
Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.

Publication Year Sort ascending Geography Website
Goode, Erica. A Wrenching Choice for Alaska Towns in the Path of Climate Change. NY Times. 2016.

Categories: climate change, seal level, flood, precipitation, migration, relocation, climate refugee

2016 Arctic, Alaska, United States Link
Thoman, Rick. 2016. At the Edge of the Wide Water: Southeast Alaska climate and Pacific Ocean variability. National Weather Service, Alaska region, Anchorage, Alaska.

Categories: Southeast Alaska, climate change, climate patterns, Pacific ocean, Juneau, winter, snowfall, temperature, oscillation, precipitation, variability, hurricane, El Nino, the Blob, El Oho, Gulf of Alaska 

2016 Alaska Link
Herman-Mercer, N. M., E. Matkin, M. J. Laituri, R. C. Toohey, M. Massey, K. Elder, P. F. Schuster, and E. A. Mutter. 2016. Changing times, changing stories: generational differences in climate change perspectives from four remote indigenous communities in Subarctic Alaska. Ecology and Society 21(3):28.

Categories: climate adaptation, human health outcomes, youth, contemporary, climate perspectives

2016 Arctic, Subarctic Link
Gombay-McGill, Katherine. 2016. Climate and Politics Could Test Arctic People: Futurity.

Categories: Climate Resilience, Climate Vulnerability, Environmental Science, Social Stability, Future Generations.

2016 Alaska, Arctic, Canada. Link
Reuters. U.S. native groups promised input on development as pipeline dispute looms. 2016.

Categories: fossil fuels, climate change, carbon emissions, planning, policy, regulations, sovereignty,

2016 United States Link
K.R. Jones, J.E.M. Watson, H.P. Possingham, C.J. Klein. 2016. Incorporating climate change into spatial conservation prioritisation: A review. Biological Conservation, Volume 194, 121–130. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2015.12.008

Categories: Climate Impacts, Conservation, Climate Modeling, Ecological Restoration

2016 National, International Link
Little, Jeremy S., 2016, Climate Models, Climate Projections, and Uncertainty: A Primer for Southeast Alaska. Alaska Climate Science Center and US Geological Survey.

Categories: Southeast Alaska, climate models, climate projections, uncertainty, downscaling, local projections, global projections, climate science, geomorphology, coastline, sea level rise,

2016 Alaska Link
Funes, Yessenia, STUDY: Climate Change Perceptions Vary Among Generations of Alaska's Yup'ik and Cup'ik People. 2016. Colorlines.

Categories: Arctic, Yukon, Alaska, Climate change, adaptation, traditional knowledge, generation

2016 Arctic, Alaska, United States, Northwest Link
UN Denounces Abuse of Free Assembly Rights for Water Protectors Standing Against DAPL. ICTMN. 2016.

Categories: climate change, fossil fuels, carbon emissions, civil rights, self-determination, sovereignty, planning, policy, international law, water, oil, pipeline

2016 North Dakota, Midwest, National Link
Chan, F., Boehm, A.B., Barth, J.A., Chornesky, E.A., Dickson, A.G., Feely, R.A., Hales, B., Hill, T.M., Hofmann, G., Ianson, D., Klinger, T., Largier, J., Newton, J., Pedersen, T.F., Somero, G.N., Sutula, M., Wakefield, W.W., Waldbusser, G.G., Weisberg, S.B., and Whiteman, E.A. The West Coast Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Science Panel: Major Findings, Recommendations, and Actions. California Ocean Science Trust, Oakland, California, USA. April 2016.

Categories: Ocean Acidification, Climate Impacts, Hypoxia, Plankton

2016 Puget Sound, Northwest Link
Little, Jeremy S., 2016, Downscaled climate projections for southeast Alaska and considerations for use in modeling, management, and planning. Alaska Climate Science Center and US Geological Survey.

Categories: Southeast Alaska, coastal, marine, downscaling, climate projections, historical climate, hydrology, snow,

2016 Alaska Link
Winters, Chris. Tulalips convene summit on adapting to climate change. 2016. HeraldNet.

Categories: Arctic, traditional foods, subsistence, hunting, gathering, climate change, climate patterns

2016 Pacific Northwest, United States, Alaska, Arctic, Yukon Link
James H. Thorne, Ryan M. Boynton, Andrew J. Holguin, Joseph A.E. Stewart and Jacquelyn Bjorkman. 2016. A Climate Change Vulnerabillity Assessment of California's Terrestrial Vegetation. Information Center for the Environment: UC Davis. Report Prepared for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Categories: Assessment, Vegetation, Climate Impacts, Climate Modeling, California

2016 California, Northwest, Southwest, West Link
Johnson, J., Howitt, R., Cajete, G., Berkes, F., Louis, R., Kliskey, A. 2016. Weaving Indigenous sustainability sciences to diversify our methods. Springer 11(1): 1-11.

Categories: Traditional Knowledges, Sustainability Sciences, Research Protocols, Collaboration

2016 International Link
Zada, John. Canadian First Nation cleans up latest fuel spill mess. AlJazeera. 2016.

Categories: environmental hazards, risks, oil spill, fossil fuel, traditional foods, pollution

2016 British Columbia, Canada, Pacific Northwest Link
EPA. 2016. Climate Change and the Health of Indigenous Populations.

Categories: TEK, climate change, adaptation, mitigation, planning, policy, climate science, sovereignty, self determination, management

2016 National Link
Rising sea levels are forcing an indigenous tribe from home and could be an example of the future.

Categories: Biloxi, Choctaw, Florida, Native land, climate change, sea level, sea rise, island

2016 Southeast, Bayou, Florida Link
Gregg, Rachel, Score, A., Pietri, D., Hansen, L. The State of Climate Adaptation in U.S. Marine Fisheries Management. EcoAdapt. 2016.

Categories: climate change, adaptation, natural resource management, policy, infrastructure, planning, development

2016 United States Link
Abbey Kessler. 2016. Western tribes struggle to adapt as reservoirs shrivel. Greenwire: E&E News.

Categories: Drought, Climate Adaptation, Disaster

2016 West, National Link
Whyte, K., Brewer, J., Johnson, J. 2016. Weaving Indigenous science, protocols and sustainability science. Springer 11(1): 25-32.

Categories: Sustainability Sciences, Indigenous Protocols, Collaboration

2016 National Link
Mufson, Steve. Obama administration cancels oil and gas leases on Blackfeet tribe’s sacred grounds. Washington Post. 2016.

Categories: oil, fossil fuels, spill, leak, environmental hazard, pollution, sovereignty, self-determination

2016 Montana Link
Stephen B. Weisberg, Nina Bednaršek, Richard A. Feely, Francis Chan, Alexandria B. Boehm, Martha Sutula, Jennifer L. Ruesink, Burke Hales, John L. Largier, Jan A. Newton. 2016. Water quality criteria for an acidifying ocean: Challenges and opportunities for improvement. Ocean & Coastal Management. vol. 126 p. 31-41. doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.03.010

Categories: Ocean Acidification, Hypoxia, Climate Impacts, Climate Monitoring

2016 West, Coastal Link
Craig P. Paukert, Abigail J. Lynch, James E. Whitney. Effects of Climate Change on North American Inland Fishes: Introduction to the Special Issue. DOI. 2016.

Categories: fisheries, climate change, fish management, water management

2016 National Link
Toward Climate Resilience: A Framework and Principles for Science-Based Adaptation. UCS. 2016.

Categories: climate change, adaptation, mitigation, climate science assessment

2016 United States Link
Kealiikanakaoleohaililani, K., Giardina, C. 2016. Embracing the sacred: an indigenous framework for tomorrow’s sustainability science. Springer 11(1): 57-67.

Categories: Sustainability Sciences, Traditional Knowledges, Resource Management, Sacred

2016 National Link
Beavers, Rebecca, Babson, Amanda, Shupp, Courtney. Coastal Adaptation Strategies Handbook. CAKE. 2016.

Categories: climate change, coast, marine, pacific, adaptation, aquaculture, fisheries

2016 United States Link
Matt Richtel and Fernanda Santosapril. 2016. Wildfires, Once Confined to a Season, Burn Earlier and Longer. New York Times.

Categories: Wildfire, Climate Change

2016 National Link
AMS. 2016. State of the Climate in 2015.

Categories: climate science, climate change, climate assessment, monitoring

2016 National, Global, International Link
Gilles, Nathan. Threat of Salmon Extinction Turns Small Tribe Into Climate Researchers. Yes!Magazine. 2016.

Categories: fish havens, salmon heath, stream repopulation, watershed, temperature, climate change

2016 Washington state Link
Morelli, T.L., Daly, C., Dobrowski, S.Z., Dulen, D.M., Ebersole, J.L., Jackson, S.T., Lundquist, J.D., Millar, C.I., Maher, S.P., Monahan, W.B. and Nydick, K.R., 2016. Managing climate change refugia for climate adaptation. PLoS One, 11(8), p.e0159909.

Categories: climate change, refugia, policy, planning, management, technical skills, climate sciecne, climate projection, adaptation

2016 Glodal, International, United States Link