
Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.

Publication Sort descending Year Geography Website
Paisano, E. L., 1995: The American Indian, Eskimo, and Aleut Population. Population Profile of the United States 1995. U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Reports, Special Studies Series P23-189., R.H. Brown, E.M. Ehrlich, and M.F. Riche, Eds., U.S. Census Bureau, 50-51. URL ↩

Categories: American Indian Population, tribe, indigenous

1995 United States
Palacios, S.L. and Zimmerman, R.C., 2007. Response of eelgrass Zostera marina to CO² enrichment: possible impacts of climate change and potential for remediation of coastal habitats. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 344, pp.1-13.

Categories: Southeast Alaska, Eelgrass, Zostera marina, carbon dioxide, productivity, climate change, coastal, marine resources, habitat, restoration, management, coastal change

2007 Alaska Link
Papiez, C., 2009: Climate Change Implications for the Quileute and Hoh Tribes of Washington: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Assessing Climatic Disruptions to Coastal Indigenous Communities. Master’s Thesis, Environmental Studies. The Evergreen State College, 119 pp. URL

Categories: Climate change, Quileute and Hoh Tribes, Coastal Tribes, Northwest, Traditional Knowledge, tribe, indigenous

2009 Northwest Link
Parkinson, A. J., 2010: Sustainable development, climate change and human health in the Arctic. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 69, 99-105. URL ↩

Categories: Sustainable Development, Human Health, Climate change, tribe, indigenous

2010 Arctic
Parkinson, A. J., and B. Evengård, 2009: Climate change, its impact on human health in the Arctic and the public health response to threats of emerging infectious diseases. Global Health Action, 2, doi:10.3402/gha.v2i0.2075. URL

Categories: Climate change, Health, Arctic, infectious diseases

2009 Arctic Link
Parrotta, John A.; Agnoletti, Mauro. 2012. Traditional forest-related knowledge and climate change. pp. 491-533 (Chapter 13) in: Parrotta, John A. and Trosper, Ronald L., editors. Traditional Forest-Related Knowledge: Sustaining Communities, Ecosystems and Biocultural Diversity. World Forest Series vol. 12. Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands.

Categories: traditional knowledges, Forests, Climate change, tribe, indigenous

2012 Link
Participation of Indigenous Peoples at the United Nations

Categories: Indigenous Peoples, United Nations, Governmental Procedure

2016 International Link
Pathways; Progress and Priorities in Landscape Conservation. Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Et Al, Pathways; Progress and Priorities in Landscape Conservation.

Categories: landscape conservation, recent innovations, action-oriented, pathways, collaboration

2018 National Link
Patrick L. Barnard, Li H. Erikson, Amy C. Foxgrover, Juliette A. Finzi Hart, Patrick Limber, Andrea C. O’Neill, Maarten van Ormondt, Sean Vitousek, Nathan Wood, and Maya K. Hayden & Jeanne M. Jones, March 2019,

Categories: adaptation planning, vulnerability assessments, coastal adaptation, sea level rise, coastal hazards

2019 Coasts Link
Patz JA, Olson SH (2006) Climate change and health: global to local influences on disease risk. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 100(5-6):535-549

Categories: Communicable Diseases, Communicable Diseases transmission, Developing Countries, Global Health, Human Health, Climate change, Risk Assessment, tribe, indigenous

2006 Global Link
Pautasso M., Döring T.F., Garbelotto M., Pellis l. and Jeger, M.J. (2012) Impacts of Climate Change on Plant Diseases—Opinions and Trends. European Journal of Plant Pathology, p.1-19. DOI 10.1007/s10658-012-9936-1.

Categories: Adaptive ecosystem management Biotic interactions Landscape pathology Phytophthora ramorum Plant disease epidemiology Tree fungal pathogens

2012 Northwest Link
PBS. 2017. Broken Treaties: The history of the native people of Oregon and how they went from possessing 100 percent of the state's land to nearly none of it.

Categories: treaties, legislation, policy, management, Federal recognition, traditional lands, treaty lands, sovereignty, self determination

2017 Oregon Link
Pearce, Tristan D., Ford, James D., Laidler, Gita J., Smit, Barry, Duerden, Frank Duerden, Allarut, Mishak, Andrachuk, Mark, Baryluk, Steven, Dialla, Andrew, Elee, Pootoogoo, Goose, Annie, Ikummaq, Theo, Joamie, Eric, Kataoyak, Fred, Loring, Eric, Meakin, Stephanie, Scott Nickels, Scot, Shappa, Kip, Shirley, Jamal, and Johanna Wandel. 2009. Community collaboration and climate change research in the Canadian Arctic. Polar Research 28(1):10–27.

Categories: Adaptation, Canadian Arctic, Climate change, community–researcher collaboration, Inuit, vulnerability, tribe, indigenous

2009 Arctic Link
Pearson, J., Jackson, G., & McNamara, K. E. (2021). Climate-driven losses to Indigenous and local knowledge and cultural heritage. The Anthropocene Review, 0(0). 2021 Link
Penland, Shea, Lynda Wayne, L.D. Britsch, S. Jeffress Williams, Andrew D. Beall, and Victoria Caridas Butterwortk. 2000 Process Classification of Coastal Land Loss between 1932 and 1990 in the Mississippi River Delta Plain, Southeastern Louisiana. Reston, VA: U.S. Geological Survey.

Categories: coastal land loss

2000 Southeast, United States Link
Perdue, Theda. 2012. The Legacy of Indian Removal. The Journal of Southern History 78(1):3-36.

Categories: Historical Displacement, tribe, indigenous

2012 Southwest
Peterson, D. L., McCaffrey, S. M., Patel-Weynand, T. (Eds.). (2022). Wildland Fire Smoke in the United States. Springer Cham

Categories: fire management, smoke, resource book, social issues

2022 National Link
Peterson, Kristina Joy. 2011 Transforming Researchers and Practitioners: The Unanticipated Consequences (Significance) of Participatory Action Research (PAR). Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Urban Studies, University of New Orleans.

Categories: Participatory Action Research (PAR), post-disaster recovery project, Southeast, The Grand Bayou Participatory Action Research (PAR) project, tribe, indigenous

2011 Southeast Link
Pfeiffer J, Voeks R (2008) Biological invasions and biocultural diversity: linking ecological and cultural systems. Environ Conserv 35:281–293. doi:10.1017/S0376892908005146

Categories: Alien species, biocultural diversity, biological invasions, cultural diversity, diaspora, exotic species, indigenous, introduced species, Invasive Species, traditions, Weeds

Philippe. 2017. Food forests are helping these Native American reservations eat healthier.

Categories: climate change, seasonal migration, food production, food justice, social justice, climate justice, human health, noncommunicable diseases, local, sustainable, diet, nutrition, education, access

2017 National Link
Photo Diary: A Week in Rural Alaska Where Climate Change Is Threatening a Village, Its School and Way of Life. The 74 Magazine. 2016.

Categories: climate change, relocation, erosion, infrastructure, school

2016 Alaska, Arctic, Bering Sea Link

Categories: climate change, adaptation, snow, fishing, health, traditional lifestyle

2019 Alaska Link
Pierre-Louis, K. 2017. If the EPA doesn't believe in science, what is it good for? Popular Science.

Categories: claimtea change, environmental protection, budget cuts, governemntal agency, funding, climate science, trump administration, white house. legislation, planning, policy

2017 National Link
Piguet, Etienne. 2008 Climate Change and Forced Migration. New Issues in Refugee Research. Research 2008 Link
Pitz, Charles. 2016. Predicted Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources of Washington State. Washington State Department of Ecology. Publication No. 16-03-006

Categories: Groundwater Resources, Climate Impacts, Hydrology, Climate Assessment, Sea-level Rise

2016 Northwest, Coastal Link
Plumer, B. (2018, May 15). 'Impossible to Ignore': Why Alaska Is Crafting a Plan to Fight Climate Change. Retrieved July 2, 2018, from

Categories: climate change, adaptation, greenhouse gas emissions, relocation, renewable energy

2018 Alaska Link
Popkin, Gabriel. 2017. How Scientists And Indigenous Groups Can Team Up to Protect Forests and Climate. Smithsonianmag.

Categories: climate change, conservation, sustainability, preservation, forest, water, adaptation, mitigation, interagency,

2017 South America, Wasington, D.C., United States, Central America, Global Link
Popovich, N. 2017. Trump’s Executive Order Pushes the U.S. Climate Pledge Further Out of Reach. New York Times.

Categories: climate change, emissions, standards, greenhouse gasses, regulations, deregulated

2017 National Link
Popovich, N., Schlossberg, T. 2017. 23 Environmental Rules Rolled Back in Trump’s First 100 Days.

Categories: climate change, Trump administration, environmentalism, deregulation, emissions, standards, pollution, greenhouse gas regulations, energy, fossil fuels

2017 United States, Global, International Link
POWTEC Environmental Services, LLC., 2005. Kasaan Bay Watershed Management Plan. Prepared for Organized Village of Kasaan Department of Natural Resources.

Categories: Southeast Alaska, watershed, hydrology, precipitation, butter clams, black seaweed, hooligan, herring, sea otter, salmon, fisheries, economy, water quality,

2005 Alaska Link