
Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.

Publication Sort ascending Year Geography Website
Hennessy, T. W., Ritter, T., Holman, R. C., Bruden, D. L., Yorita, K. L., Bulkow, L., ... & Smith, J. (2008). The relationship between in-home water service and the risk of respiratory tract, skin, and gastrointestinal tract infections among rural Alaska natives. American Journal of Public Health, 98(11), 2072-2078.

Categories: Health, Water services, Infections, Rural Alaska, tribe, indigenous

2008 Alaska, Arctic Link
Henkel, K. E., Dovidio, J. F., & Gaertner, S. L. (2006). Institutional discrimination, individual racism, and Hurricane Katrina. Analyses of social issues and public policy, 6(1), 99-124.

Categories: Institutional discrimination, individual racism, Hurricane Katrina

2006 Southeast Link
Heinsius, Ryan. “Bearing Witness: Voices Of Climate Change Part VII: Adapting Tribal Ceremonies To A Changing Climate.” KNAU Arizona Public Radio, 14 June 2019,

Categories: climate change, long-term observation, ceremonies, traditional plants, indigenous observation, adaptation

2019 Arizona Link
Haugo, R. D., Kellogg, B. S., Cansler, C. A., Kolden, C. A., Kemp, K. B., Robertson, J. C., . . . Restaino, C. M. (2019). The missing fire: Quantifying human exclusion of wildfire in Pacific Northwest forests, USA. Ecosphere, 10(4). doi:10.1002/ecs2.2702

Categories: wildfire, PNW, fire regimes, ecosystems, adaptation

2019 Pacific Northwest Link
Haufler, J.B., C.A. Mehl, and S. Yeats. 2010. Climate change: anticipated effects on ecosystem services and potential actions by the Alaska Region, U.S. Forest Service. Ecosystem Management Research Institute, Seeley Lake, Montana, USA.

Categories: Southeast Alaska, planning, policy, conservation, collaboration, partnership, forestry, management, vulnerability assessment, climate adaptation plan

2010 Alaska Link
Hatfield, J., G. Takle, R. Grotjahn, P. Holden, R. C. Izaurralde, T. Mader, E. Marshall, and D. Liverman, 2014: Ch. 6: Agri- culture. Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment, J. M. Melillo, Terese (T.C.) Richmond, and G. W. Yohe, Eds., U.S. Global Change Research Program, 150-174. doi:10.7930/J02Z13FR

Categories: Climate change, articulture resources, Weeds, Diseases, Pests, Soil erosion, Drought, Adaptation, Food Security

2014 United States Link
Hat, Sr., A. White, and Papalii Failautusi Avegalio, 2012: personal communication.↩ 2012
Hat, Sr., A. White, 2012: Sicangu Lakota Elder, personal communication.↩ 2012
Hasan, Mejs. “Native Tribes Are Taking Fire Control Into Their Own Hands.” Wired, Conde Nast, 13 Aug. 2018,

Categories: wildfires, traditional knowledge, controlled burns, indigenous stewardship

2018 Oregon, California Link
Harvey, C. 2017. This climate lawsuit could change everything. No wonder the Trump administration doesn’t want it going to trial. The Washington Post.

Categories: trump administration, climate change, lawsuit, OCT, federal government, supreme court, mitigation, emissions, standards, legislation

2017 National Link
Harris, S., and Harper, B., (2011) A Method for Tribal Environmental Justice Analysis. Vol. 4, No.4, Environmental Justice, p. 231-237.

Categories: Environmental Justice, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), traditional lifeways, Risk Assessment, tribe, indigenous

2011 United States Link
Harris, P. M., A. D. Neff, S. W. Johnson, and J. F. Thedinga. 2008. Eelgrass habitat and faunal assemblages in the City and Borough of Juneau, Alaska. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFSAFSC-182, 46 p.

Categories: Southeast Alaska, eelgrass, habitat, spawning, Zostera marina, shoreline, coastal, marine, herring, shellfish, fisheries, water quality, biotic species,

2008 Alaska Link
Harris, Gary; Lynn, Kathy; MacKendrick, Katie; Satein, Hannah; University of Oregon (UO) Resource Innovation Group; UO Institute for a Sustainable Environment. 2011. Effectiveness of the Federal-Tribal Relationship. Report Submitted as part of Northwest Forest Plan 15 Year Reports. R6-RPM-TP-01-2011.

Categories: Policy, Northwest Forest Plan, Consultation, Co-Management, Natural Resource Management, Forestry

2011 Northwest Link
Harris, C. 2004. How did colonialism dispossess? Comments from an edge of empire. Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 94: 165-182.

Categories: colonialism, colonial discourse theory, deterritorialization, colonial land policies, Governmentality, Reservations, British Columbia, tribe, indigenous

2004 Global, Canada Link
Harrington, Samantha. 2017. A Native American tribe is helping a forest adapt to climate change. Yale Climate Connections

Categories: adaptation, forests, climate change

2017 Wisconsin, Upper Midwest Link
Harbarger, M. 2017. Bipartisan U.S. Senate committee supports safety bill for Columbia River tribal sites. The Oregonian.

Categories: safety, hazard, legislation, policy, tribal welfare, community health, wellness, fisheries, salmon, wildfire,

2017 Oregon, Washington Link
Hanses, Terri. “Breaking a Sacred Trust: On the Exploitation of Traditional Knowledge.” Pacific Standard, 20 Sept. 2018,

Categories: traditional knowledge, TEK, restoration, knowledge protection

2018 Washington Link
Hansen, J., I. Fung, A. Lacis, D. Rind, S. Lebedeff, R. Ruedy, G. Russell, and P. Stone, 1988: Global climate changes as forecast by Goddard Institute for Space Studies three-dimensional model. J. Geophys. Res., 93, 9341-9364, doi:10.1029/JD093iD08p09341. 1988
Hansen T. 2013. Eight Tribes that are way ahead of climate-adaptation Curve. Indian Country Today Media Network. Available at:

Categories: Climate change, Adaptation, Mitigation, tribe, indigenous

2013 United States, Northwest, Southwest, Alaska Link
Hanna, Jonathan. 2007 Native Communities and Climate Change: Legal and Policy Approaches to Protect Tribal Legal Rights. Natural Resources Law Center, Boulder, CO.

Categories: Climate change, environmental policy, Federal Government, Law, Natural Resources, policy, State Government, Tribal Governments, tribe, indigenous

2007 United States Link
Hanna, J., 2007: Native Communities and Climate Change: Protecting Tribal Resources as Part of National Climate Policy. 69 pp., Natural Resources Law Center, University of Colorado School of Law, Boulder, Colorado. URL

Categories: Climate change, Tribal resources, tribe, indigenous

2007 United States Link
Halofsky, J.E., Peterson, D.L. and Prendeville, H.R., 2017. Assessing vulnerabilities and adapting to climate change in northwestern US forests. Climatic Change, pp.1-14.

Categories: climate chagne, adaptation, inter agency collaboration, partnerships, multiple jurisdiction, transboundary, management,

2017 Pacific Northwest, Washington state Link
Halofsky, J.E., Peterson, D.L. & Harvey, B.J. Changing wildfire, changing forests: the effects of climate change on fire regimes and vegetation in the Pacific Northwest, USA. fire ecol 16, 4 (2020).

Categories: wildfire, fire management, changing climate, forest management, risk assessment

2020 Pacific Northwest Link
Hallum, Mark. 2016. Climate Change May Have Big Impact on American Indian Tribes Out West: The Inquisitr News

Categories: Climate Resilience, Climate Change Vulnerability, Drought & Agriculture.

2016 Western United States. Link
Hallema, D.W., Sun, G., Bladon, K.D., Norman, S.P., Caldwell, P.V., Liu, Y. and McNulty, S.G. In press. Regional Patterns of Post‐Wildfire Streamflow Response in the Western United States: The Importance of Scale‐Specific Connectivity. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.11208.

Categories: wildfire, fire, fuels, suppression, prevention, climate change, management, planning, policy, mitigation, adaptation

2017 Western United States Link
Hakai Magazine

Categories: Tribes, salmon, resources, snow, drought, Columbia River

2019 Northwest Link
Guyot, M., C. Dickson, C. Paci, C. Furgal, and H. M. Chan, 2006: A study of two northern peoples and local effects of climate change on traditional food security. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 65, 403-415, doi:10.3402/ijch.v65i5.18135. URL

Categories: Traditional foods, tribe, indigenous

2006 Arctic
Guo Q., Kelly, M., Graham, C H. (2005) Support vector machines for predicting distribution of sudden oak death in California. Ecological Modeling. Vol.182 No.1, p. 75-90.

Categories: Geographic information systems, Support vector machines, Potential disease spread, Sudden Oak Death

Guide for Considering Climate Change in Coastal Conservation. NOAA. 2016.

Categories: conservation, climate change, coastal, riparian, wetlands, estuary, marine health, flood, planning, assessment

2017 National, International Link
Grunwald, Michael. Environmentalists get a dose of good news. Politico. 2017.

Categories: TEK, traditional ecological knowledge, climate change, policy, planning, mitigation, adaptation

2017 National Link