Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year | Geography | Website |
Scientific Americana Categories: ecological degradation, environmental stewardship, indigenous people, biodiversity |
2019 | Global | Link |
Gregg RM, Kershner J. 2019. Extremes to Ex-Streams: Ecological Drought Adaptation in a Changing Climate. EcoAdapt, Bainbridge Island, WA. Categories: ecological drought, climate change impacts, natural resource management, cultural resources, adaptation, warming temperatures, precipitation, snowpack, water availability |
2019 | Northwest | Link |
Urgenson, L. S., Nelson, C. R., Haugo, R. D., Halpern, C. B., Bakker, J. D., Ryan, C. M., Waltz, A. E., Belote, R. T. and Alvarado, E. (2018), Social perspectives on the use of reference conditions in restoration of fire‐adapted forest landscapes. Restor Ecol, 26: 987-996. doi:10.1111/rec.12640 Categories: ecological restoration, land management, stakeholders, fire management, forest management, wildfires |
2018 | Link | |
World Bank Group. 2016. High and Dry: Climate Change, Water, and the Economy. Categories: Economics, Drought, Climate Impacts, Water Resources |
2016 | International | Link |
Whyte, K. 2017. Indigenous Climate Change & Climate Justice Teaching Materials & Advanced Bibliography. Categories: education, outreach, research, accessibility, planning, outreach |
2017 | International | Link |
Whyte, K. 2017. Indigenous Climate Change & Climate Justice Teaching Materials & Advanced Bibliography. Categories: education, outreach, research, accessibility, planning, outreach |
2017 | International | Link |
EPA. Climate Change and the Health of Older Adults. Factsheet. 2016. Categories: elders, elderly, seniors, disabilities, climate change, biohazard, health risks |
2016 | United States, International | Link |
Mistry, J. Berardi, A. Bridging indigenous and scientific knowledge. Science 2016: Vol. 352, Issue 6291, pp. 1274-1275 DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf1160 Categories: emissions, deforestation, climate mitigation, adaptation, sustainability, community programs, indigenous knowledge, oral traditions, shared social memory, ecosystem degradation, community initiatives, traditional knowledge, local |
2016 | National, International, United States | Link |
Willox, CA.; Landman, K.; Harper, S.L.; Edge, V.L.; Houle, K.; Ford, J. D. 2013. The land enriches the soul: On climatic and environmental change, affect, and emotional health and well-being in Rigolet, Nunatsiavut, Canada. Emotion, Space and Society. 6:14-24. Categories: Emotion, Climate change, environmental change, Health and well-being, Inuit, tribe, indigenous |
2013 | Arctic | |
US DOI. 2015. Available at: Categories: Energy |
2015 | Link | |
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs. 2016. DOE Office of Indian Energy Strategic Roadmap 2025: Categories: Energy Development, Energy Deployment, Energy, Infrastructure, Development. |
2016 | National | Link |
Culotta, Kenneth; Fallon, Denis and Southalan, John. 2011. Indigenous People and Resources Development - A Rapidly Changing Legal Landscape. Oil, Gas & Energy Law 4. Categories: Energy Development, Indigenous Peoples |
2011 | National, International | Link |
David Suzuki Foundation Categories: energy, climate change, social challenges, diversity |
2019 | United States | Link |
“The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Trap the Sun to Offset Energy Costs.” Department of Energy, Office of Indian Energy Policy and Programs, 27 Aug. 2018, Categories: energy, Office of Indian Energy, Co2 emissions, solar power |
2018 | Oregon | Link |
Tribal Energy System Vulnerabilities to Climate Change and Extreme Weather. DOE. 2015. Categories: energy, socioeconomic, climate change, accessibility, energy planning |
2015 | National | Link |
Community Solar to Meet 100% of Energy Costs for New Mexico Tribe. (2018, January 11). Retrieved January 18, 2018, from Categories: energy, sustainable development, solar power, renewable energy production, energy independence, tribal sovereignty |
2018 | New Mexico | Link |
WAPA, 2009: Wind and Hydropower Feasibility Study, Final Report. For Section 2606 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, as amended by Section 503(a) of the Energy Policy Act of 2005. 286 pp., Western Area Power Administration, Stanley Consultants, Inc. URL Categories: Energy, Wind, hydropower |
2009 | United States | |
Chatters, James H. 1998. Environment. In Handbook of North American Indians. Vol. 12. Plateau. D. E. Walker, ed. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, pp. 29–48. Categories: Enviroment, tribe, indigenous |
1998 | ||
James, K., Hall, D., and Redsteer, M. H., (2008) Organizational Environmental Justice with a Navajo (Diné) Nation Case Example. In Research in Social Issues in Management, Stephen Gilliland, Dirk Steiner, and Daniel Skarlicki, eds.; Information Age Publishing, Greenwich, CT, p.263-290. Categories: enviromental injustice, Reservation, Environmental management, Environmental Protection, Coal mining, Navajo Nation, Diné, tribe, indigenous, Environmental Justice |
2008 | Southwest | |
Orona, Brittani. “The Tolowa People Work With Western Science to Monitor Coastal Health.” KCET Environment, 4 Nov. 2018, Categories: environment, monitoring, coastal health, TEK |
2018 | California | Link |
Reo, N. J., & Parker, A. K. (2014). Re-thinking colonialism to prepare for the impacts of rapid environmental change. In Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples in the United States (pp. 163-174). Climatic Change. Springer International Publishing. Categories: environmental change, colonialism, Adaptation, tribe, indigenous |
2014 | United States | Link |
Cruikshank, J. (2001) Glaciers and Climate Change: Perspectives from Oral Tradition. Arctic Journal Vol. 54, No. 4 P. 377– 393 Categories: environmental change, exploration narratives, Gulf of Alaska, Little Ice Age, oral tradition, science studies, Traditional Knowledge, Yukon, tribe, indigenous |
2001 | Arctic | |
Bjørst, Lill R. 2010. The tip of the iceberg: Ice as the non-human actor in the climate change debate. Études/Inuit/Studies 34(1): 134–150. Categories: environmental change, Inuit, framing, framing of climate change, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Arctic, Global | Link |
Davies IP, Haugo RD, Robertson JC, Levin PS (2018) The unequal vulnerability of communities of color to wildfire. PLoS ONE 13(11): e0205825. Categories: environmental disasters, minority communities, community health, wildfire, preparedness, fire vulnerability |
2018 | National | Link |
Zada, John. Canadian First Nation cleans up latest fuel spill mess. AlJazeera. 2016. Categories: environmental hazards, risks, oil spill, fossil fuel, traditional foods, pollution |
2016 | British Columbia, Canada, Pacific Northwest | Link |
Maldonado, JK, AP Naquin, T Dardar, S Parfait-Dardar and B Bagwell (2015) Above the Rising Tide: Coastal Louisiana’s Tribal Communities Apply Local Strategies and Knowledge to Adapt to Rapid Environmental Change. In Disasters' Impact on Livelihood and Cultural Survival: Losses, Opportunities, and Mitigation. Michèle Companion, ed. Pp. 239-253. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Categories: environmental impact, knowledge exchange, tribe, indigenous |
2015 | Coastal Louisiana, Southeast | Link |
Whyte, Kyle, Indigenous Experience, Environmental Justice and Settler Colonialism (April 25, 2016). Available at SSRN: Categories: Environmental Justice, Indigenous Peoples, INjustice, Responsibility, Settler Colonialism, Philosophy |
2016 | National, International | Link |
Gottbrath, Laurin-Whitney. “Indigenous women occupy Washington state capitol lawn.” USA News | Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera, 9 Jan. 2018, Categories: environmental justice, indigenous women, indigenous rights, treaty rights, climate change, activism |
2018 | Washington state | Link |
Whyte, Kyle, Indigenous Food Systems, Environmental Justice, and Settler-Industrial States (April 25, 2016). 2015. In Global Food, Global Justice: Essays on Eating under Globalization. Edited by M. Rawlinson & C. Ward, 143-156, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.. Available at SSRN: Categories: Environmental Justice, Injustice, Food Systems, Detroit, Philosophy |
2016 | National | Link |
Harris, S., and Harper, B., (2011) A Method for Tribal Environmental Justice Analysis. Vol. 4, No.4, Environmental Justice, p. 231-237. Categories: Environmental Justice, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), traditional lifeways, Risk Assessment, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | United States | Link |
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