
Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.

Publication Year Geography Website
LaPier, R. R. (2018, June 15). How Native American food is tied to important sacred stories. The Conversation. Retrieved July 2, 2018, from from The Conversation for June 15

Categories: first foods, indigenous food systems, salmon migration, salmon health, religion, culture and tradition, TK

2018 Washington state Link
Keyser, A.R, et al. "Predicting increasing high severity area burned for three forested regions in the western United States using extreme value theory" Forest Ecology and Management. 15 January, 2019,

Categories: fire suppression, federal management, fire regimes, fire cycles, fire frequency

2019 Western United States, Rocky Mountains, Sierra Nevada Mountains, Southwest Link
Noorgard, Kari Marie. "Colonization, Fire Suppression, and Indigenous Resurgence in the Face of Climate Change." Yes Magazine!, 21 Oct. 2019,

Categories: fire suppression, colonization, prescribed burning, traditional management, traditional foods

2019 Northern California Link
Kerry L. Metlen, Carl N. Skinner, Derek R. Olson, Clint Nichols, Darren Borgias, Regional and local controls on historical fire regimes of dry forests and woodlands in the Rogue River Basin, Oregon, USA, Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 430, 2018, Pages 43-58, ISSN 0378-1127, (

Categories: fire management, wildfire management, forest restoration, plant health

2018 Southern Oregon, Rogue River Basin Link

Categories: fire management, tribal knowledge, indigenous practices

2019 Global, Australia Link
Peterson, D. L., McCaffrey, S. M., Patel-Weynand, T. (Eds.). (2022). Wildland Fire Smoke in the United States. Springer Cham

Categories: fire management, smoke, resource book, social issues

2022 National Link
Michaels, M. (Ed.). (2018, November 29). Fires in Northern California Present Challenges to Native Tribes. WeatherNation. Retrieved December 07, 2018, from

Categories: fire management, Karuk Tribe, aboriginal lands, land management, traditional foods, cultural resources

2018 Klamath River, Salmon River, Northern California Link
Jolly, W.M.; Freeborn, P.H.; Page, W.G.; Butler, B.W. Severe Fire Danger Index: A Forecastable Metric to Inform Firefighter and Community Wildfire Risk Management. Fire 2019, 2, 47.

Categories: fire danger, firefighter safety, community fire risk, forecast, sever fire danger index

2019 Link
EPA. Climate Change and the Health of Indigenous Populations. Factsheet. 2016.

Categories: Federally recognized tribes, tribal organizations, Indian communities, Indian territories, biohazards, climate change, vulnerability assessment, adaptation, mitigation, coast, natural resources, food security, culture

2016 United States Link
Roth, George. 2008. Recognition. In Indians in Contemporary Society. Ed. Garrick A. Bailey. Handbook of North American Indians. Vol. 2. William C. Sturtevant, general editor, pp. 113–128. Washington D.C.: Smithsonian Institution.

Categories: Federal Recognition, tribe, indigenous

2008 United States
Klopotek, Brian. 2011. Recognition Odysseys: Indigeneity, Race, and Federal Tribal Recognition Policy in Three Louisiana Indian Communities. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Categories: Federal Recognition, Louisiana, Tunica-Biloxi, Jena Choctaws, Clifton-Choctaws, tribe, indigenous

2011 Southeast
Miller, Mark. 2004 Forgotten Tribes: Unrecognized Indians and the Federal Acknowledgment Process. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Categories: Federal Recognition, Federal Acknowledgment Process (FAP), tribal sovereignty, tribe, indigenous

2004 United States Link
Barker, Joanne. 2011. Native Acts: Law, Recognition, and Cultural Authenticity. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Categories: Federal Recognition, cultural authenticity, Native oppression, decolonization and self-determination, Native movements and cultural revitalization, tribe, indigenous

2011 United States Link
Green, Carla. “Apocalyptic Threat': Dire Climate Report Raises Fears for California's Future.” The Guardian, 27 Aug. 2018,

Categories: extreme wildfires, climate change impacts, coastal erosion, rising temperatures, assessment

2018 California Link
Pringle, Heather. 2017. In the Land of Lost Gardens. Hakai Magazine.

Categories: ethnobotany, TEK, traditional knowledge, plants, first foods, traditional foods,

2017 British Colombia, Canada, Pacific Northwest Link
Whyte, Kyle. 2015. The Ethics of Traditional Knowledge Exchange in Climate Change Initiatives. Earthzine.

Categories: Ethics, Traditional Knowledges (TKs), Climate Initiatives

2015 National, International Link

Categories: EPA, superfund sites, data, tribal property, hazardous substances

National Link
Eilperin, J., Dennis, B. 2017. Trump moves decisively to wipe out Obama’s climate-change record. Trump moves decisively to wipe out Obama’s climate-change record

Categories: EPA, coal emissions, greenhouse gas regulations, energy, clean energy, alternative, climate change, mitigation, policy

2017 National, Global Link
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) 2014 EPA to Assist Seminole Tribe of Florida Bolster Climate Resilience and Readiness. November 19.

Categories: EPA, climate resilience, Seminole tribe, water utilities

2014 Southeast Link
Marino, Elizabeth. 2012. The long history of environmental migration: Assessing vulnerability construction and obstacles to successful relocation in Shishmaref, Alaska. Global Environmental Change 22(2):374–381.

Categories: Environmental migration, vulnerability, Adaptation, Governance, Inequity, Alaska, tribe, indigenous

2012 Alaska, Arctic Link
Middleton, BM. (2012) “Just Another Hoop to Jump Through?” Using Environmental Laws and Processes to Protect Indigenous RightsEnvironmental management. 52:5.

Categories: Environmental law Site protection Native American Indigenous Human rights Cultural resources, tribe, indigenous

The Dakota Access Pipeline, Environmental Injustice, and U.S. Colonialism. 2017. In Red Ink: An International Journal of Indigenous Literature, Arts, & Humanities.

Categories: environmental justice, social change, protest, demonstration, fossil fuel, capitalism, indigenous, sovereignty, self-determination, treaty rights

2017 Midwest, National, North Dakota Link
Whyte, K. Powys, 2011: The recognition dimensions of environmental justice in Indian Country. Environmental Justice, 4, 185-186, doi:10.1089/env.2011.4401.↩

Categories: Environmental Justice, Native American environmental thought, environmental ethics, environmental policy, tribal governance, Indian environmental law, tribe, indigenous

2011 United States
Harris, S., and Harper, B., (2011) A Method for Tribal Environmental Justice Analysis. Vol. 4, No.4, Environmental Justice, p. 231-237.

Categories: Environmental Justice, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), traditional lifeways, Risk Assessment, tribe, indigenous

2011 United States Link
Whyte, Kyle, Indigenous Food Systems, Environmental Justice, and Settler-Industrial States (April 25, 2016). 2015. In Global Food, Global Justice: Essays on Eating under Globalization. Edited by M. Rawlinson & C. Ward, 143-156, Cambridge Scholars Publishing.. Available at SSRN:

Categories: Environmental Justice, Injustice, Food Systems, Detroit, Philosophy

2016 National Link
Gottbrath, Laurin-Whitney. “Indigenous women occupy Washington state capitol lawn.” USA News | Al Jazeera, Al Jazeera, 9 Jan. 2018,

Categories: environmental justice, indigenous women, indigenous rights, treaty rights, climate change, activism

2018 Washington state Link
Whyte, Kyle, Indigenous Experience, Environmental Justice and Settler Colonialism (April 25, 2016). Available at SSRN:

Categories: Environmental Justice, Indigenous Peoples, INjustice, Responsibility, Settler Colonialism, Philosophy

2016 National, International Link
Maldonado, JK, AP Naquin, T Dardar, S Parfait-Dardar and B Bagwell (2015) Above the Rising Tide: Coastal Louisiana’s Tribal Communities Apply Local Strategies and Knowledge to Adapt to Rapid Environmental Change. In Disasters' Impact on Livelihood and Cultural Survival: Losses, Opportunities, and Mitigation. Michèle Companion, ed. Pp. 239-253. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Categories: environmental impact, knowledge exchange, tribe, indigenous

2015 Coastal Louisiana, Southeast Link
Zada, John. Canadian First Nation cleans up latest fuel spill mess. AlJazeera. 2016.

Categories: environmental hazards, risks, oil spill, fossil fuel, traditional foods, pollution

2016 British Columbia, Canada, Pacific Northwest Link
Davies IP, Haugo RD, Robertson JC, Levin PS (2018) The unequal vulnerability of communities of color to wildfire. PLoS ONE 13(11): e0205825.

Categories: environmental disasters, minority communities, community health, wildfire, preparedness, fire vulnerability

2018 National Link