
Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.

Publication Year Sort ascending Geography Website
J.E. Halofsky and D L. Peterson. 2016. Climate Change Vulnerabilities and Adaptation Options for Forest Vegetation Management in the Northwestern USA. Atmosphere, 7(3), 46; doi:10.3390/atmos7030046

Categories: Forest Ecology, Climate Vulnerability Assessment, National Park and Forest Management

2016 Northwest Link
Press, T. A. (2016, July 10). Columbia River fishing plan could alter limits for salmon, steelhead. Retrieved July 26, 2016, from

Categories: salmon, fisheries, marine health, steelhead, Tribal governments, Pacific Northwest Tribes

2016 Pacific Northwest, Washington, Oregon, National Link
Thoman, Rick. 2016. At the Edge of the Wide Water: Southeast Alaska climate and Pacific Ocean variability. National Weather Service, Alaska region, Anchorage, Alaska.

Categories: Southeast Alaska, climate change, climate patterns, Pacific ocean, Juneau, winter, snowfall, temperature, oscillation, precipitation, variability, hurricane, El Nino, the Blob, El Oho, Gulf of Alaska 

2016 Alaska Link
Smith, Y. N. Cathay. Oral Tradition and the Kennewick Man. Yale Law Journal Forum. 2016.

Categories: archaeology, anthropology, NAGPRA, sovereignty, repatriation, social climate change, aDNA

2016 Washignton, Pacific Northwest Coast Link
UCAR congressional briefing highlights flood, drought prediction: Nation poised to make major advances in "water intelligence". UCAR. 2016.

Categories: traditional knowledge, indigenous, climate science, water health, water rights, protection

2016 National Link
Goschke, Lauren. 2016. Tribes, Treaties, and the Trust Responsibility: A Call for Co-Management of Huckleberries in the Northwest, 27 Colo. Nat. Resources Energy & Envtl. L. Rev. 315,

Categories: climate change, federal law, Indian law, legislation, mitigation, management, planning, policy, natural resources, conservation, adaptation

2016 Northwest, Oregon Link
Seidl, R., Spies, T. A., Peterson, D. L., Stephens, S. L., Hicke, J. A. (2016), REVIEW: Searching for resilience: addressing the impacts of changing disturbance regimes on forest ecosystem services. Journal of Applied Ecology, 53: 120–129. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12511

Categories: Forest Ecosystem Services, Forest Disturbance Management, Ecosystem Resilience

2016 National Link
Little, Jeremy S., 2016, Climate Models, Climate Projections, and Uncertainty: A Primer for Southeast Alaska. Alaska Climate Science Center and US Geological Survey.

Categories: Southeast Alaska, climate models, climate projections, uncertainty, downscaling, local projections, global projections, climate science, geomorphology, coastline, sea level rise,

2016 Alaska Link
Saez, Catherine. On Eve Of WIPO Traditional Knowledge Negotiations, Nations Swap Experiences. IPW. 2016.

Categories: traditional knowledge, intellectual property, protection, retention, collaboration, TEK, knowledge sovereignty

2016 International, Global Link
WRSC. 2016. Western Region 2016 Accomplishment Report.

Categories: wildfire, fire, management, climate change, prevention, adaptation, mitigation, planning, policy

2016 Western United States Link
Brose, Dominic (rapporteur), Committee on the Practice of Sustainability Science; Science and Technology for Sustainability Program; Policy and Global Affairs; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2016. Integrating Landscape Approaches and Multi-Resource Analysis into Natural Resource Management: SUMMARY OF A WORKSHOP.

Categories: Natural Resource Management, Landscape-scale Analysis

2016 National Link
Chambers, R.P. and Stephens, W.F., 2016. Principles of International Law That Support Claims of Indian Tribes to Water Resources. UCLA L. Rev., 63, p.1530.

Categories: self-determination, sovereignty, treaty rights, governance, international rights

2016 International, Global Link
Changing Times, Changing Stories: Climate Change Perspectives Vary Notably Among Generations in Subarctic Alaska. USGS. 2016.

Categories: traditional knowledge, experiential learning, contemporary, modern, youth, elders

2016 Alaska Link
Vinyeta, Kirsten and Whyte, Kyle Powys and Lynn, Kathy, Indigenous Masculinities in a Changing Climate: Vulnerability and Resilience in the United States (June 24, 2016). Men, Masculinities and Disaster. 2016. Edited by Elaine Enarson, Bob Pease. Routledge: Chapter 12, Available at SSRN:

Categories: Climate change, Indigenous peoples, feminism, gender, vulnerability, climate justice

2016 National Link
Anderegg, W. R., Klein, T., Bartlett, M., Sack, L., Pellegrini, A. F., Choat, B., & Jansen, S. (2016). Meta-analysis reveals that hydraulic traits explain cross-species patterns of drought-induced tree mortality across the globe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201525678.

Categories: Climate Extremes, Drought, Forest Ecology, Climate Impacts

2016 National, International Link
Pacific Northwest Weighs Response to Risks Posed by Oil Trains. July 31, 2016.

Categories: chinook, salmon, fisheries, salmon run, habitat restoration, population, spawning, Gorge, dam, dam removal

2016 Yakama territories, Washington, Oregon, Pacific Northwest Link
Little, Jeremy S., 2016, Downscaled climate projections for southeast Alaska and considerations for use in modeling, management, and planning. Alaska Climate Science Center and US Geological Survey.

Categories: Southeast Alaska, coastal, marine, downscaling, climate projections, historical climate, hydrology, snow,

2016 Alaska Link
Five Tribes Benefit from Hands-On Training in Solar Operations and Maintenance. OIE. 2016.

Categories: climate change, renewable energy, solar power, infrastructure, reduce, carbon, emissions

2016 Midwest, East Coast Link
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2016. Qualitative Assessment: Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change on Endangered Species Act Recovery Actions for the South Fork Nooksack River, WA. EPA/600/R-16/153. Western Ecology Division, National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory, Corvallis, OR.

Categories: climate change, adaptation, mitigation, restoration, habitat, stream quality, water health, planning, policy,

2016 Washington state, Nooksack Link
Native Americans Adapting to Changes in What-Grows-Where. YCC. 2016. 2016 National Link
USGCRP, 2016: The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment. Crimmins, A., J. Balbus, J.L. Gamble, C.B. Beard, J.E. Bell, D. Dodgen, R.J. Eisen, N. Fann, M.D. Hawkins, S.C. Herring, L. Jantarasami, D.M. Mills, S. Saha, M.C. Sarofim, J. Trtanj, and L. Ziska, Eds. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, 312 pp.

Categories: Harmful Algal Blooms, Water Quality, Human Health, Climate Impacts, Temperature Change, Air Quality Impacts, Extreme Events, Vector-Borne Diseases, Water-related Illnesses, Food Safety, Mental Health

2016 National Link
Terence, Malcolm. Karuk Tribe Holds Its Own Climate Study Session. Two Rivers Tribune. 2016.

Categories: climate assessment, climate science, indigenous knowledge, tribal lands, local government, orleans, Federal agency,

2016 California, Orleans, Pacific Northwest Link
Chief, K., Meadow, A. and Whyte, K., 2016. Engaging Southwestern Tribes in Sustainable Water Resources Topics and Management. Water, 8(8), p.350.

Categories: water resources, management, climate change, mitigation, adaptation, water rights, mining claims

2016 Nationa, Southwest Link
Johnson, J., Howitt, R., Cajete, G., Berkes, F., Louis, R., Kliskey, A. 2016. Weaving Indigenous sustainability sciences to diversify our methods. Springer 11(1): 1-11.

Categories: Traditional Knowledges, Sustainability Sciences, Research Protocols, Collaboration

2016 International Link
Rhoades, Hannibal. World Conservation Congress Approves Historic Measure To Protect Indigenous Sacred Lands. IC Magazine. 2016.

Categories: native rights, tribal conservation, protection, sovereignty, invasive

2016 United States, International Link
Kornfeld, Itzchak E., 2016. The Impact of Climate Change on American and Canadian Indigenous Peoples and Their Water Resources: A Climate Justice Perspective (August 31, 2016). Available at SSRN:

Categories: climate change, Canada, social justice, climate justice, adaptation, mitigation, planning, policy

2016 Canada, United States Link
James D. Ford, Laura Cameron, Jennifer Rubis, Michelle Maillet, Douglas Nakashima, Ashlee Cunsolo Willox and Tristan Pearce. 2016. Including indigenous knowledge and experience in IPCC assessment reports. Nature Climate Change 6.

Categories: IPCC, Climate Assessment, Policy, Science, Indigenous Peoples' Issues

2016 International Link
Sequim Gazette. 2016. Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe builds logjams for salmon habitat.

Categories: salmon, migration, habitat, restoration, climate change, spawning, fishing, cultural resources

2016 Washington, Pacific Northwest Link
Bronen, Robin. 2016. Arctic Sirens Wail: Where Are the First Responders? Huffpost Impact.

Categories: Climate Impacts, Adaptation

2016 National, International, Arctic, Alaska Link
Whyte, K., Brewer, J., Johnson, J. 2016. Weaving Indigenous science, protocols and sustainability science. Springer 11(1): 25-32.

Categories: Sustainability Sciences, Indigenous Protocols, Collaboration

2016 National Link