Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year | Geography | Website |
United States, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. (2018). Toward Shared Stewardship Across Landscapes: An Outcome-Based Investment Strategy. Categories: stewardship, wildfire management, forest management, land management, invasive species, drought, natural resources |
2018 | National | Link |
Miller, I., Morgan, H., Mauger, G., Newton, T., Weldon, R., Schmidt, D., Welch, M., & Grossman, E.(2018). Project sea level rise for Washington state. [Assessment]. WA: NOAA regional coastal resilience grants program. Retrieved from Categories: stormwater management, capacity building, Washington state, sea level rise, risk management, planning |
2018 | Washignton State | Link |
Whyte, K.P., M. Dockry, W. Baule, D. Fellman, 2014. Supporting Tribal Climate Change Adaptation Planning Through Community Participatory Strategic Foresight Scenario Development. In: Project Reports. D. Brown, W. Baule, L. Briley, and E. Gibbons, eds. Available from the Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments (GLISA) Center. Categories: Strategic foresight, adaptation planning, Menominee Theoretical Model of Sustainability, Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, Red Lake Nation, Oneida Tribe of Wisconsin, tribe, indigenous |
2014 | Midwest | Link |
Blasch K, Hundt S, Wurster P, Sando R, Berthelote A (2018) Streamflow contributions from tribal lands to major river basins of the United States. PLoS ONE 13(9): e0203872. Categories: stream flow, water, water resources, water management, natural resources, tribal lands |
2018 | Pacific Northwest, Great Lakes, Missouri, Arkansas, California | Link |
Kirkland, J., Flitcroft, R., Reeves, G. and Hessburg, P., 2017. Adaptation to wildfire: A fish story. Categories: stream habitat, salmonid, anadromous fish, restoration, population, management, adaptation, managed wildfire, prescribed burn, wildfire, |
2017 | United States, National, Washington state | Link |
Dittmer, K., 2013: Changing streamflow on Columbia basin tribal lands—climate change and salmon. Climatic Change, 120, 627-641, doi:10.1007/s10584-013-0745-0. URL ↩ Categories: Streamflow, Traditional foods, tribe, indigenous, Salmon |
2013 | Northwest | Link |
University of Washington Categories: streams, water flow, fish, wildlife, surface water |
2019 | Pacific Northwest | Link |
Kofinas, G.P., Chapin F.S. III, BurnSilver, S., Schmidt, J.I., Fresco, N.L., Kielland, K., Martin, S., Springsteen, A. and Rupp, T.S. (2010) Resilience of Athabascan subsistence systems to interior Alaska’s changing climate. Canadian Journal of Forestry Research, Vol. 40, p.1347–1359. Categories: Subsistence harvesting, Athabascan peoples, moose, hunting conflicts, co-management strategies, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Alaska | Link |
Thorpe, Natasha, N. Hakongak, Eyegetok, Sandra, and the Kitikmeot Elders. 2003. Thunder on the Tundra. Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit of the Bathurst Caribou. Vancouver: Tuktu and Nogak Project Categories: subsistence, Culture, Inuit Qaujimajatunqangit (IQ), Traditional Knowledge, Bathurst caribou, Nunavit, tribe, indigenous |
2003 | Arctic | |
V. Savo, D. Lepofsky, J. P. Benner, K. E. Kohfeld, J. Bailey & K. Lertzman. 2016. Observations of climate change among subsistence-oriented communities around the world. Nature Climate Change 6, 462–473. Categories: Subsistence-Oriented Communities, First Foods, Climate Science, Meta-Study |
2016 | International | Link |
Rizzo, D.M., and Garbelotto, M. (2003) Sudden Oak Death: Endangering California and Oregon Forest Ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, Vol. 1, No.5, p. 197-204. Categories: Sudden Oak Death, California, Oregon, coastal forests |
2003 | Northwest | Link |
Liu, D., Kelly, M., Gong, P., and Guo Q., (2007) Characterizing spatial-temporal tree mortality patterns associated with a new forest disease. Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 253, p. 220-231. Categories: Sudden Oak Death, Spatial–temporal patterns, Spatial point pattern analysis, Inhomogeneous K function, Neyman–Scott point process |
2007 | Northwest | Link |
Joling, Dan. 2016. Alaska’s Inuit Link Steady Food Supply to Environment: CBC/Radio-Canada. Categories: Survival of Indigenous Culture, Sustainability, Subsistence Living, Traditional Methods, Cultural Preservation, Climate Resilience. |
2015 | Alaska, Arctic, Canada, Coastal. | Link |
Whyte, K., Brewer, J., Johnson, J. 2016. Weaving Indigenous science, protocols and sustainability science. Springer 11(1): 25-32. Categories: Sustainability Sciences, Indigenous Protocols, Collaboration |
2016 | National | Link |
Kealiikanakaoleohaililani, K., Giardina, C. 2016. Embracing the sacred: an indigenous framework for tomorrow’s sustainability science. Springer 11(1): 57-67. Categories: Sustainability Sciences, Traditional Knowledges, Resource Management, Sacred |
2016 | National | Link |
“Chickasaw Nation sustainability scientist April Taylor: U.S. Indigenous Communities Building Capacity to Confront the Impact Climate Change.” Between the Lines, Squeaky Wheel Productions, 13 Dec. 2017, Categories: sustainability, climate change impacts, tribal water rights, climate change adaptation, capacity training |
2017 | National | Link |
Mahoney, M. (2011) This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land: An Historical Narrative of an Intergenerational Controversy over Public Use Management of the San Francisco Peaks. M.S. Thesis, Arizona State University, 103p. Categories: Sustainability, Modern History, Environmental Studies, Intergenerational equity, Land use policy, Law, Native American studies, Particapatory mechanisms, Reclaimed wastewater, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Southwest | Link |
Lantz L. Appelbaum L. 2013. Final Report Sustainable Construction in Indian Country Initiative. Prepared for: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research. Categories: Sustainability, tribe, indigenous |
2013 | United States | |
NTGBC, 2011: National Tribal Green Building Codes Summit Statement. 2 pp., Tribal Green Building Codes Workgroup. URL ↩ Categories: Sustainability, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | United States | |
Parkinson, A. J., 2010: Sustainable development, climate change and human health in the Arctic. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 69, 99-105. URL ↩ Categories: Sustainable Development, Human Health, Climate change, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Arctic | |
Dockry, M., Hall, K., Van Lopik, W., Caldwell, C. 2016. Sustainable development education, practice, and research: an indigenous model of sustainable development at the College of Menominee Nation, Keshena, WI, USA. Springer 11(1): 127-138. Categories: Sustainable Development, Menominee Nation Sustainable Development Institute SDI Model, Community Planning, Participatory Research |
2016 | National | Link |
Maldonado, JK, TMB Bennett, K Chief, P Cochran, K Cozzetto, B Gough, MH Redsteer, N Maynard, K Lynn, G Voggesser. 2015. Engagement With Indigenous Peoples and Honoring Traditional Knowledge Systems. Climatic Change. Categories: sustained assessment, TK, tribe, indigenous |
2015 | Global | Link |
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community, 2010: Swinomish Climate Change Initiative Climate Adaptation Action Plan. 144 pp., Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Office of Planning and Community Development, La Conner, WA. URL ↩ Categories: Swinomish, Adaptation Plan, tribe, indigenous |
2010 | Northwest | Link |
Categories: Swinomish, Video, youtube |
Pacific Northwest | Link | |
USACE. Alaska Village Erosion Technical Assistance Program. An Examination of Erosion Issues in the Communities of Bethel, Dillingham, Kaktovik, Kivalina, Newtok, Shishmaref, and Unalakleet. 2006. Categories: Technical Assistance Program, Alaska Villages, Erosion, Alaska, Bethel, Dillingham, Kaktovik, Kivalina, Newtok, Shishmaref, Unalakleet, tribe, indigenous |
2006 | Alaska | Link |
EPA. 2016. Climate Change and the Health of Indigenous Populations. Categories: TEK, climate change, adaptation, mitigation, planning, policy, climate science, sovereignty, self determination, management |
2016 | National | Link |
Chisholm Hatfield, S., Marino, E., Whyte, K.P. et al. Ecol Process (2018) 7: 25. Categories: TEK, climate change, environment, observation, seasonality, culture |
2018 | Northwest, Great Basin | Link |
Mjoseth, J. 2017. The Importance of Research Ethics to Native Communities. HHS. Categories: TEK, intellectual property, protection, preservation, conservation, legislation, research, ethics |
2017 | National | Link |
Finn, Symma, et al. “The Value of Traditional Ecological Knowledge for the Environmental Health Sciences and Biomedical Research.” Environmental Health Perspectives, vol. 125, no. 8, Aug. 2017, doi:10.1289/ehp858. Categories: TEK, preservation, oral tradition, culture, tradition, language |
2017 | Link | |
Grunwald, Michael. Environmentalists get a dose of good news. Politico. 2017. Categories: TEK, traditional ecological knowledge, climate change, policy, planning, mitigation, adaptation |
2017 | National | Link |
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