Tribal leaders, scholars and others working with tribes on climate change issues are increasingly engaged in bringing tribal voices to academic literature, agency climate reports, and other publications to demonstrate the impacts of climate change on indigenous communities in the United States, and the measures tribes across the country are taking to address climate change. Abstracts and materials provided by the publications are included in the descriptions.
Publication | Year Sort ascending | Geography | Website |
Johnson, A.C.; Noel, J.; Gregovich, D.P.; Kruger, L.E., and Buma, B., 2019. Impacts of submerging and emerging shorelines on various biota and indigenous Alaskan harvesting patterns. Journal of Coastal Research, 35(4), 765–775. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208. Categories: Climate change, coastal resilience and vulnerability, landform, isostatic rebound, sea level rise, adaptation |
2019 | Pacific Northwest, Alaska | Link |
Farmington Daily Times Categories: renewable energy, development, Navajo |
2019 | Navajo Nation | Link |
Indigenous Peoples’ Major Group for Sustainable Development (2019). Inclusion, Equality, and Empowerment to Achieve Sustainable Development: Realities of Indigenous Peoples [Thematic Report]. Retrieved from Categories: indigenous peoples, United Nations, IPCC, land management, sovereignty, human rights, indigenous rights |
2019 | International | Link |
Blomberg Categories: keystone, pipeline, NEPA, EIA, fossil fuels |
2019 | U.S. | Link |
Vasan, Thamanna, and David M. Kling. “What Can the Pacific Northwest Oyster Aquaculture Industry Do about Ocean Acidification?” Agriculture and Climate Change Research in the Pacific Northwest, Agriculture Climate Network, 25 Apr. 2019, Categories: ocean acidification, oysters, shellfish, industry, aquaculture |
2019 | Pacific Northwest Coast | Link |
Native News Online Categories: government, tribal, relations |
2019 | U.S. | Link |
Indian Country Today Categories: wildfires, mitigation, Apache, BIA |
2019 | U.S. | Link |
Erika S. Rubenson and Julian D. Olden "Growth and Recruitment of Nonnative Smallmouth Bass along the Upstream Edge of Its Riverine Distribution," Northwest Science 93(1), 1-15, (31 May 2019). Categories: river systems, smallmouth bass, fish growth and survival, non-native species, salmon habitat, Northwest, management |
2019 | Northwest | Link |
Yes! magazine Categories: adaptation, tribes, climate change, Washington |
2019 | Washinton, Pacific Northwest | Link |
Ryan E Emanuel; Water in the Lumbee World: A River and Its People in a Time of Change, Environmental History, Volume 24, Issue 1, 1 January 2019, Pages 25–51, Categories: landscapes, indigenous communities, culture and history, environmental justice |
2019 | North Carolina | Link |
Patrick L. Barnard, Li H. Erikson, Amy C. Foxgrover, Juliette A. Finzi Hart, Patrick Limber, Andrea C. O’Neill, Maarten van Ormondt, Sean Vitousek, Nathan Wood, and Maya K. Hayden & Jeanne M. Jones, March 2019, Categories: adaptation planning, vulnerability assessments, coastal adaptation, sea level rise, coastal hazards |
2019 | Coasts | Link |
A. Park Williams John T. Abatzoglou Alexander Gershunov Janin Guzman‐Morales Daniel A. Bishop Jennifer K. Balch Dennis P. Lettenmaier. July 2019. "Observed Impacts of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Wildfire in California". Categories: climate change, wildfires, warming temperatures |
2019 | California | Link |
Jolly, W.M.; Freeborn, P.H.; Page, W.G.; Butler, B.W. Severe Fire Danger Index: A Forecastable Metric to Inform Firefighter and Community Wildfire Risk Management. Fire 2019, 2, 47. Categories: fire danger, firefighter safety, community fire risk, forecast, sever fire danger index |
2019 | Link | |
Missoulian Categories: Flathead River, landscapes, Federal, land management, administration |
2019 | Flathead River, United States | Link |
Rebecca Tsosie, Tribal Data Governance and Informational Privacy: Constructing "Indigenous Data Sovereignty", 80 Mont. L. Rev. 229 (2019). Categories: data sovereignty, data collection, traditional knowledge, data protection, information, privacy |
2019 | Link | |
Washington Post Categories: climate change, disaster, EPA |
2019 | United States | Link |
Jaime O. Yazzie et al. Diné kinship as a framework for conserving native tree species in climate change, Ecological Applications (2019). Categories: climate change, ecosystems, indigenous knowledge, climate modeling, forest management, ecosystem services |
2019 | Link | |
Journal of Ocean Technology | 2019 | National | Link |
Marks-Marino, D. (2019) Native Youth Community Adaptation and Leadership Congress. Climate Change Program, Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, Northern Arizona University. Available at: Categories: Native American youth, community, adaptation, leadership, climate change, training |
2019 | National | Link |
Oregon State University Categories: Bees, fire, forests, climate change |
2019 | Pacific Northwest | Link |
NPR Categories: fish, shellfish, clams, food source, climate change |
2019 | Puget Sound | Link |
OPB Categories: natural gas, policy and law, Jordan Cove, energy |
2019 | Oregon | Link |
University of Washington Categories: streams, water flow, fish, wildlife, surface water |
2019 | Pacific Northwest | Link |
PhysOrg Categories: climate change, adaptation, snow, fishing, health, traditional lifestyle |
2019 | Alaska | Link |
Intercontinental Cry Categories: coastal, resiliency, House Bill 729, ecological, shorelines |
2019 | National | Link |
Haugo, R. D., Kellogg, B. S., Cansler, C. A., Kolden, C. A., Kemp, K. B., Robertson, J. C., . . . Restaino, C. M. (2019). The missing fire: Quantifying human exclusion of wildfire in Pacific Northwest forests, USA. Ecosphere, 10(4). doi:10.1002/ecs2.2702 Categories: wildfire, PNW, fire regimes, ecosystems, adaptation |
2019 | Pacific Northwest | Link |
ISTOCK Categories: drought, natural disasters, food planning, storage, TEK, technology |
2019 | California, National | Link |
Categories: climate change adaptation, mitigation, resilience, sustainability, community |
2019 | Inuvialuit Settlement Region | Link |
US Forest Service Categories: watershed restoration, memorandum of understanding, fish, wildlife, culturally relevant places, stewardship |
2019 | National | Link |
Broyles, Robin. "Native Fire". Bureau of Indian Affairs releases Native Fire - An Educational Video about the Safe Use and Application of Prescribed Fire. June 2019. Categories: prescribed fire, traditional ecological knowledge, ecosystem restoration, community |
2019 | Southern Plains | Link |
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