Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year Sort ascending | Geography | Website |
Hill, D. 2017. Pope says indigenous people must have final say about their land. The Guardian. Categories: religion, catholicism, sovereignty, self-determination, stewardship, jurisdiction, policy |
2017 | International, Global | Link |
Whyte, K. 2017. Indigenous Climate Change & Climate Justice Teaching Materials & Advanced Bibliography. Categories: education, outreach, research, accessibility, planning, outreach |
2017 | International | Link |
Lundgren, H., Cook, K. 2017. Telling the “Good Fire” Story: Two Communities’ Prescribed Fire Outreach Efforts. Categories: wildfire, managed burn, prescribed burn, management, planning, policy, adaptation, mitigation, community resilience, air quality, ecosystem, habitat |
2017 | Washington state, United States, National | Link |
Clayton, S., Manning, C. M., Krygsman, K., & Speiser, M. (2017). Mental Health and Our Changing Climate: Impacts, Implications, and Guidance. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, and ecoAmerica. Categories: climate change, adaptation, mitigation, human health, community, climate science, recommendations, planning, policy |
2017 | National | Link |
Banerjee, N. 2017. Trial Date Set for Children’s Climate Lawsuit Against U.S. Government Categories: climate change, legislation, policy, social justice, youth justice, human health, future generations, federal court, |
2017 | United Stated, National | Link |
n.a. 2017. Climate change drove population decline in New World before Europeans arrived. Phys Org. Categories: climate change, climate science, ancient climate, colonization, settlement, past projections, |
2017 | North America, Minnesota, Great Plains, Midwest | Link |
Reo, N.J., Whyte, K.P., McGregor, D., Smith, M.A. and Jenkins, J.F., 2017. Factors that support Indigenous involvement in multi-actor environmental stewardship. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, p.1177180117701028. Categories: climate change, TEK, Indigenous science,intergenerational knowledge, self-determination, collaboration, management, technical assistance, self-determination, soverignty |
2017 | Naitonal | Link |
Hipp, Janie Simms, and Duren, Colby D. June 2017. Regaining Our Future: An Assessment of Risks and Opportunities for Native Communities in the 2018 Farm Bill. Prior Lake, Minnesota: Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community Categories: climate change, agriculture, Farm bill, White house, Trump Administration, federal budgeting, planning, policy, management, legislation, human health, community justice, social justice, environmental racism |
2017 | Southwest, Midwes, North Dakota, South Dakota, National, United States | Link |
Melvin, A.M., Murray, J., Boehlert, B. et al. Climatic Change (2017) 141: 783. doi:10.1007/s10584-017-1923-2 Categories: climate change, wildfire, adaptation, mitigation, water quality, biodiversity, expense, cost, alaska |
2017 | Alaska, United States | Link |
Nicholson, B. 2017. Dakota Access review to re-examine impact on tribe. WKOW. Categories: DAPL, Dakota Access pipeline, fossil fuels, oil industry, Standing Rock Sioux, environmental justice, social justice, Native rights, treaty rights, community health, human health, self-determination, self-governance, sovereignty |
2017 | North Dakota, Illinois, United States | Link |
Grey, Eva. 2017. Arctic indigenous leaders speak up about the dangers of increased shipping. Ship-Technology. Categories: climate change, oceans, marine health, shipping, freight, oil freight, oil spills, pollution, fisheries, ecosystem, sustainability, conservation, preservation |
2017 | Alaska, Russia, Canada | Link |
McNeeley, S.M., Even, T.L., Gioia, J.B., Knapp, C.N. and Beeton, T.A., 2017. Expanding Vulnerability Assessment for Public Lands: The Social Complement to Ecological Approaches. Climate Risk Management. Categories: Climate change; Public lands; Land-based livelihoods; Social vulnerability; Vulnerability assessment; Adaptation |
2017 | National | Link |
Jason Searle, Exploring Alternatives to the "Consultation or Consent" Paradigm, 6 Mich. J. Envtl. & Admin. L. 485 (2017). Categories: DAPL, pipeline, North Dakota, Rosebud Sioux, Lakota, legislation, policy, litigation |
2017 | North Dakota, National | Link |
Mateo-Vega, J., Potvin, C., Monteza, J., Bacorizo, J., Barrigón, J., Barrigón, R., López, N., Omi, L., Opua, M., Serrano, J., Cushman, K. C., & Meyer, C. (2017). Full and effective participation of indigenous peoples in forest monitoring for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+): trial in Panama’s Darién. Ecosphere, 8(2). doi:10.1002/ecs2.1635 Categories: A recent study found that well-trained Indigenous technicians are just as effective at collecting the necessary data to monitor forest carbon emission viability. |
2017 | South America | Link |
Matthews, S. 2017. Grizzly Bears Are Now the Victims of the Trump Administration’s Climate Denialism. Categories: conservation, climate change, climate denial, endangered species, de-listed, tribal consultation, hunting, grizzly bears |
2017 | California, Nevada, yellostone National Park, United States | Link |
Meeker, D., 2017 A Synthesis of Climate Adaptation Planning Needs in Alaska Native Communities. Categories: Southeast Alaska, climate change, adaptation, policy, planning, management, interagency support, TEK, , oral tradition, climate science, research, |
2017 | Alaska | Link |
Marks-Block, Tony. 2017. Karuk Tribe, Forest Service and EcoAdapt Meet to Explore Climate Change Adaptation. North Coast. Categories: climate change, prescribed burning, controlled burn, fire management, wildfire, risk, assessment, management, conservation, sustainability, planning, policy |
2017 | California, Oregon, West Coast, Pacific Northwest Coast | Link |
Trump Administration. 2017. Fiscal Year 2018 The Interior Budget in Brief May 2017. Categories: Trump administration, budget, resource, allocation, financial assistance, budget cuts, programming |
2017 | National | Link |
Living on Earth. 2017. Land on Fire. Categories: cliamte change, wildfire, forest fire, management, risk, hazard, human health, safety, disaster prevention, disaster relief, planning, policy |
2017 | National, United States | Link |
n.a. 2017. New Report Reveals Bank Policies Fail to Respond to Climate Risks. Commondreams. Categories: climate change, financial assistance, insurance, lending, loans, fossil fuels, finance, energy, greenhouse gas, coal |
2017 | United States, National | Link |
Subbaraman, N. 2017. The Trump Administration’s Climate Denial Could Be Catastrophic For Tribes. Buzzfeed. Categories: climate change, trump administration, climate denial, stall, funding, support, policy, planning, federal support, vulnerability, at-risk communities, traditional foods, subsistence, economy |
2017 | Alaska, Gulf Coast, Washington, Canada, Oregon, California, Mexico, Texas, Northwest Coast, Pacific | Link |
Court Refuses to hear culvert case appeal. May 19, 2017. Northwest Treaty Tribes. Categories: salmon, habitat, restoration, impediments, culvert, block, restoration, legislation, planning, policy, state government |
2017 | Washington state | Link |
United States Forest Service. 2017. Tribal Relations News and Events, Summer 2017. Categories: Tribal relations, collaboration, interagency, federal assistance, trust relationship, Shawnee, Tlingit, Cherokee, Hopi, Apache, huckleberries |
2017 | Washington state, Oklahoma, National, United States | Link |
Abatzoglou, J.T. and Rupp, D.E. In press. Evaluating climate model simulations of drought for the northwestern United States. International Journal of Climatology. DOI:10.1002/joc.5046 Categories: climate change, climate science, predictions, indicators, hydrology, planning, management |
2017 | Northwest, Global | Link |
Ross, A. 2017. Kilmer: Down the congressional rabbit hole. Categories: climate change, Trump Administration, shellfish, fisheries, coastal relocation, Native health,community wellness, congress, representation |
2017 | Washington state | Link |
Mcdermott, Amy. 2017. Growing change: Homegrown food is one safety net in a less stable world for Native Americans. SALON. Categories: food security, subsistence, climate change, diabetes, human health, food-borne illness, sustainability, commodities, garden, |
2017 | California, Smith River, Tolowa, West Coast, United States, Global, International, the Americas | Link |
A Just Resilience. Lori Peek, Director, Natural Hazards Center. August 20, 2017. Categories: climate change, Charlottesville, racism, white supremacy, social inequality, Trump Administration, white house |
2017 | National, United States | Link |
Banerjee, N., Hirji, Z. 2017.Fighting Climate Change Can Be a Lonely Battle in Oil Country, Especially for a Kid. Categories: climate change, fossil fuels, Louisiana, environmentalism, social justice, environmental justice, emissions regulations |
2017 | Louisiana, United States, National | Link |
McKenna, Phil. 2017. Alaska's Grizzly Bears Drop Salmon for Berries as Climate Changes. Categories: climate change, alaska, Kodiak, grizzly bear, brown bear, salmon, seasonal diet, elderberries, berries, ecology |
2017 | Alaska, Pacific Northwest Coast, North Pacific, Northwest | Link |
“Carbon Pricing; A Critical Perspective for Community Resistance.” Carbon Pricing; A Critical Perspective for Community Resistance, Categories: carbon emissions, carbon pricing, climate change, indigenous, environmental justice, climate justice, fossil fuels |
2017 | National | Link |
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