Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year | Geography | Website |
Bronen, R. (2013). Climate induced displacement of Alaska Native communities. Brookings Institution: Project on Internal Displacement.Washington D.C. Categories: Climate-induced displacement, Alaska, Arctic |
2013 | Alaska | Link |
Bronen, R. Huffington. 2015. The Arctic Is Speaking Truths About Climate Change. Is Anyone Listening? Categories: Climate-induced displacement, Arctic, tribe, indigenous |
2015 | Alaska, Arctic | Link |
Burkett M(2011) The nation ex-situ: on climate change, deterritorialized nationhood, and the post-climate era. Clim Law 2(3):345–374 Categories: Climate-induced displacement, Climate change, climate migration, international law |
2011 | International | |
Bronen R., 2010. Forced Migration of Alaskan Indigenous Communities Due to Climate Change, T. Afifi and J. Jager (editors) Environment Forced Migration and Social Vulnerability, International Organization of Migration. Categories: Climate-induced displacement, Climate change, Migration, Alaska, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Alaska, Arctic | Link |
Farbotko, Carol, and Heather Lazrus 2012 The First Climate Refugees? Contesting Global Narratives of Climate Change in Tuvalu. Global Environmental Change 22:382–390. Categories: Climate-induced displacement, Climate refugees, Migration, Adaptation, Everyday practice, Tuvalu, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Global | Link |
Bronen, R. 2014. Community Relocations: The Arctic and South Pacific in Martin, S., Weerasinghe, S. and Taylor, A (editors) Humanitarian Crises and Migration Routledge: New York Categories: Climate-induced displacement, Migration and Diaspora, tribe, indigenous |
2014 | Global | Link |
Oliver-Smith, Anthony. 2009 Development and Dispossession: The Crisis of Forced Displacement and Resettlement. Santa Fe, New Mexico: School for Advanced Research Press. Categories: Climate-induced displacement, resettlement, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Southwest | |
Bronen R., 2010. Forced Migration of Alaskan Indigenous Communities Due to Climate Change, T. Afifi and J. Jager (editors) Environment Forced Migration and Social Vulnerability, International Organization of Migration. Categories: Climate-induced displacement, social vulnerability, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Alaska, Arctic | |
Bronen, R. 2016. Climate Displacement Preparation and Planning in: Leckie, S.and Huggins, C. (editors) Repairing Domestic Displacement Peninsula Principles Taylor and Francis: New York. Categories: Climate-induced displacement, tribe, indigenous |
2016 | International, National, Alaska | Link |
Bronen, R. 2013. Statutory limits prevent effective response to communities at climate risk. The Guardian, May 16, 2013. Categories: Climate-induced displacement, tribe, indigenous |
2013 | Alaska, Arctic | Link |
Herlander, Elina, and Tero Mustonen, eds. 2004. Snowscapes, Dreamscapes. Snowchange Book on Community Voices of Change. Tampere Polytechnic Publications. Study Materials 12. Tampere. Categories: Climatic changes, Arctic, indigenous peoples, Ecology, Global environmental change, Traditional Knowledge, Ethnoscience, tribe, indigenous |
2004 | Arctic | |
Aleiss, Angela. “U.S. Forest Service and Tulalip Tribes Partner for Huckleberry Enhancement Project.” USDA Forest Service Tribal Relations News, Categories: co-stewardship, restoration, cultural resources, traditional foods |
2018 | Washington state | Link |
Davenport, C., Rubin, A. J. 2017Trump Signs Executive Order Unwinding Obama Climate Policies. Categories: coal emissions, greenhouse gas regulations, deregulated, Clean Power Act, Trump administration, EPA, climate change, mitigation |
2017 | National, International | Link |
Lipton, E., Meier, B. 2017. Under Trump, Coal Mining Gets New Life on U.S. Lands. The New York Times. Categories: coal, emissions, green house gases, climate change, industry, regulations, policy, planning, legislation, jobs, employment, economy, export, |
2017 | United States, National | Link |
Reid M. G., Hamilton, C., Reid, S. K., Trousdale, W., Hill, C., Turner, N., Picard, C. R., Lamontagne, C. and Matthews, H. D. (2014) Indigenous climate change adaptation planning using a value-focused approach: A case study with the Gitga’at Nation. Journal of Ethnobiology, 34, 401–424. Categories: coastal adaptation, adaptation planning, resource dependent communities, values-based planning, ndigenous peoples, tribe, indigenous |
2014 | coastal tribes | Link |
Burkett, Virginia, and Margaret Davidson, eds. 2012 Coastal Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability: A Technical Input to the 2012 National Climate Assessment. Cooperative Report to the 2013 National Climate Assessment. Categories: Coastal Impacts, Adaptation, vulnerability |
2012 | Global | Link |
Penland, Shea, Lynda Wayne, L.D. Britsch, S. Jeffress Williams, Andrew D. Beall, and Victoria Caridas Butterwortk. 2000 Process Classification of Coastal Land Loss between 1932 and 1990 in the Mississippi River Delta Plain, Southeastern Louisiana. Reston, VA: U.S. Geological Survey. Categories: coastal land loss |
2000 | Southeast, United States | Link |
Coastal Louisiana Tribal Communities, 2012: Stories of Change: Coastal Louisiana Tribal Communities’ Experiences of a Transforming Environment (Grand Bayou, Grand Caillou/Dulac, Isle de Jean Charles, Pointe-au-Chien). Workshop Report Input into the National Climate Assessment. URL ↩ Categories: Coastal Louisiana, Climate change, assessment, Adaptation, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Southeast | |
Laska, Shirley and Kristina Peterson. 2013. Between Now and Then: Tackling the Conundrum of Climate Change. CHART Publications. Paper 32: 5 -8. Categories: Coastal Louisiana, Sea Level Rise, Climate change, tribe, indigenous |
2013 | Southeast | Link |
First Stewards, 2012: First Stewards: Coastal Peoples Address Climate Change. Categories: Coastal Tribes, Climate change, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Northwest | Link |
Burley, David. 2010 Losing Ground: Identity and Land Loss in Coastal Louisiana. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi. Categories: Coastal zone management, Louisiana, Coastal settlements, Coast changes, Gulf Coast Region, Place attachment, Identity, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Southeast | Link |
Intercontinental Cry Categories: coastal, resiliency, House Bill 729, ecological, shorelines |
2019 | National | Link |
Janousek, C. N., Thorne, K. M., & Takekawa, J. Y. (2018). Vertical Zonation and Niche Breadth of Tidal Marsh Plants Along the Northeast Pacific Coast. Estuaries and Coasts. doi:10.1007/s12237-018-0420-9 Categories: coasts, intertidal habitats, zonation, data, coastal species, management, marshes |
2018 | Pacific Coast | Link |
Categories: collaboration, community, capacity, resource management, national forest lands |
Pacific Northwest | Link | |
Harris, C. 2004. How did colonialism dispossess? Comments from an edge of empire. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 94: 165-182. Categories: colonialism, colonial discourse theory, deterritorialization, colonial land policies, Governmentality, Reservations, British Columbia, tribe, indigenous |
2004 | Global, Canada | Link |
Weaver, H. 2009. The colonial context of violence: reflections on violence in the lives of Native American women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 24: 1552-1563. Categories: colonialism, Violence, American Indian women |
2009 | ||
Patz JA, Olson SH (2006) Climate change and health: global to local influences on disease risk. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 100(5-6):535-549 Categories: Communicable Diseases, Communicable Diseases transmission, Developing Countries, Global Health, Human Health, Climate change, Risk Assessment, tribe, indigenous |
2006 | Global | Link |
Mooney, Anna. “Community Adaptation in Spokane.” The Climate CIRCulator, 25 Sept. 2018. Categories: community adaptation, climate change, climate change impacts |
2018 | Spokane, WA | Link |
Larson, A. M., Brockhaus, M., Sunderlin, W. D., Duchelle, A., Babon, A., Dokken, T., ... & Huynh, T. B. (2013). Land tenure and REDD+: the good, the bad and the ugly. Global Environmental Change, 23(3), 678-689. Categories: Community forestry, Forest tenure reform, indigenous peoples, Tenure security, Property rights, Customary rights, tribe, indigenous |
2013 | Global | Link |
Gofman, Victoria. 2010. Community-based monitoring handbook: Lessons from the Arctic. CAFF CBMP Report 21. Akureyri, Iceland: CAFF International Secretariat. Categories: community-based monitoring, Arctic |
2010 | International |
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