Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication Sort descending | Year | Geography | Website |
De Angelis, Patricia; Nygaard-Scott, Sharon; Chamberlain, James; Crandall, Sharofa; Lake, Frank K.; McLain,Rebecca J.; Mitchell, Christine; Patel, Amit R. 2018. Chapter 7 - Policies and regulations concerning non-timber forest products. In: Assessment of nontimber forest products in the United States under changing conditions. General Technical Report SRS-232, USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station. pages 153-192 Categories: Landscape, Nontimber, Forest, Species, Resources, Laws |
2018 | National/International | Link |
De Wet, Chris, ed. 2006 Development-induced Displacement: Problems, Policies and People. New York: Berghahn Books. Categories: Development-induced displacement, Refugee & Migration Studies, Development Studies, Theory & Methodology in Anthropology, tribe, indigenous |
2006 | Global | Link |
Deloria, Jr, V., and D. Wildcat, 2001: Power and Place: Indian Education in America. Fulcrum Publishing, 176 pp.↩ Categories: American Indians, Education, tribe, indigenous |
2001 | United States | |
Deloria, Jr., V., and C. M. Lytle, 1983: American Indians, American Justice. University of Texas Press, 262 pp.↩ Categories: Soveregnity, self determination, treaty rights, tribe, indigenous |
1983 | United States | |
Deloria, Jr., V., and R. J. DeMallie, 1999: Documents of American Indian Diplomacy: Treaties, Agreements, and Conventions, 1775-1979. University of Oklahoma Press.↩ Categories: Treaties, American Indians, Treaty making, Law, History, tribe, indigenous |
1999 | United States | |
DeMarban, Alex. "Add Krill and mussels to the list of unusual marine deaths in Northwest Alaska". Anrchorage Daily News, July 7, 2019, Categories: marine life, warming temperatures, climate change, ice melt, seabirds, unusual ocean conditions |
2019 | Northwest Alaska | Link |
Dent, L.A., Donatuto, J., Campbell, L. et al. Incorporating Indigenous voices in regional climate change adaptation: opportunities and challenges in the U.S. Pacific Northwest. Climatic Change 176, 27 (2023). Categories: adaptation, equity |
2023 | United States, Northwest | Link |
Dhillon, C.M., 2017. Using citizen science in environmental justice: participation and decision-making in a Southern California waste facility siting conflict. Local Environment, pp.1-18. Categories: climate change, planning, policy, management, zoning, development, waste programs, community, collaboration |
2017 | National, United States | Link |
Dimoff, Anna. “Arctic research initiative targets historical knowledge to track climate change.” CBCnews, CBC/Radio Canada, 3 Jan. 2018, Categories: climate change, climate change adaptation, arctic, melting ice, traditional and historical knowledge, warming oceans |
2018 | Northern Canada | Link |
Dittmer, K., 2013: Changing streamflow on Columbia basin tribal lands—climate change and salmon. Climatic Change, 120, 627-641, doi:10.1007/s10584-013-0745-0. URL ↩ Categories: Streamflow, Traditional foods, tribe, indigenous, Salmon |
2013 | Northwest | Link |
DOC, 2003: Statement of Associate Administrator Levy on the Status of Telecommunications in Indian Country, US Department of Commerce to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Hearing on the Status of Telecommunications in Indian Country. May 22, 2003. U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. URL ↩ Categories: Telecommunications, tribe, indigenous |
2003 | United States | |
Dockry, M., Hall, K., Van Lopik, W., Caldwell, C. 2016. Sustainable development education, practice, and research: an indigenous model of sustainable development at the College of Menominee Nation, Keshena, WI, USA. Springer 11(1): 127-138. Categories: Sustainable Development, Menominee Nation Sustainable Development Institute SDI Model, Community Planning, Participatory Research |
2016 | National | Link |
Dockter, A. 2017. Native Nations Address Climate Change Challenges with Tools of Collaboration. Categories: climate change, natural disaster, hazard, human health, community, social justice, conservation, management, policy, adaptation, mitigation |
2017 | National, United States | Link |
DOE Office of Indian Energy. 2013 Fuel from Waste Helps Power Two Tribes. Indian Energy Beat Newsletter, Summer/Fall, pg. 3. Categories: Renewable energy, tribe, indigenous |
2013 | Southeast | Link |
DOE, 2011: Tribal Energy Program: Financial Assistance and Project Management. 49 pp., U.S. Department of Energy. URL ↩ Categories: Tribal energy program, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | United States | |
DOI. 2014. Meeting Materials, March 11-13, 2014. Southeast Alaska and Southcentral Alaska Subsistence Regional Advisory Council. Categories: Southeast Alaska, sea otter, climate change, customary and traditional use, fisheries, food security, subsistence, commercial, Stikine River, management, policy, permit, tribal concerns, Chugach National Forest, Tongass National Forest, vulnerability assessment, regional action plan |
2014 | Alaska | Link |
Dolan, Maura. Species may be listed as threatened based on climate change projections, court says . LA Times. 2016. Categories: arctic, climate change, oil, vulnerability assessment, endagered |
2016 | Arctic, Alaska | Link |
Dominique M David-Chavez and Michael C Gavin 2018 Environ. Res. Lett. 13 123005 Categories: traditional knowledge systems, climate change, adaptation, indigenous communities |
2018 | Link | |
Donaghue, E., MacKendrick, K. & Lynn, K. (2011). Social Vulnerability and Climate Change: Synthesis of Literature . Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-838. Portland, OR: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Categories: Literature Synthesis, Social Vulnerability, Equity, Climate Justice |
2011 | National | Link |
Donatuto, J., E.E. Grossman, J. Konovsky, S. Grossman and L.W. Campbell. 2014. Indigenous community health and climate change: Integrating biophysical and social science indicators. Coastal Management Journal, 42(4): 355-373. Categories: Climate change, community health, Impact Assessment, indigenous, sea-level rise, shellfish, shoreline armoring, tribe |
2014 | Northwest, Canada | Link |
Donatuto, J., T.A. Satterfield, and R. Gregory. 2011. Poisoning the body to nourish the soul: Prioritizing health risks and impacts in a Native American community. Health, Risk, and Society (13)2: 103–127. Categories: Native American, risk, Risk Assessment, seafood, Contamination, mental models, community health, cultural health, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Northwest | Link |
Donoghue, E. and Lynn, K. 2012. A Guide for Tribal Leaders on U.S. Climate Change Programs. Categories: Government programs, adaptation, mitigation, research |
2012 | National | Link |
Downing, A., & Cuerrier, A. (2011). A synthesis of the impacts of climate change on the First Nations and Inuit of Canada. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 10(1), 57-70. Categories: Climate change, Food Security, Cultural activity, Malaysia Borneo, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Canada | |
Doyle J (2013) Exploring effects of climate change on Northern Plains American Indian health. Climatic Change 3: 643-655. Categories: Climate change, American Indian Health, Northern Plains, tribe, indigenous |
2013 | Link | |
Doyle, T.W., Chivoiu, Bogdan, and Enwright, N.M., 2015, Sea-level rise modeling handbook—Resource guide for coastal land managers, engineers, and scientists: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1815, 76 p., Categories: Sea-level Rise, Resource Guide, Planning |
2015 | National, Coastal | Link |
Draut, A.E., Redsteer, M. Hiza and Amoroso, L., 2012, Recent seasonal variations in arid landscape cover and aeolian sand mobility, Navajo Nation, southwestern U.S.; Climates, Landscapes, and Civilizations Geophysical Union Monograph Series 198, p 51-60. Categories: Drought, Aird Landscapes, Navajo Nation, Southwest, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Southwest | |
Driscoll, D.L., Sunbury, T., Johnston, J. and Renes, S., 2013. Initial findings from the implementation of a community-based sentinel surveillance system to assess the health effects of climate change in Alaska. International journal of circumpolar health, 72(1), p.21405. Categories: Southeast Alaska, climate change, Alaska Native villages, climate change surveillance, observations, policy, community, community activism, community participation, social change, climate science, water security, food security, changed social activities, reduced activities |
2013 | Alaska | Link |
Driscoll, Emily V. “Toxic Spill in the Navajo Nation.” Scientific American, 12 Mar. 2018, Categories: climate change, disaster, adaptation, evaluation, water health, community health |
2018 | Navajo Nation | Link |
Dumroese, R. Kasten; Luna, Tara; Landis, Thomas D., editors. 2009. Nursery manual for native plants: A guide for tribal nurseries - Volume 1: Nursery management. Agriculture Handbook 730. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 302 p. Categories: seed restoration, native seeds, native plants, plant nursery, crop production, agriculture |
2009 | Link | |
Dunlap, Tiare. These Native American Youths Are Running 2,000 Miles to Protect Their Water. People. 2016. Categories: DAPL, pipeline, oil, North Dakota, Standing Rock Reservation, Native Youth, Traditional Knowledge |
2016 | North Dakota, United States, Standing Rock Reservation, Midwest | Link |
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