Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year | Geography | Website |
Newcomb, S. T., 2008: Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery. Fulcrum Publishing, 216 pp. URL ↩ Categories: U.S. federal Indian law, Indian policy, cognitive theory, Race relations, Religion, tribe, indigenous |
2008 | United States | |
Duyck, S. 2017. US joins UN resolution to protect human rights from climate change. Climate Home. Categories: UN, climate change, adaptation, mitigation, children, youth, social justice, future, Trump administration |
2017 | National | Link |
n.a. 2017. Prof. Rebecca Tsosie: Current Issues in Intellectual Property Rights to Cultural Resources. Native American Rights Fund. Categories: United Nations, UNDRIP, Indigenous rights, intellectual property, TEK, cultural practices, traditions, legislation, policy |
2017 | International, Global, United States | Link |
A. Bakun, B.A. Black, S.J. Bograd, M. García-Reyes, A.J. Miller, R.R. Rykaczewski, W.J. Sydeman. 2015. Anticipated Effects of Climate Change on Coastal Upwelling Ecosystems. Current Climate Change Reports. 1: 85-93. Categories: Upwelling, Climate Impacts, Coastal Upwelling |
2015 | Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean | Link |
The Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) 2010. Fact Sheet: Women, Disasters, and Hurricane Katrina. Categories: Violence against women, Disasters, Hurricane Katrina |
2010 | Southeast | |
Button, Gregory V., and Kristina Peterson. 2009 Participatory Action Research: Community Partnership with Social and Physical Scientists. In Anthropology and Climate Change: From Encounters to Actions. Susan A. Crate and Mark Nuttall, eds. Pp. 327-340. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press. Categories: Vulnerability to disasters, Community Empowerment, planning for disaster preparedness, response and mitigation. |
2009 | Link | |
Ford, James D., Smit, Barry, and Johanna Wandel. 2006. Vulnerability to climate change in the Arctic: A case study from Arctic Bay, Canada. Global Environmental Change 16(2):145–160. Categories: vulnerability, Adaptation, adaptive capacity, Arctic, Inuit, Climate change, environmental change, Communities, Climatic risks, tribe, indigenous |
2006 | Arctic, Canada | |
Maldonado, Julie Koppel. 2014c. Facing the Rising Tide: Co-occurring Disasters, Displacement, and Adaptation in Coastal Louisiana’s Tribal Communities. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, American University. Categories: vulnerability, Adaptation, impacts (livelihoods, Health, cultural), Relocation, Coastal Louisiana, tribe, indigenous |
2014 | Southeast | Link |
Marino, Elizabeth. 2015. Fierce Climate, Sacred Ground: An Ethnography of Climate Change. University of Alaska Press. Categories: vulnerability, Adaptation, Relocation, tribe, indigenous |
2015 | Alaska, Arctic | Link |
Gautam, M. R., K. Chief, and W. J. Smith, Jr., 2013: Climate change in arid lands and Native American socioeconomic vulnerability: The case of the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe. Climatic Change, 120, 585-599, doi:10.1007/s10584-013-0737-0. URL ↩ Categories: vulnerability, adaptative capacity, tribe, indigenous |
2013 | Pyramid Lake Paiute | Link |
Brooks, N., Adger, W. N., & Kelly, P. M. (2005). The determinants of vulnerability and adaptive capacity at the national level and the implications for adaptation. Global environmental change, 15(2), 151-163. Categories: vulnerability, adaptive capacity, Indicators, National-level, risk, mortality, Delphi survey, Governance, Literacy, Health |
2005 | Global | |
Lazrus, Heather. 2012. Sea Change: Island Communities and Climate Change. Annual Review of Anthropology 41: 285-301. Categories: vulnerability, resilience, Adaptation, Migration, justice, sea of islands, Climate-induced displacement, Island communities, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Global | Link |
Laidler, G. J., J. D. Ford, W. A. Gough, T. Ikummaq, A. S. Gagnon, S. Kowal, K. Qrunnut, and C. Irngaut, 2009: Travelling and hunting in a changing Arctic: Assessing Inuit vulnerability to sea ice change in Igloolik, Nunavut. Climatic Change, 94, 363-397, doi:10.1007/s10584-008-9512-z.↩ Categories: vulnerability, sea ice change, Traditional Knowledge, Arctic, tribe, indigenous |
2009 | Canada, Arctic | Link |
ITEP. 2015. Climate Change Mitigation and Solid Waste: Reducing greenhouse gases through municipal solid waste management. Categories: waste management, climate mitigation, climate adaptation, emissions, greenhouse gas, solid waste, tribal health, |
2015 | United States | Link |
WATER IN INDIAN COUNTRY: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES A REPORT PREPARED BY THE TRIBAL WATER WORKING GROUP Categories: water quality, water quantity, ecosystems, Fisheries, Climate change, tribal water rights, tribe, indigenous |
2012 | Southwest, United States | Link |
Chief, K., Meadow, A. and Whyte, K., 2016. Engaging Southwestern Tribes in Sustainable Water Resources Topics and Management. Water, 8(8), p.350. Categories: water resources, management, climate change, mitigation, adaptation, water rights, mining claims |
2016 | Nationa, Southwest | Link |
Cozzetto, K, Chief, K., Dittmer, K., Brubaker, M., Gough, R., Souza, K., Ettawageshik, F., Wotkyns, S., Opitz-Stapleton, S., Duren, S., Chavan, P., 2013: Climate change impacts on the water resources of American Indians and Alaska Natives in the US. Climatic Change, 120(3 special issue): 569-584. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-013-0852-y Categories: water rights, tribal sovereignty, tribe, indigenous |
2013 | United States | Link |
Meshel, Tamar. “Environmental Justice in the United States: The Human Right to Water.” Washington Journal of Environmental Law & Policy, July 2018, pp. 264–297., Categories: water rights, water access, water quality, sanitation, human rights, indigenous communities |
2018 | National, International | Link |
Feifel, K. (2010). Stream Temperature Monitoring Network for Cook Inlet Salmon Streams [Case study on a project of Cook Inletkeeper]. Product of EcoAdapt's State of Adaptation Program. Retrieved from CAKE: (Last updated March 2010) Categories: water temperature, stream monitoring, Cook Inlet Watershed, salmon, planning, adaptation |
2010, updated in 2019 | Cook Inlet, Alaska | Link |
Montag, J.M. K.Swan, K. Jenni. T. Nieman, J. Hatten, M.Mesa, D. Graves, F. Voss, M. Mastin, J. Hardiman, A. Maule. (2014) "Climate change and Yakama Nation tribal-well being" Climatic Change. Categories: Water, well-being, community health framework, tribe, indigenous, Yakama Nation |
2014 | Northwest | Link |
Zollitsch, B., Stelk, M., Schiller, S., Seary, S., & Dooley, W. (2019). Healthy Wetlands, Healthy Watersheds: Leveraging state wetland restoration and protection programs to improve watershed health. Association of State Wetland Managers, Windham, Maine. Categories: watershed restoration, climate change, integration, capacity, tribal wetland restoration, resiliency, watershed health |
2019 | Washington | Link |
US Forest Service Categories: watershed restoration, memorandum of understanding, fish, wildlife, culturally relevant places, stewardship |
2019 | National | Link |
Therrell, M. D., and M. J. Trotter, 2011: Waniyetu Wówapi: Native American records of weather and climate. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92, 583-592, doi:10.1175/2011bams3146.1. URL ↩ Categories: weather records, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Great Plains | |
Smith, L. M., Wade, C. M., Case, J. L., Harwell, L. C., Straub, K. R., & Summers, J. K. (2014). Evaluating the Transferability of a US Human Well-Being Index (HWBI) Framework to Native American Populations. Social Indicators Research, 1-26. Categories: wellbeing, index, tribe, indigenous |
2014 | United States | |
Consortium, NWFire Science. 2016. NWFSC Research Brief #9: Wildfire impacts on spring Chinook Salmon: Habitat quality in the Wenatchee River sub-basin. Northwest Fire Science Consortium Research Briefs. Categories: Wenatchee River, wildfire, stream habitat, water quality, salmonid, population, Chinook, salmon, fire science |
2016 | Washington state | Link |
Herman, R.D.K. 2016. Traditional knowledge in a time of crisis: climate change, culture and communication. Springer 11(1): 163-176. Categories: Western Science, Traditional Knowledges, Indigeneity, Knowledge Co-Production |
2016 | International | Link |
Isabelle Groc. 2016. Some Whales Like Global Warming Just Fine. National Geographic. Categories: Whales, Climate Impacts, Temperature Change |
2016 | National, International | Link |
Thiele, R. 2015. Gun Lake Tribe Produces Documentary on Disappearing Wild Rice. NPR. [audio]. Categories: Wild Rice, Species Range Shifts, Documentary, Native Media |
2015 | East Coast, Midwest, Great Lakes | Link |
Thackeray L (2012) 2012 Montana wildfires burn most acreage since 1910. Billings Gazette. 11/1/2012. Billings, MT Categories: Wildfire |
2012 | Northwest | Link |
ITEP. 2012. Climate Change and Wildfire: What it means to tribes and how we can adapt. Categories: wildfire risk, temperature, flood susceptibility, reduction, fire management, mitigation, adaptation, invasive insects |
2012 | United States | Link |
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