Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year | Geography | Website |
Reuters. 2017. Indigenous people best custodians of threatened forests, studies show. Categories: climate change, deforestation, forestry, mitigation, adaptation, jurisdiction, restricted access, technical assistance, planning, policy, conservation, |
2017 | National, Global, International | Link |
Matias, Cliff. 2017. Indigenous Peoples Lead DC Climate March. Categories: climate change, demonstration, activism, Native rights, human health, social justice, youth justice, Trump administration |
2017 | United States | Link |
Driscoll, Emily V. “Toxic Spill in the Navajo Nation.” Scientific American, 12 Mar. 2018, Categories: climate change, disaster, adaptation, evaluation, water health, community health |
2018 | Navajo Nation | Link |
Washington Post Categories: climate change, disaster, EPA |
2019 | United States | Link |
Fialka, John. “A Wyoming Reservation Shows the New Face of Drought.” Scientific American, E&E News, 6 June 2018, Categories: climate change, drought, management, adaptation |
2018 | Wyoming | Link |
Redsteer, M. H., 2011: Increasing Vulnerability to Drought and Climate Change on the Navajo Nation, Southwestern United States. Current Conditions & Accounts Of Changes During The Last 100 Years. 31 pp., U.S. Geological Survey. 0928. URL ↩ Categories: Climate change, Drought, Navajo Nation, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | ||
O'rourke, Christian. 2017. With Chance the Rapper By His Side, This 16-Year-Old Activist & Rapper Is Setting Out to Change the Climate Game: Exclusive. Categories: climate change, Earth Guardians, OCT, social justice, outreach, awareness, music, art, rap, hip hop, |
2017 | National, United States | Link |
Clean energy: The challenge of achieving a ‘just transition’ for workers. EcoBusiness. 2017. Categories: climate change, economy, employment, jobs sector, emissions, carbon footprint, adaptation, mitigation |
2017 | Arizona, United States, International | Link |
Booth S, Zeller D, 2005: Mercury, food webs, and marine mammals: implications of diet and climate change for human health. Environmental Health Perspectives 113 (5):521 Categories: Climate change, Ecopath, Ecosim, Ecotracer, mercury, pollutant, trophic modeling |
2005 | Global | Link |
Jaime O. Yazzie et al. Diné kinship as a framework for conserving native tree species in climate change, Ecological Applications (2019). Categories: climate change, ecosystems, indigenous knowledge, climate modeling, forest management, ecosystem services |
2019 | Link | |
Webber, T., Brown, M. 2017. Environmentalists, tribe file lawsuit over Trump climate order. Categories: climate change, emissions, carbon, clean air, air quality, human health, youth, children, future, generations, |
2017 | National, International, Washington D.C. | Link |
Popovich, N. 2017. Trump’s Executive Order Pushes the U.S. Climate Pledge Further Out of Reach. New York Times. Categories: climate change, emissions, standards, greenhouse gasses, regulations, deregulated |
2017 | National | Link |
Tsosie, R. 2007. Indigenous People and Environmental Justice: The Impact of Climate Change, University of Colorado Law Review, Vol. 78, p. 1625-1677. Categories: Climate change, Environment, tribe, indigenous, Environmental Justice |
2007 | Global | Link |
Hanna, Jonathan. 2007 Native Communities and Climate Change: Legal and Policy Approaches to Protect Tribal Legal Rights. Natural Resources Law Center, Boulder, CO. Categories: Climate change, environmental policy, Federal Government, Law, Natural Resources, policy, State Government, Tribal Governments, tribe, indigenous |
2007 | United States | Link |
Blumm, M.C., 2016. Indian Treaty Fishing Rights and the Environment: Affirming the Right to Habitat Protection and Restoration. 92 Washington Law Review 1. Categories: climate change, environmental protection, fisheries, settler colonialism, habitat restoration, human health, community action, social justice, youth justice, policy |
2016 | United States, Pacific Northwest, Washington state, Oregon, California | Link |
Sen, Basav. 2017. Trump's War on the Climate. Categories: climate change, federal court, resistance, social justice, climate justice, climate science, denial |
2017 | United States, National, Global | Link |
Goschke, Lauren. 2016. Tribes, Treaties, and the Trust Responsibility: A Call for Co-Management of Huckleberries in the Northwest, 27 Colo. Nat. Resources Energy & Envtl. L. Rev. 315, Categories: climate change, federal law, Indian law, legislation, mitigation, management, planning, policy, natural resources, conservation, adaptation |
2016 | Northwest, Oregon | Link |
n.a. 2017. New Report Reveals Bank Policies Fail to Respond to Climate Risks. Commondreams. Categories: climate change, financial assistance, insurance, lending, loans, fossil fuels, finance, energy, greenhouse gas, coal |
2017 | United States, National | Link |
Swinomish Indian Tribe. 2014. Correlation and Climate Sensitivity of Human Health and Environmental Indicators in the Salish Sea. USGS. Categories: climate change, fisheries, shelfish, aquaculture, management, conservation, collaboration, international |
2014 | Canada, United States, British Columbia, Washington state, Puget Sound | Link |
Downing, A., & Cuerrier, A. (2011). A synthesis of the impacts of climate change on the First Nations and Inuit of Canada. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, 10(1), 57-70. Categories: Climate change, Food Security, Cultural activity, Malaysia Borneo, tribe, indigenous |
2011 | Canada | |
UN Denounces Abuse of Free Assembly Rights for Water Protectors Standing Against DAPL. ICTMN. 2016. Categories: climate change, fossil fuels, carbon emissions, civil rights, self-determination, sovereignty, planning, policy, international law, water, oil, pipeline |
2016 | North Dakota, Midwest, National | Link |
Banerjee, N., Hirji, Z. 2017.Fighting Climate Change Can Be a Lonely Battle in Oil Country, Especially for a Kid. Categories: climate change, fossil fuels, Louisiana, environmentalism, social justice, environmental justice, emissions regulations |
2017 | Louisiana, United States, National | Link |
Bellon, Tina. “U.S. Government, but Not Trump, Can Be Sued over Climate: Judge.” Reuters, 15 Oct. 2018, Categories: climate change, fossil fuels, our children's trust |
2018 | Oregon, National | Link |
Chris Frans, Erkan Istanbulluoglu, Dennis P. Lettenmaier, Garry Clarke, Theodore J. Bohn and Matt Stumbaugh. 2016. Implications of decadal to century scale glacio-hydrological change for water resources of the Hood River Basin, OR U.S.A. Hydrological Processes. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10872 Categories: Climate Change, Glacial Melting, Hood River, Hydrology, Watersheds, Climate Impacts |
2016 | West, Northwest | Link |
Roncoli, Carla, Crane Todd, and Ben Orlove. 2009. Fielding Climate Change in Cultural Anthropology. In Anthropology and Climate Change: From Encounters to Actions. S.A. Crate and M. Nuttall, eds. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, pp. 87–115. Categories: Climate change, global warming |
2009 | Link | |
Categories: climate change, global, signs, tracker |
Global | Link | |
Parkinson, A. J., and B. Evengård, 2009: Climate change, its impact on human health in the Arctic and the public health response to threats of emerging infectious diseases. Global Health Action, 2, doi:10.3402/gha.v2i0.2075. URL Categories: Climate change, Health, Arctic, infectious diseases |
2009 | Arctic | Link |
Berkes, Fikret. 2002. Epilogue: Making Sense of Arctic Environmental Change? In The Earth is Faster Now: Indigenous Observations of Arctic Environmental Change. Krupnik, Igor, and Dyanna Jolly, eds. Fairbanks: ARCUS, pp. 334–349. Categories: Climate change, Health, Inuit, Traditional Knowledge, tribe, indigenous |
2002 | Arctic, Alaska | Link |
n.a. 2016. Climate and Health Fact Sheets. North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies. EPA Categories: climate change, human health, environmental health, air quality, wildfire risk, water quality, environmental justice, indigenous, disability, pregnancy, |
2016 | National | Link |
Luber, G., K. Knowlton, J. Balbus, H. Frumkin, M. Hayden, J. Hess, M. McGeehin, N. Sheats, L. Backer, C. B. Beard, K. L. Ebi, E. Maibach, R. S. Ostfeld, C. Wiedinmyer, E. Zielinski-Gutiérrez, and L. Ziska, 2014: Ch. 9: Human Health. Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment, J. M. Melillo, Terese (T.C.) Richmond, and G. W. Yohe, Eds., U.S. Global Change Research Program, 220-256. doi:10.7930/J0PN93H5. Categories: Climate change, Human Health, health impacts |
2014 | United States | Link |
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