The Tribal Climate Change Guide is part of the Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project. For more information, visit: If you would like to add to or amend information included in this guide, please complete this Google Form. If you have additions or suggestions for this website, please email



The Tribal Climate Change Funding Guide is intended to provide up-to-date information on grants, programs and plans that may assist tribes in addressing climate change through a broad range of sectors. We will update this guide regularly, so please check back often. If you have questions or updates for this guide, email: Please note that for entries that are accepting applications continuously, the grant deadline column will list "12/31/2024" as the grant deadline. This ensures that those grants will appear immediately after those grants with a set deadline.

Title Sort descending Organization Grant Deadline Description Funding Amount Geography Website
Great Basin LCC Project Funding LCC

The Great Basin LCC is excited to announce support for Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) projects for 2014. These funds will be used to support western scientific-focused projects which (1) pertain to invasive species, fire,sagebrush habitats and sagebrush-dependent species, (2) provide management-relevant tools and information for strategic decision-making in the face of changing climate,and (3) address one or more of the six GNLCC objectives; these funds will be used to support TEK-focused projects which (1) clearly identify a management utility or application, (2) be applicable to some portion of the geographic range of the GBLCC, and (3) address one of the following eligible activities: Support assessment of climate-related impacts and adaptation planning for cultural or subsistence resources that are traditionally gathered or huntedor forplaces of historic cultural value.

Categories: Research, Natural Resource Management, traditional knowledges

$20,000-$100,000 Northwest, Midwest, Great Basin Link
Great Lakes Climate Assessment Grants

GLISA is soliciting proposals from organizations that will engage networks of stakeholders in science-grounded processes to identify, assess, and/or resolve climate-related problems or management issues.

Categories: Natural Resource Management

$25,000-$50,000 Northeast, Midwest, International, Canada, Great Lakes Link
Great Lakes Fish and Wildlife Restoration Act DOI, FWS

Deadline for 2018 passed 1/8/2018. Deadline for 2019 unknown. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service requests interested entities to submit restoration, research and Regional project proposals for the restoration of Great Lakes fish and wildlife resources. The purpose of the Act is to provide assistance to States, Indian Tribes, and other interested entities to encourage cooperative conservation, restoration and management of the fish and wildlife resources and their habitats in the Great Lakes Basin.

Categories: Wildlife, Water, Research, Natural Resources, Conservation, Coastal

$2,300-$1,200,000 Great Lakes, Midwest, Northeast Link
Great Lakes Fisheries and Wildlife Restoration Act (GLFWRA) USFWS

The USFWS requests interested entities to submit restoration, research and regional project proposals for the restoration of the Great Lakes Basin fish and wildlife resources, as authorized by the GLFWRA. The purpose of the act is to provide assistance to States, Indian Tribes, and other interested entities to encourage cooperative conservation, restoration and management of the fish and wildlife resources and their habitats in the Great Lakes Basin.

Categories: Habitat restoration, Conservation, Restoration, Species management.

Estimated Total Program Funding: $1,700,000 National Link
Great Lakes Funding Partnership Opportunity Model Forest Policy Program

This is an action-oriented implementation opportunity for communities in the Great Lakes. Model Forest Policy Program is inviting up to 6 communities to partner with us on a 3-year grant we are submitting to the Great Lakes Protection Fund.

Categories: technical support, Consultation, Ecosystem Protection, water quality, Development

Unknown Great Lakes area Link
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative DOI, FWS

Deadline Passed 03/29/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. The goal of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative is to target the most significant environmental problems in the Great Lakes ecosystem by funding and implementing federal projects that address these problems. As part of this initiative, the two bird habitat joint ventures that are in the Great Lakes watershed, the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture and the Atlantic Coast Joint Venture, will be working with the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration programs in the Midwest and Northeast Regions of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to competitively fund state and other partner projects for long-term habitat protection, restoration, or enhancement, for conservation of native Great Lakes fish and wildlife populations, particularly migratory birds. Preference will be given to activities that help meet the habitat goals of the Upper Mississippi / Great Lakes Joint Venture Implementation Plan or the Lower Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Plain (BCR 13) Bird Conservation Region Plan, other relevant bird conservation plans, and State Wildlife Action Plans. 

Categories: restoration, habitat protection, enhancement, conservation, Great Lakes species, implementation

$25,000-$300,000 Great Lakes Basin, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York Link
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative FY 2023 Request for Applications (RFA) to Create Great Lakes Environmental Justice Grant Programs (GLEJGPs)

Most recent Deadline: August 11, 2023. This Request for Applications is expected to result in the award of cooperative agreements to support the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan III (pdf) (12.51 MB, October 2019) . This RFA is the Great Lakes National Program Office’s (GLNPO’s) major competitive grant funding opportunity for FY-23 to help fulfill EPA’s commitment to Environmental Justice (EJ) by establishing Great Lakes Community Environmental Justice Grant Programs to be used for issuing and overseeing subawards for environmental restoration projects in historically underserved Great Lakes communities. This RFA is targeted at a pass-through entity or entities ("principle recipients") with established relationships with underserved communities or with the ability to quickly build and sustain such relationships with those communities in order to develop and implement a subaward funding program to fund projects in those communities pursuant to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan III.

Categories: Great Lakes, environmental justice, cooperative agreements

Great Lakes Region Link
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Grants to Support Great Lakes Tribal Aquatic Invasive Species Projects DOI, FWS

Under FY14 appropriations to the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service anticipates providing grants to support development and implementation of Great Lakes Tribal Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plans. Two-year grant awards will be used by tribes for activities that directly relate to the protection and restoration of the Great Lakes and Great Lakes Basin.

Categories: Conservation, Natural Resource Management, Invasive Species

$20,000-75,000 Northeast, Midwest, Great Lakes Link
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, Partners for Fish and Wildlife DOI

Deadline passed as of June 30, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknwon. Funding available for wetland and associated upland habitat restoration and enhancement projects for conservation of native Great Lakes fish and wildlife populations, particularly migratory birds. Particularly in the Great Lakes area, but not limited to.

Categories: habitat, restoration, management, conservation, wetlands, marsh, swamp, estuary

Up to $25,000. Great Lakes, Minnesota Link
Great Lakes RFA USDA Forest Service

Deadline Passed 05/11/2018. Deadline Unknown for 2019. The U.S. Forest Service will support projects in the Great Lakes basin that implement the following strategic, priority actions: restore tree canopy lost to infestation by emerald ash borer; create or improve green infrastructure through planting of trees and other vegetation; restore the function of coastal wetland areas through planting of native trees and diverse vegetation.

Categories: habitat restoration, green infrastructure, planting, wetland restoration

$50,000- $200,000 Great Lakes Basin Link
Green and Resilient Retrofit Program US Department of Housing and Urban Development

Most Recent Deadline through March 2024. Part of the Inflation Reduction Act, the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program provides funding for direct loans and grants to fund projects that improve energy or water efficiency, enhance indoor air quality or sustainability, implement the use of zero-emission electricity generation, low-emission building materials or processes, energy storage, or building electrification strategies, or address climate resilience, of eligible HUD-assisted multifamily properties. Eligible owners primarily include owners receiving HUD rental assistance under Multifamily Section 8 project-based rental assistance, Section 202 Supportive Housing for Low-Income Elderly, and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Low-Income Persons with Disabilities. There are three different paths/cohorts depending on the properties' stages of development.

Categories: development, property, infrastructure, IRA, retrofit

Varies National Link
Green Infrastructure Capacity Building Grant Na'ah Illahee Fund

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: July 24, 2023. Na'ah Illahee Fund seeks to fund the development of projects that aim to revitalize and strengthen Mother Earth and her living systems. They are looking to fund the capacity of groups who are doing the work and will implement Integrated and Green Infrastructure projects in their community. Projects must include at least one focus area: integrated water systems, projects that reduce and treat stormwater, implementation of clean and renewable energy, energy sovereignty, and more.

Categories: energy, water, waste management, conservation

Up to $50,000 Greater Northwest Region Link
Green Neighborhoods Grant Program NGO

Deadline Passed 8/15/2016. Deadline for 2018 unknown. The Affordable Green Neighborhoods Grant Program will award grants and provide educational resources to affordable housing developers and related public agencies who choose to pursue LEED 2009 for Neighborhood Development certification. Preference will be given to qualifying projects that meet additional goals, including the redevelopment of infill and previously developed sites, effort to strengthen the surrounding neighborhoods, commitment to engage stakeholders in the development process, and the provision of green housing for a range of income levels.

Categories: Energy

Individual awards of $25,000 Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
Grid Resilience Formula Grants Department of Energy

Most Recent Deadline: June 17, 2024. Department of Energy (DOE) issued an amendment to the Administrative and Legal Requirements Document (ALRD) for the Grid Resilience State and Tribal Formula Grants Program, extending the deadline for States, Indian Tribes, and Territories to apply for grants and request allocations to Monday, June 17, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. ET.   The original deadline was today, April 17th.  The deadline extension reflects stakeholder feedback and provides additional time for States, Indian Tribes, and Territories to prepare applications. Applicants should submit their applications as soon as they are ready.  Applications will be processed on a rolling basis as they are received, and grants may be awarded prior to the June 17, 2024 deadline. For more information, visit:

Categories: energy, infrastructure, grid, BIL

Varies National Link
Gulf Sea Level Variation and Rise Grants The Gulf Research Program

Most recent deadline: 8/18/2021. The Gulf Research Program announced the availability of the full Request for Applications (RFA) on June 17, 2021. This funding opportunity focuses on advancing the understanding of the regional components of sea level variation and rise and then incorporating this understanding into more reliable forecast models and projections of relative sea level rise. 

Categories: sea level rise, ocean,

Up to $5 million Gulf of Mexico Link
Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead Puget Sound Natural Estuary Program and Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife

Most Recent Deadline: May 23, 2024. To address the challenges facing kelp and eelgrass, a holistic and inclusive approach to research is needed. Proposals are encouraged from diverse fields of study to include (but not limited to) biophysical science, social science, and Indigenous science.

The Habitat Strategic Initiative Lead 2023 Investment Plan contains five investment priorities (A-E)
recommended by the Habitat Strategic Initiative Advisory Team. The Plan informs the upcoming
allocation of up to $11 million in Puget Sound Geographic Program funds. The following five priorities
are not listed in prioritized order:

A. Increase capacity and workforce development to meet Puget Sound habitat recovery goals.
B. Local support for habitat protection, monitoring, and adaptive management.
C. New science, synthesis, and analysis for improved protection and restoration of kelp and
eelgrass in Puget Sound.
D. Restoration effectiveness of soft shore alternatives to hard armor.
E. HSIL-Hosted recovery community engagement.
E.1 Understanding and planning for sea level rise and climate related hazards to shorelines
in Puget Sound.
E.2 Increased marine vegetation awareness and support through place-based community
leader engagement.
E.3 E.3: Integrating across the terrestrial-nearshore-marine interface to scale up nearshore
habitat restoration and protection

Categories: habitat, restoration, kelp, and eelgrass

Available Funding: Up to $2,000,000 with a minimum of $200,000 and a maximum $500,000 per application. Puget Sound Link
Hawai‘i Bay Watershed Education and Training (B-WET) Program NOAA

Deadline Passed. Most recent deadline: January 31, 2024. The goal of the Hawaiʻi B-WET program is to support K-12 environmental literacy programs that provide students with Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences (MWEEs) and related professional development for in-service teachers, administrators, or other educators serving K-12 students in Hawaiʻi. The funding purpose is to support communities by developing well-informed members of society, who are involved in decision-making that positively impacts our coastal, marine, and watershed ecosystems in the Hawaiian Islands. This is a competitive opportunity to assist in the development of new programs, encourage innovative partnerships among environmental education programs, and to promote locally relevant, experiential learning with Priority Content Areas, such as Science with an emphasis on climate and Indigenous Knowledge.

A maximum of $150,000 Hawai'i Link
Hawai‘i Sea Grant Pacific Islands Indigenous Science Competition Hawai‘i Sea Grant

Most Recent Deadline: October 20, 2023. The Hawai‘i Sea Grant Pacific Islands Indigenous Science Competition is seeking projects that center Indigenous methodologies, protocols, and values in research. The goal of this competition is to promote Indigenous science in Hawaiʻi and the Pacific Islands by funding projects that support resource stewardship, empower community, and strengthen cultural practices. Project teams must be led by a nonprofit organization in Hawaiʻi or the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands and include at least one land steward or cultural practitioner. Statement of Interests are due September 1, 2023 at 5:00 pm HST and Full Proposals are due October 20, 2023 at 5:00 pm HST. While recognizing the value of partnership across Western and Indigenous sciences, this funding opportunity seeks to shift the focus and center Indigenous methodologies, protocols, and values in research. With this intention in mind, Hawaiʻi Sea Grant will support between 2 and 4 projects, each in the $10,000 to $25,000 range, for a funding term of one year.

Categories: Resource Stewardship, Community, Culture, Research, TEK,

Up to $25,000 Pacific Islands/Hawaii Link
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Programs FEMA

Recent Deadline: 1/29/2021. FEMA's hazard mitigation assistance provides funding for eligible mitigation measures that reduce disaster losses. Mitigation planning breaks the cycle of disaster damage, reconstruction and repeated damage. Hazard mitigation includes long-term solutions that reduce the impact of disasters in the future. FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance has five grant programs. Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP). Assists in implementing long-term hazard mitigation planning and projects following a Presidential major disaster declaration.Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) Program. Provides funds for planning and projects to reduce or eliminate risk of flood damage to buildings that are insured annually under the National Flood Insurance Program.Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) Program. Provides funds annually for hazard mitigation planning and projects.HMGP Post Fire Grant. Assistance available to help communities implement hazard mitigation measures after wildfire disasters.Building Resilient Infastructure and Communities (BRIC). Support for states, local communities, tribes and territories as they undertake hazard mitigation projects, reducing the risks they face from disasters and natural hazards.

Categories: Adaptation, Research, Mitigation, Water, Disaster, Emergency Management, Land, Fire, Flood

Varies Northwest, Southwest, Midwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska Link
Hazardous Fuels Transportation Assistance Grants 9/5/2028

Applications Due: September 5, 2024. Hazardous Fuels Transportation Assistance grants support projects that remove hazardous fuels from national forests and grasslands to a location where the materials may be used for various wood products and services. This program contributes to the Wildfire Crisis Strategy implementation by removing hazardous fuels from forests and supports local forest product facilities and rural economies. The forest products industry and infrastructure are key are partners to maintain forest health and resilience while reducing wildfire risk. Successful forest restoration and implementation of the 10-year Wildfire Risk Reduction Strategy are dependent on a robust forest products industry. The Forest Service is partnering with industry to discover creative solutions and explore new markets. For more information and to apply, visit: Detailed information about the application process, selection criteria and eligible expenses can be found in the Forest Service Hazardous Fuels Transportation Assistance Program Notice of Funding Opportunity and Frequently Asked Questions Public webinars will be hosted in partnership with the National Wild Turkey Federation. 

Hazardous Waste Management Grant Program for Tribes EPA

Deadline Passed 08/01/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. This notice announces the availability of funds and solicits applications from federally-recognized tribes or intertribal consortia for the development and implementation of hazardous waste programs and for building capacity to address hazardous waste management in Indian country.  In accordance with the EPA Indian Policy of 1984, EPA recognizes tribal governments as the primary parties for managing programs for reservations.To maximize the benefits to tribes from the limited funding to support the Hazardous Waste Management Grant Program for Tribes, EPA has reassessed the criteria used to evaluate Applications submitted for funding through this grant program beginning in FY 2015.  The goal of this effort is to provide technical assistance to a greater number of tribes for activities that involve hazardous waste management on tribal lands.

Categories: Hazardous Waste Management

up to $98,000 Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, Midwest Link
Healthy Homes Production Grant Program for Tribal Housing Department of Housing and Urban Development

Deadline Passed 08/09/2019. Deadline Unknown for 2020. The purpose of the HHP program is to assist American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments identify and remediate housing related health and safety hazards. This program will assist American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments to develop comprehensive programs to identify and remediate housing issues that contribute to health and safety issues in urban, tribal communities. The Healthy Homes Production (HHP) Program is part of HUD’s overall Healthy Homes Initiative launched in 1999. The program takes a comprehensive approach to addressing multiple childhood diseases and injuries in the home by focusing on housing-related hazards in a coordinated fashion, rather than addressing a single hazard at a time. The program builds upon HUD’s experience with Lead Hazard Control programs to expand the Department’s efforts to address a variety of high-priority environmental health and safety hazards.

Categories: housing, environmental health, public health, weatherization, sustainable development, community health

$500,000-$1,000,000 National Link
Healthy Places for Healthy People EPA

Deadline passed as of November 6, 2016. Deadline for 2017 unknown. Healthy Places for Healthy People will provide selected communities with expert planning assistance that centers around a two-day community workshop. A team of experts will help community members develop an implementable action plan that will focus on health as an economic driver and catalyst for downtown and neighborhood revitalization.

Categories: community, neighborhood, infrastructure, economy, urban

unknown National, Appalachia Link
Healthy Watersheds Consortium Grant (US EPA) US EPA

The purpose of the grant is to accelerate and expand the strategic protection of healthy freshwater ecosystems and their watersheds across the country. EPA expects to issue a cooperative agreement to fund a single grantee to manage the Healthy Watersheds Consortium grant program and issue sub-awards on a competitive basis.

Categories: Restoration, Mitigation, watershed

Anticipated fed.eral funding is approximately $3.75 million over six years for this program. Link
Heat Pump Defense Prodution Act Program DOE, Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains

Deadline passed. Most recent deadline: August 1, 2023. Concept papers, which were required for all applicants were due on May 19, 2023. DOE is requesting applications from manufacturers to create new or expand existing domestic production capacity to manufacture more electric heat pump systems, components, and materials.

Categories: IRA, manufacturing, clean energy

Total funding amount: $250,000,000 National Link
Henry P. Kendall Foundation: Grants for Climate Change Henry P. Kendall Foundation

Kendall is a regional foundation based in Boston that isn't quite what you'd call a climate funder, as its sole focus is sustainable food systems. But its focus on food is driven by goals of improving health, coupled with sustainability and reducing greenhouse gas produced in agriculture.

Categories: food justice, climate change, agriculture, health, human health, social justice, conservation, sustainability

Varies. National Link
Hewlett Foundation Grants NGO

Applications Accepted Continuously. The Hewlett Foundation’s Environment Program is committed to reducing these emissions to avoid the most severe effects of climate change. We pursue our goal with strategies in the following areas: Clean Power--Increase renewable energy and energy efficiency while reducing fossil fuel development and use for electricity generation.Clean transportation--Increase fuel efficiency and access to transit, biking and walking options, while constraining the growth of high-carbon fossil fuels for transportation. Building broad support--Engage diverse members of the public. The Hewlett Foundation also has a grant program dedicated to conserving land in the US West.

Categories: Conservation, Energy efficiency, Sustainable Development

Varies Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, National, Alaska, Midwest Link
Hewlett Foundation: Grants for Climate Change Hewlett Foundation

Deadlines Vary. Grantseekers can find Hewlett’s climate change grants through its Climate and Energy subprogram, which focuses on reducing greenhouse gasses through the following areas: Clean energy and the reduction fossil fuel use. This area of giving lasers in on increasing renewable energy use (think solar, wind and geothermal) and energy efficiency. Clean transportation. Hewlett focuses its clean transportation giving on increasing fuel efficiency as well as access to alternate methods of transportation such as biking, walking and public transportation. Building and increasing public support. This area of giving focuses on growing public support among diverse members of the community of clean energy and transportation efforts.

Categories: climate change, conservation, sustainability, social justice,

Varies. National, International, San Francisco, California Link
High Energy Cost Grants (USDA) USDA

Deadline passed. Latest deadline: July 6, 2021. The USDA Rural Development High Energy Costs Grant assists energy providers and other eligible entities in lowering energy costs for families and individuals in areas with extremely high per-household energy costs (275 percent of the national average or higher.) The funds may be used to finance the acquisition, construction or improvement of facilities serving eligible communities. NOTE: Program details may change over time. Before you begin an application, please confirm you have the most current information by emailing Rural Electric Program staff or consulting the program instructions listed in the section above titled "What Governs this Program?"

Categories: Energy conservation, Infrastructure, Community development

$100,000-$3,000,000 National Link
Higher Education Challenge Grants Program NIFA

Deadline passed as of May 30, 2017. Deadline for 2018 unknown. Projects supported by the Higher Education Challenge Grants Program will: (1) address a state, regional, national, or international educational need; (2) involve a creative or non-traditional approach toward addressing that need that can serve as a model to others; (3) encourage and facilitate better working relationships in the university science and education community, as well as between universities and the private sector, to enhance program quality and supplement available resources; and (4) result in benefits that will likely transcend the project duration and USDA support.

Categories: education, higher education, graduate school, collaboration, curriculum,

Varies. National Link