Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year | Geography | Website |
Muhlfeld CC, Kovach RP, Al-Chokhachy R, et al. In press. Legacy introductions and climatic variation explain spatiotemporal patterns of invasive hybridization in a native trout. Global Change Biology 00:1–11. Categories: climate change, mitigation, adaptation, fisheries, salmon, salmonid, restoration, habitat, hybrid, threatened |
2017 | Western U.S. | Link |
Charnley, S., Kelly, E.C. and Wendel, K.L., 2017. All Lands Approaches to Fire Management in the Pacific West: A Typology. Journal of Forestry, 115(1), pp.16-25. DOI 10.5849/jof.15-092 Categories: climate change, mitigation, adaptation, resource management, fire, suppression, fuels, reduction, risk |
2017 | Western United States | Link |
Dalton, M.M, K.D. Dello, L. Hawkins, P.W. Mote, and D.E. Rupp (2017) The Third Oregon Climate Assessment Report, Oregon Climate Change Research Institute, College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Categories: climate change, mitigation, adaptation, weather, patterns, energy, footprint, planning, policy |
2017 | Oregon, Pacific Northwest | Link |
Inspiring Resilience: Indigenous Disaster Resilience. in HazNet: The Magazine of the Canadian Risks and Hazards Network. 2016. Categories: climate change, model, adaptation, mitigation, risk, health, planning, policy, current events, news |
2016 | Canada, United States | Link |
n.a. 2016. Indigenous women in Peru combat climate change and boost economy. UN Women. Categories: climate change, Native women, Indigeneity, adaptation, TEK, ancestral practices, tradition, agriculture, economy, management, planning, social justice, gender equality, food justice |
2016 | Peru | Link |
Dockter, A. 2017. Native Nations Address Climate Change Challenges with Tools of Collaboration. Categories: climate change, natural disaster, hazard, human health, community, social justice, conservation, management, policy, adaptation, mitigation |
2017 | National, United States | Link |
Categories: climate change, natural disaster, human health, adaptation, mitigation, planning, policy, management, decison-making |
2017 | Oregon, Northwest, Pacific Northwest | Link |
2018-04-20, Final Report- The Available Science Assessment Project (ASAP) Continued: Evaluating Adaptation Actions for Sea-Level Rise and Coastal Change in the Pacific Northwest. Categories: climate change, natural resource management, conservation, climate adaptation, coastal planning |
2018 | Northwest | Link |
Sheperd, Sara. Conference at Haskell explores how climate change affects American Indians. Lawrence Journal-World. 2016. Categories: climate change, network, adaptation, mitigation, forum, conference |
2016 | United States | Link |
Frumhoff PC, McCarthy JJ, Melillo JM, Moser SC, and Wuebbles DJ, 2007: Confronting Climate Change in the U.S. Northeast: Science, Impacts, and Solutions. Synthesis report of the Northeast Climate Impacts Assessment (NECIA). Union of Concerned Scientists, Cambridge, MA. Categories: Climate change, Northeast, Coastal Impacts, marine impacts, forests impacts, Agricultural Impacts, Winter recreation, Human Health, Impact Assessment |
2007 | Northeast | Link |
Alexander C., Bynum N., Johnson E., King U., Mustonen T., Neofotis P., Oettlé N., Rosenzweig C., Sakakibara C., Shadrin V., Vicarelli M., Waterhouse J. and Weeks B. (2011) Linking Indigenous and Scientific Knowledge of Climate Change. BioScience, Vol. 61 no.6, p. 477-484. Categories: Climate change, observed impacts, indigenous knowledge, assessment, temperature change, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Global | Link |
Grey, Eva. 2017. Arctic indigenous leaders speak up about the dangers of increased shipping. Ship-Technology. Categories: climate change, oceans, marine health, shipping, freight, oil freight, oil spills, pollution, fisheries, ecosystem, sustainability, conservation, preservation |
2017 | Alaska, Russia, Canada | Link |
Grossman, Z., A. Parker, and B. Frank, 2012: Asserting Native Resilience: Pacific Rim Indigenous Nations Face the Climate Crisis. Oregon State University Press, 240 pp.↩ Categories: Climate change, Pacific Rim, indigenous peoples, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Pacific Rim | |
Kershner, J. (2010). A Framework for Climate Change Adaptation in Hawaii [Case study on a project of the Center for Island Climate Adaptation and Policy (ICAP) and Hawaii Coastal Zone Management Program]. Product of EcoAdapt's State of Adaptation Program. Retrieved from CAKE: (Last updated December 2010) Categories: climate change, pacific, TEK, sovereignty, self determination, adaptation, mitigation |
2010 | Hawaii | Link |
“CTUIR joins coalition to fight climate change.” East Oregonian, East Oregonian, 24 Jan. 2018, Categories: climate change, Paris Climate Agreement, climate change adaptation, tribal sovereignty |
2018 | Eastern Oregon, Northwest | Link |
Mundahl, E. 2017. Tribes’ Statement on Paris Agreement Shows Limits of Tribal Authority. Categories: climate change, paris climate agreement, Trump Administration, sovereignty, self-determination, self-governance, limited authority, social justice, environmental justice |
2017 | National, United States | Link |
Crate, Susan A. 2011. Climate and Culture: Anthropology in the Era of Contemporary Climate Change. Annual Review of Anthropology 40:173–194. Categories: Climate change, perceptions, adaptation and resilience, research approaches, anthropological role(s), climate ethnography, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Global | Link |
Lockwood, Devi. 2017. Ranchers and Tribes Unite Once Again to Fight the Keystone XL. Categories: climate change, pipeline, fossil fuels, pollution, environmental degradation, human health, water quality, legislation, capitalism |
2017 | Nebraska | Link |
Gregg, R.M. 2017. Incorporating climate change in marine use plans for British Columbia’s First Nations. Summary of a project of the Marine Plan Partnership for the North Pacific Coast. Categories: climate change, planning, policy, adaptation, mitigation, climate science |
2017 | Alaska, Pacific Northwest, Canada, British Columbia | Link |
CAKE. 2014. Flood and Erosion Hazard Assessment for the Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe Phase 1 Report for the Sauk River Climate Impacts Study. Categories: climate change, planning, policy, management, climate science, projections, natural resources, infrastructure |
2014 | Washington state, Pacific Northwest | Link |
Dhillon, C.M., 2017. Using citizen science in environmental justice: participation and decision-making in a Southern California waste facility siting conflict. Local Environment, pp.1-18. Categories: climate change, planning, policy, management, zoning, development, waste programs, community, collaboration |
2017 | National, United States | Link |
McBride, B.B., Sanchez-Trigueros, F., Carver, S.J., Watson, A.E., Stumpff, L.M., Matt, R. and Borrie, W.T., 2017. Participatory Geographic Information Systems as an Organizational Platform for the Integration of Traditional and Scientific Knowledge in Contemporary Fire and Fuels Management. Journal of Forestry, 115(1), pp.43-50. Categories: climate change, planning, policy, TEK, traditional ecological knowledge, resource management, fuel, energy |
2017 | National | Link |
Trainor, S. F., F. S. Chaplin III, H. P. Huntington, D. C. Natcher, and G. Kofinas. 2007. Artic Climate Impacts: Environmental Injustice in Canada and the United States. Local Environment 12(6): 627-643. Categories: Climate change, Political and industrial context of successful adaptation, Global contexts, Canada, United States, Arctic, tribe, indigenous |
2007 | Arctic, Canada, United States, Alaska | Link |
Klein, N. 2007. The shock doctrine: the rise of disaster capitalism. New York: Picador. Categories: Climate change, political ecomony, capitalism |
2007 | ||
Site of Science. 2017. We Are the Ocean: An Indigenous Response to Climate Change. Categories: climate change, pollution, debris, plastics, adaptation, mitigation, natural processes, climate science, community, art, traditions, museum |
2017 | International, Global | Link |
Marks-Block, Tony. 2017. Karuk Tribe, Forest Service and EcoAdapt Meet to Explore Climate Change Adaptation. North Coast. Categories: climate change, prescribed burning, controlled burn, fire management, wildfire, risk, assessment, management, conservation, sustainability, planning, policy |
2017 | California, Oregon, West Coast, Pacific Northwest Coast | Link |
Stöckle, C.O., Higgins, S., Nelson, R., Abatzoglou, J., Huggins, D., Pan, W., Karimi, T., Antle, J., Eigenbrode, S.D. and Brooks, E. In press. Evaluating opportunities for an increased role of winter crops as adaptation to climate change in dryland cropping systems of the US Inland Pacific Northwest. Climatic Change, pp.1-15. DOI:10.1007/s10584-017-1950-z Categories: climate change, produce, adaptation, mitigation, agriculture, sustainability, climate predictions, planning, management |
2017 | Pacific Northwest | Link |
Houston, L., Capalbo, S., Seavert, C., Dalton, M., Bryla, D. and Sagili, R., 2017. In press. Specialty fruit production in the Pacific Northwest: adaptation strategies for a changing climate. Climatic Change, pp.1-13. DOI:10.1007/s10584-017-1951-y Categories: climate change, produce, adaptation, sustainability, weather patterns, temperature, insect, disease, planning, policy |
2017 | Western United States. | Link |
Sorensen C, Murray V, Lemery J, Balbus J (2018) Climate change and women's health: Impacts and policy directions. PLoS Med 15(7): e1002603. Categories: climate change, public health, women's health, climate justice, gender inequality |
2018 | Link | |
Averyt, Kristen, et al. “Regional Climate Response Collaboratives: Multi-Institutional Support for Climate Resilience.” Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 99, no. 5, 2018, pp. 891–898., doi:10.1175/bams-d-17-0183.1. Categories: climate change, public policy, climate variability, climate resilience, stakeholders, climate information |
2018 | Rocky Mountains, Northern Plaits | Link |
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