climate change, Quileute and Hoh Tribes, Coastal Tribes, Northwest, Traditional Knowledge, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Northwest | Link |
Parkinson, A. J., and B. Evengård, 2009: Climate change, its impact on human health in the Arctic and the public health response to threats of emerging infectious diseases. Global Health Action, 2, doi:10.3402/gha.v2i0.2075. URL Categories: Climate change, Health, Arctic, infectious diseases |
2009 | Arctic | Link |
Pearce, Tristan D., Ford, James D., Laidler, Gita J., Smit, Barry, Duerden, Frank Duerden, Allarut, Mishak, Andrachuk, Mark, Baryluk, Steven, Dialla, Andrew, Elee, Pootoogoo, Goose, Annie, Ikummaq, Theo, Joamie, Eric, Kataoyak, Fred, Loring, Eric, Meakin, Stephanie, Scott Nickels, Scot, Shappa, Kip, Shirley, Jamal, and Johanna Wandel. 2009. Community collaboration and climate change research in the Canadian Arctic. Polar Research 28(1):10–27. Categories: Adaptation, Canadian Arctic, Climate change, community–researcher collaboration, Inuit, vulnerability, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Arctic | Link |
Pungowiyi, C., 2009: Siberian Yup'ik Elder, personal communication. | 2009 |
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